The Patriot Post® · In Brief: Rise of the War on White People

By Political Editors ·

The Left traffics in racial division, and white people are the most common targets these days. Ed Brodow explains:

We are accustomed to defining racism as discrimination aimed exclusively at black people and other minorities. The definition must be expanded to include discrimination against whites, which is just as bad as discrimination against blacks or anyone else. What the political left calls “anti-racism” is really code language for racism against white people. An anti-white racial inquisition is poisoning America by contributing to an already divided nation. According to Gallup, the percentage of Americans who agree that black-white relations are good is at a 20-year low.

That’s because we’re being inundated with the message that whites are horrible racists and anyone “of color” is terribly oppressed.

Whites are being demonized, marginalized, stereotyped, denigrated, and suppressed at every turn. We have reached the point where no one likes white people. It’s not just people of color. Even white people dislike white people. There is open season on whites and, strange as it may seem, large segments of the white population are all for it. Many gullible whites are ashamed to be white and apologize every chance they get.

Whites are being brainwashed to hate themselves and many are capitulating. No one wants to be called “racist.” Because of this, gullible whites are surrendering to the demand of Black Lives Matter thugs that whites should genuflect before black people. I didn’t believe it until someone showed me a video of a large crowd of whites on their knees in Bethesda, Maryland, as they were led through a mass confession of their alleged racism. It reminded me of the Chinese Cultural Revolution where victims were forced to admit various crimes before a crowd of people who would verbally and physically abuse them.

Diversity training such as the programs sponsored by the City of Seattle and the Coca-Cola Company typically demand that all white employees “undo their whiteness.” These popular trainings have become a multi-billion-dollar industry. Not only have they failed to create more diversity, their actual purpose is the suppression of white people. They are all about racial indoctrination, not diversity. If black people were required to “undo their blackness,” riots would go on for weeks.

It may be “wrongthink” to say so, but Brodow thinks whites deserve more credit for important achievements.

White men founded our republic. White men ended slavery. Whites are largely responsible for the day-to-day commerce that puts food on the table and clothing on our backs. Like it or not, white people drive the engine that makes our country work. Their track record hasn’t been perfect, but their values stand as a role-model for the world. With the civil rights legislation of the 1960s, whites made it possible for blacks and other minorities to become full partners in the American Dream. “White power” was unchallenged up to that time—yet willingly, unilaterally, they relinquished it. No one forced them to do these things. They acted because it was the right thing to do. What are they getting in return? Contempt, hatred, and intolerance.

He goes on at length talk about that contempt before concluding what even leading black thinkers agree: “White institutional racism is a thing of the past.”

We need to unite the country more than ever, yet large segments of our population are doing all they can to marginalize white people as an oppressor class. As a white man who has oppressed no one, I am appalled at the inquisition against whites and hope we can get this straightened out before we wind up with a nation full of racial neurotics.

Read the whole thing here.