The Patriot Post® · Thursday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

The BIG Lies

“As we have said multiple times, our border enforcement plan works.” —White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

“Our approach to managing the border securely and humanely, even within our fundamentally broken immigration system, is working.” —DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

Lack of Self-Awareness

“Republicans have not established any legitimate grounds to impeach Secretary Mayorkas. … Policy disagreements and personal grudges are not a basis for impeachment.” —Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY)

“The Republican desire to impeach someone, anyone, no matter if there’s any evidence, just shows how they have descended into chaos.” —Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA)

Hot Air

“From day one, President Biden has treated climate change with the urgency it requires.” —Karine Jean-Pierre

“The importance of climate is shown on a 90-degree day.” —Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

Grand Delusions

“When my husband … took office two and a half years ago, he made a promise to the American people that he would rebuild the systems that were broken and fortify our institutions; that he would work to bring divided communities back together; and that he would put us on a path to a better, brighter future while restoring our leadership on the world stage. And he did.” —Jill Biden

“The greatest threat facing our homeland is white nationalist ideology.” —Congressman Hank Johnson (D-GA)


“[Texas Governor Greg] Abbott proved to [New York City Mayor Eric] Adams and other Democrats in sanctuary cities around the country that their rhetoric means nothing when confronted by the true scale of the illegal entry problem. Perhaps it made them feel good to talk about sanctuary and welcoming and unity in opposition to the hated Trump. But it won’t solve the immense problem that President Biden’s policies have created.” —Byron York

“The critics slamming the Florida [Social Studies] curriculum might consider the testimony of Booker T. Washington, the great 19th-century educator and civil rights leader. Though he was born into slavery and wrote eloquently of its bitterness, Washington was likewise of the view that ‘notwithstanding the cruel wrongs inflicted upon us,’ plantation life had left formerly enslaved people with one advantage: a degree of ‘self-reliance and self-help’ that many white people lacked.” —Jeff Jacoby

“Democracy cannot survive for long if one of the nation’s two major political parties wants to put blinders on the public, limiting their access to information and canceling political opponents. That’s a rigged system. Ask the Iranians, Russians or Chinese. … Trusting government to be your eyes and ears is crazy.” —Betsy McCaughey

“Feminism set the stage for trans activists by insisting for years that there are no significant or inherent differences between men and women apart from anatomy. They are the ones who came up with the idea that most differences between the sexes were ‘social constructs.’” —Matt Walsh