The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·


“When you have bombs going off, and you have damage to septic tanks or to power centers, etc., you have an enormous release of greenhouse gas, of methane, you know, all of the family of greenhouse gases. And the result is it’s adding to the problem.” —climate czar John Kerry regarding the Russia/Ukraine war

Braying Jennies

“These Supreme Court justices have been receiving financial benefits from billionaire benefactors with interest and cases before the Supreme Court. And that is something that we have to put a stop to right now. … I believe that there should be congressional investigations into the Supreme Court and into this unethical activity. The Senate asked Chief Justice Roberts to … testify before the Senate regarding these deeply disturbing revelations, and the chief justice said no. … If they refuse to come up, then I believe we should submit a subpoena in order to investigate.” —Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

“I don’t believe the administration deserves any blame for [Afghanistan]. We have to remember that Donald Trump made this agreement with the Taliban. Secondly, the Trump administration literally gutted our State Department and our diplomatic core.” —Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA)

Dumb & Dumber

“It’s not that [Chinese President Xi Jinping is] a bad guy or a good guy. The circumstances are enormously complicated.” —Joe Biden

“The president and I have been closely monitoring what must happen to ensure that the federal bench reflects the faces and the names and the numbers of all people in our country.” —Kamala Harris

The BIG Lies

“Let’s not forget, when [Biden] walked into the administration, the economy was at a freefall.” —White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (“When Biden took office, inflation was at 1.4% and gas was $2.39/gal. Today, inflation has been at or above 4% for two years and gas is $3.54/gal.” —RNC)

“Bidenomics is working. It is actually working.” —Karine Jean-Pierre

“The price of oil is actually down, not up.” —Joe Biden

Hunter, Call Your Office

“We have to hold every drug user accountable, because if there were no drug users, there would be no appetite for drugs and there’d be no market for them.” —Joe Biden in 1989

Delusions of Grandeur

“It is truly an honor and privilege to be speaking for this president because of everything that I have gone through and everything that I represent.” —Karine Jean-Pierre

Belly Laugh of the Week

“Very often when I meet with colleagues or individuals that I have not met with before, they are surprised that I do my homework a lot.” —Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Village Idiots

“Show me all the trans people who are nefariously taking advantage of being trans in sports. It’s just not happening. … I see trans women as real women.” —U.S. women’s soccer player Megan Rapinoe

“This film [‘Sound of Freedom’] is being marketed to either specific QAnon believers or to people who believe all of the same tenets as QAnon but claim they don’t know what it is.” —author Mike Rothschild

“Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America.” —The Guardian

“The QAnon-tinged thriller [‘Sound Of Freedom’] about child-trafficking is designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer.” —Rolling Stone

“‘Sound of Freedom’ is a box office hit whose star embraces QAnon.” —The Washington Post

“‘Sound of Freedom’ Is an Anti-Child Trafficking Fantasy Fit for QAnon.” —Jezebel

For the Record

“Netflix paid for Cuties… and they turned down the Sound of Freedom.” —Tim Young


“Because of mandates from the EPA and other government agencies around the world, automakers like GM and Chrysler pay Tesla, one of their competitors, hundreds of millions of dollars for emissions credits. The legendary Hemi engine is arguably dead because this arrangement is no longer economically feasible for Stellantis, which now owns Dodge and Chrysler. In what kind of world does one company pay a penalty to a competitor? A socialist one.” —Nate Jackson