The Patriot Post® · The Desperation to Silence the 'Sound of Freedom'

By Samantha Koch ·

The movie “Sound of Freedom” has taken the U.S. by storm.

With only a $14 million budget, and the hopes and prayers of all those involved in its production, there were no guarantees on how the movie would be received or that the message would have its desired effect — to wake people up to the realities of child trafficking, fuel conversations about its root causes, and inspire people to get involved in stopping this horrific industry. Yet, having surpassed $85 million1 at the box office in just a two-week timeframe, it appears as though the public has received the message with open minds and arms. This positive reception has sent the Leftmedia and the Hollywood elite into a frenzy of attempts to debunk and minimize the impact.

To a morally sound person, the depraved, inhumane, and drastically rising problem of child trafficking should be a unifying concern, regardless of political affiliation. However, as we’ve learned over the last few years, there is nothing off limits to far-left lunatics when it comes to what they will dismiss as a “conspiracy theory2.” In this case, they’ve done so even though it means mocking legitimate concerns about sexually exploiting children just for the opportunity to smear their political opponents.

The question is, are their attacks against the Angel Studios movie simply about gaining political ground, or could it possibly have something to do with their indirect complicity in this growing market?

According to thorn.org3, a nonprofit anti-trafficking organization that has gathered FBI statistics, the ethnic background of the vast majority of “all juvenile arrests for commercial sex acts are African American children.” And “over 91% of the girls participating in Los Angeles STAR Court … are African American or Latino.” Also, the primary factor that would lead them to be sexually exploited is being a refugee or migrant from another country.

“Sound of Freedom” producer Eduardo Vestagui has repeatedly cited4 the verifiable statistic that the United States is the number one consumer of online child pornography in the world, and Mexico is the number one provider of the young subjects for this type of material.

Based on those facts, it would make sense to examine the rapid deterioration of the border between the United States and Mexico over the last two and a half years. We could then conclude the obvious: The current U.S. administration’s policies have moved law enforcement out of the way and allowed for a direct pipeline of the primary supply to the demand of the primary consumer. The wall that would have funneled traffickers through the inspection process of Border Patrol agents, who would then have been able to separate minor victims from their captors, was one of the first projects5 to end via Joe Biden’s signature in 2021. Since then, the efforts to smear and vilify law enforcement who would hold these migrant criminals accountable have been relentless.

Another factor in furthering the vulnerability of children for possible sexual exploitation is to normalize nudity and other inappropriate activities and behaviors for children between themselves and adults. That will break down defensive instincts they may have otherwise used against those who would want to interact with them in this way.

Sexually explicit material, entertainment, themes, and stories that are specifically targeted toward younger and younger age groups have become rampant6 in today’s society, and children are systemically being desensitized to content that has been devastating to their self-worth. The result of raising children in a hypersexualized world is that they see no need to protect themselves. They also will not develop an ability to recognize what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior, and their conscience that would have driven them to stop it upon seeing it or experiencing it will be silenced.

Welfare and foster systems are also prime suppliers for trafficking rings that thrive on children with no support system, capitalizing on the fact that they are alone. They fill a void where a young person is craving guidance and needing survival resources, and then pull them into a world of suffering with no one to pull them out of it.

Leftist legislation is part of the problem. AB 9577 in California adds not “affirming” a child’s gender as “abuse” to the state’s welfare guidelines and allows social services to remove a child from his or her loving home and place him or her in the foster system. That’s just one example of the policies leftists are pushing that could be seen as fuel for the child-trafficking market.

California Democrats also temporarily blocked a bill that would have made trafficking children a “serious felony.” No sensible explanation was offered for the decision to keep this bill from moving forward, though it eventually did.

Drug addiction is another driving factor for selling children in one form or another, with familial trafficking8 becoming more pervasive, as parents sell their own children to fund their addictions. And as the supply of drugs continues to surge thanks to negligent border policies, the need to finance these habits will go along with it.

When it comes to the movie “Sound of Freedom,” which is inspiring thousands of people to take an interest in the subject of child exploitation, the media and the Left’s reaction is just as expected. If I were sitting at the root causes of these issues, I would be trying to debunk anything that might inspire people to look my way, too.
