The Patriot Post® · Biden's Lies Exposed

By Gary Bauer ·

Amidst all the drama in a Delaware courtroom last week, there was a revealing moment when Hunter Biden admitted that he was paid a significant amount of money from a Chinese company.

This is important because Joe Biden and his defenders have adamantly denied that Hunter or anyone in the Biden family got money from communist China.

In fact, there was a very dramatic moment during the 2020 presidential debate when Joe Biden angrily denounced the idea that Hunter made money in communist China.

Well, that was a lie and Hunter just admitted it in court.

Remember, Hunter’s infamous laptop was the source of that information, but we weren’t allowed to talk about that.

Immediately after denouncing Trump for truthfully saying that Hunter made money in communist China, Joe Biden also used the fake letter from Deep State operatives that his campaign orchestrated to falsely label the laptop as “Russian disinformation.”

So, let’s recap: Elements of our own government — not Russia’s — knew the laptop was real and they allowed Biden to get away with lying in order to influence the outcome of the election. And it wasn’t until last week, when Hunter’s corrupt, sweetheart plea deal blew up, that the Bidens were forced to admit the truth.

Now, will any Democrats, Deep State operatives who signed that fake letter, or their media allies also admit the truth — that Joe Biden lied to the American people and that the 2020 election was manipulated by government censorship?

By the way, more ludicrous charges were filed Thursday against Trump by Biden’s special hitman, I mean special prosecutor, in a blatant attempt to get Hunter Biden off the front pages. More charges may be coming soon from another left-wing prosecutor in Georgia.

Every time such charges are filed it tells you what the left’s intent is and why it will be so hard to bring the country together: They want Trump to die in prison. Repeat that line again: They want Trump to die in prison. And if the left gets away with prosecuting Trump, they will persecute all of us.