The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: Student Loan Payment Pause Created More Debt

“I took advantage of the first moratorium on student loan repayment, but when it ended in August 2020, I started my payments again and have done so ever since. When Mr. Biden announced his ‘forgiveness’ plan, I considered in unconstitutional and still do. As a result, I opted out immediately. I took on this debt with the understanding that I would have to pay it back. A ‘lab leak’ in China does not relieve me of that responsibility. I do not understand why those who entered their debt agreements think that the taxpayer (myself included) should pay their loans. If this is approved by SCOTUS, I will be paying others’ debts as well as my own.” —Arizona

“I’m seeing a pattern. We’ve all watched the erosion of our nation’s morality regarding sexual preference and the grooming of our children, and now we’re watching the ‘financial groomers’ pervert the science of economics. Who would have guessed these idealistic children would use the relief to dig their debt pit even deeper? I would have liked going to college, but I was too busy working to raise a family. Now I’m glad I skipped it. The idea of forgiving loan debt is repulsive, unfair, and shows the co-dependence of our government and president with the dysfunctional children who don’t seem to ripen into adults like they once did. They’re grooming our justice system by reducing penalties and ignoring the lawlessness.” —Oregon

“There are a couple feasible solutions to this perceived catastrophe: 1) Get a job. 2) Apply yourself in high school and get some scholarships. 3) Parenting. I didn’t get to go to college because I had to support my family at 19. I believe I am better off as a person because I do not expect someone else to bear my responsibilities. I don’t have much, but it is mine and I owe no one.” —Montana

“Psych 101 teaches that reinforcing behavior produces the same behavior. Allowing delinquent loan borrowers more delays doesn’t encourage loan repayment; it reinforces profligacy. In the 1960s, JFK’s Peace Corps taught: ‘Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.’ At Jamestown, John Smith decreed, ‘He that will not work shall not eat’ (1607). And that is from a letter written over 2,000 years ago (2 Thessalonians 3:10). There is no rational, ethical, or moral support that can justify charity without merit by taxing the meritorious.” —Missouri

“This serves to dramatize the old saying, ‘If once you allow bad behavior, you will probably encounter more bad behavior.’ Like raising a child that is not held responsible for their actions, you wind up with an irresponsible adult!” —Maryland

“This should be a cautionary tale for those who advocate giving hundreds of thousands of dollars in ‘slavery reparations’ to pretty much anyone who ever heard the word ‘slavery.’ Aside from the horrendous social consequences of so abandoning any semblance of equality before the law, the effect on the black community would be catastrophic. Six decades of public largesse has only made things worse, and for many, this sudden influx would quickly be gone too.” —Georgia

Re: Toronto Blue Jays’ LGBTQ+ Cultural Imperialism

“It is time for American Patriots to boycott MLB like we did Target and Bud Light. That means no watching or going to games plus no wearing any MLB apparel! Maybe they’ll get the message that we Patriots will not tolerate this radical agenda being shoved down our throats. It is none of my business what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedroom, and it needs to stay that way!” —Indiana

“The Toronto Blue Jays’ glory days have long passed, and catering to a bunch of child molesters won’t bring them to fiscal sanity. May this be a lesson for anyone who thinks they can be wishy-washy to these savages, which has time and again been proven wrong. Stand up for what is right and stay that way. Never underestimate the power of God.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Turns Out Those LGBTQ Polls Are Maybe Incorrect

“‘Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall’ (Proverbs 16:18). Promulgating LGBTQ conduct requires cognitive dissonance. Throughout all human history, there is no evidence of any culture that promoted LGBTQIA+ conduct and survived. Thus, either this social contagion is unprecedented and by definition neither natural nor helpful to social health, or previous LGBTQ cultures failed, died, and are buried in history. ‘Better it is to be of a lowly spirit with the poor, than to divide the spoil with the proud’ (Proverbs 16:19). Our wealth afforded this decadence. Unless we repent, our liberty will pay the cost.” —Missouri

Re: In Brief: Radicalizing Military Education

“Military enlistment is down in all the service branches. In order for a communist or dictator to take control of a country, he needs to have the military under his control. Only then can he successfully enslave the populace. If our military schools, etc., are more interested in DEI instead of real military people, it won’t be long before a dictator can slip right in and we become another third-world country. We scoff and say it can’t happen in America. Guess what? It can. And with the administration we have now and the Democrats/socialists running things, it may be sooner rather than later.” —Arizona

Re: Flyover Country

“I was born and raised in Iowa and can attest that ‘flyover country’ is what America used to be. No one locked their doors and everyone knew everyone. I praise God I will not live long enough to see the world that my grandchildren will become adults in.” —California