The Patriot Post® · Christopher Wray Is Wrong

By Gary Bauer ·

FBI Director Christopher Wray’s response to the Durham report was less than reassuring.  Wray acknowledged that the FBI has “implemented dozens of corrective actions” that “could have prevented the missteps” Durham identified if they had been in place in 2016.
Director Wray is either misinformed or he’s lying.  Either way, he’s clearly wrong. 
As former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy put it:
“Just so I have this straight, we’ve implemented new FBI training so that agents know they shouldn’t swear in [FISA] court applications to the truth of political opposition research that they haven’t corroborated? What was the prior training that said that was OK?”
As John Durham noted, additional rules and regulations are fruitless if fidelity and integrity don’t mean anything.
The sad fact is that nothing has been done to prevent the brazen politicization that happened in 2016.  I know that because the brazen politicization is still happening. 
Biden’s FBI spied on concerned parents at school board meetings!
Biden’s FBI spied on conservative churches!
Biden’s FBI is persecuting pro-life activists!
Biden’s FBI raided Trump’s home but not Joe Biden’s over the same issue!
Biden’s FBI is refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena in order to conceal Biden’s corruption!
This is important to keep in mind, my friends:  While Donald Trump and his top officials were put through the wringer, the real victims are the 63 million Americans who voted for Trump in 2016 and the 74 million Americans who voted for him in 2020. 
We are the ones who now have targets on our backs. 
We were the ones who were censored on social media for telling the truth. 
We are the ones who are labeled “domestic terrorists” for trying to protect our children in the public schools or for defending innocent preborn babies. 
Our religious liberty, our free speech and our Second Amendment rights are all under attack now. 
And five Supreme Court justices are being attacked because they are now the last line of defense for our values.  
No one, including conservatives, can say anymore, “Oh, it’s just a few bad apples at the FBI.”  It’s not just a few bad apples. 
There are many good men and women who work at the FBI, but the rot is much deeper than we realized.  The FBI is being used as a weapon to destroy populist conservatives. 
This simple fact alone — that federal law enforcement has been corrupted to work against half of America — is reason enough to make sure that Joe Biden does not get four more years in office, no matter who runs against him!