The Patriot Post® · Did the ChiCom Military Develop COVID?

By Nate Jackson ·

Some things never change. More than 10 years ago, political observer David Burge quipped: “Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving.”

One story that illustrates that as well as any is the theory that the coronavirus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. As comedian Jon Stewart famously mocked: “There’s a novel respiratory coronavirus overtaking Wuhan, China, what do we do? Oh, you know, who we could ask? The Wuhan novel respiratory coronavirus lab. The disease is the same name as the lab.”

Even with lefties like Stewart clearly on the case, American authorities and the Leftmedia preferred to cover the Wuhan lab leak … with a pillow. In fact, Leftmedia “fact-checkers” routinely tried to stamp out that story in favor of the preposterous idea that bats infected people at a wet market. Slowly, as the evidence mounted, that suppression eased, and more news outlets grudgingly and quietly admitted that COVID probably came from the lab.

Not that there will be any consequences for China from the weak Biden administration. Not when the “Big Guy” and his family got a hefty pay day from the ChiComs.

In any case, the UK’s Sunday Times committed actual journalism and dropped a bombshell report alleging that not only was the virus leaked, but the Chinese military was involved.

Researchers “were combining the world’s most deadly coronaviruses to create a new mutant virus,” the Times says. This gain-of-function research using viruses collected from bats was funded in part with U.S. taxpayer money funneled from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through EcoHealth Alliance, which almost certainly lied to keep the funding coming, and conducted by “researchers from the Chinese military” who were “pursuing bioweapons.”

Even most proponents of the lab-leak theory have been hesitant to claim COVID was the result of deliberate bioweapon development, so if true this is huge.

Aside from the appalling lack of curiosity by the American media, the Chinese government has stonewalled at every turn. The ChiComs have denied the virus even originated in China, blamed the U.S. military, and ludicrously undercounted Chinese deaths. They effectively control the World Health Organization.

And they likely are responsible for at least seven million deaths worldwide.

The Times lays out an extensive report on the progression of events and decisions leading up to the first reported infections. Journalists at the Times pored over documents, reports, memos, and the like, as well as interviewed State Department investigators. That last part is key in terms of corroborating the Times’s conclusions.

Are any American media reporting on this blockbuster? Nope.

Searching Google, all you’ll find is foreign or off-beat sources. No New York Times, no Washington Post, no CBS News, no nothing. Either American media outlets are waiting for the parchment copy of the news to arrive on the next boat from England, or they’ve covered the news with a pillow.

The consequences of the virus, the lies, the censorship, and the tyrannical response to it all are hard to overstate. Millions died, often totally alone with loved ones locked outside. Our roaring economy was gutted by shutdowns and then massive government spending. Perhaps $420 billion in supposed relief money was stolen and wasted, news reports just yesterday indicate. Our children were kept out of school and suffered loss of education and mental health issues. President Donald Trump was defeated, leading to a prolonged economic malaise and a weaker America to oppose China.

More than three years later, a news outlet — in Great Britain — finally gets around to reporting that the Chinese military was behind it the whole time. This pandemic was as destructive and debilitating as a major war, and it worked about as well to weaken the West as the most malevolent Chinese military leaders could have imagined.

If only initial reports about the lab had been called the Wuhan Dossier, the American people might have known about it in time for it to matter for public policy and elections instead of just the history books.