The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: Profiles of Valor: Gen. John Kelly, USMC

“As a former career Marine officer and fighter pilot, I fully appreciate Alexander’s applause for General Kelly. When Donald Trump tapped him, along with Generals Dunford and Mattis, I had high hopes for our country. Sadly, DJT is a self-centered, egotistical narcissist, and that character trait has cost him dearly. He made that clear when he turned on Mattis, Dunsford, and Kelly. Like Alexander, I voted twice for DJT and I will vote for him again if he is the Republican nominee. But I have no respect for DJT. He was simply the lesser of two evils. I am even less of a fan of our military leaders these days … and I use the term ‘leaders’ loosely.” —Maryland

“General Kelly is a most humble man who earned respect and honor by his exemplary service to our country. Trump demeaned General Kelly and his wife. I was taught actions speak louder than words. I don’t trust Trump — he serves, first and foremost, his own insatiable ego. General Kelly is by far the better man.” —California

“Your comments on Trump’s personal attacks on Kelly, Pence, Pompeo, and Barr are spot on.” —Florida

“General Kelly and his son Robert Kelly both did their duty as Marines for God and Country. Trump tossed Kelly under the bus, as Trump has done to others when he didn’t need them. That character flaw, plus many other flaws, will lead to another Trump loss in 2024 if he is the nominee. I voted for Trump twice but will not vote for him on the 11/24 ballot. Please, GOP, run a uniter, not a divider!” —Wisconsin

“General Kelly’s speech is absolutely inspiring — a man we would gladly follow into battle. I’m sure he has to bite his tongue when the subject of Trump comes up. So many loyal people he has cast off because of his ego. I too voted for him twice, as I liked what he did for the country. I suspect he will be the GOP nominee, so I too will, grudgingly, vote for him again. The USS America ship needs to be righted, but we don’t need four more years of revenge politics.” —West Virginia

Re: Biden’s Lies Exposed

“No, the Left doesn’t care if Trump goes to prison — it only wants the Republicans to nominate the weakest possible candidate for president in 2024, and that candidate is none other than Donald Trump. If Mr. Trump also gets convicted of something, anything, that’s just ‘gravy’!” —Colorado

Re: Archer Hits the Target: Joe Biden

“The trouble with the Democrat ‘no evidence to see here’ narrative is that, just as in Watergate, there will soon be evidence to see if the House Republicans launch an impeachment inquiry with the more intelligent lawyer representatives leading it. If Biden is impeached for bribery, a specified charge in the Constitution, on the strength of verified evidence, Democrat senators will risk electoral defeat if they vote to acquit Biden.” —California

Re: In Brief: The Constitutional Case for Impeaching Mayorkas

“Yes, he needs to be impeached. However, Mayorkas is impeachment-proof just like Dementia Joe since his replacement will undoubtedly be someone even worse. Given the socialist clown show in DC, it goes without saying that his replacement will just be another useful idiot who will continue to ensure the foreign invasion at our borders never stops, ushering in all those future Dem voters and thus securing Dem power forever — just like they planned.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Tuesday Short Cuts

“By the way, all the stuff we did in the economy, all these programs that we’ve put forward — in the process, I cut the federal debt by $1.7 trillion in two years.” —Joe Biden

“Apparently, Corrupt Joe Biden is as economically illiterate as too many Americans. Knowing the difference between debt and deficit is the keystone of understanding our government’s SPENDING PROBLEM! Until deficit spending is eliminated, the debt will continue to rise, regardless of the misinformation that dominates liberal governance.” —Maryland

Re: Biden Admin Handicaps Auto Manufacturers

“How does Biden have the constitutional authority to ban anything? We have separation of powers. Plus in the Constitution no politician can interfere with commerce. I am totally getting sick of this — banning gas cars, gas stoves, washers and dryers, fans, refrigerators, water heaters, cigars, and fine doctors who do not do transgender mutilation of children. When did he become a dictator? Banning incandescent bulbs is also not in his authority.” —California

“Maybe this was one of the ‘deals’ that China paid Biden for — destroy gasoline engine production and replace it with electric cars only, which coincidentally are dependent upon Chinese-made parts. Hmmm, it gets more and more curious.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Tuesday: Below the Fold

“The reasoning behind the transgender lobby’s use of the term ‘chestfeeding’ baffles me. We are asked to believe that a person who possesses a uterus and in that womb gestates a baby is nevertheless a ‘man.’ Yet when that ‘man’ then feeds that baby, those aren’t breasts that ‘he’ is using? Since we’re all apparently living in some mirror universe now anyway, it would be appropriate for the transgender mafia to adopt as its mascot the White Queen from Lewis Carrol’s ‘Through the Looking Glass.' She famously boasted that she had sometimes 'believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.’ In woke circles, that would be considered slacking…” —Georgia

Re: ‘You Can’t Change Your Race!’

“Appropriation of a minority identity via ‘transracialism’ is theft of liberalism’s most treasured status: victimhood. Your position in the Left’s victim hierarchy is fixed at birth, and you may not aspire to a greater status (though ‘double-dipping’ — as a Hispanic homosexual, for example — yields a higher level than does either trait alone). Nor can any individual success repeal your victimhood; black millionaires are still ‘oppressed.’ Only ‘transgenders’ change status, immediately rising to the top of the pyramid. That’s why they’re so desperate to believe they were ‘in the wrong bodies’ their entire lives: because that means their dysphoria is but yet another immutable victim trait, just one that wasn’t immediately evident.” —Georgia

Re: Boy Scouts Limp Along

“I am an Eagle Scout. As an adult, I have been a Scoutmaster and served all kinds of troop and council committees. But … allowing homosexual Scoutmasters to go camping with our boys was totally unacceptable. Frankly, I am amazed the organization is still limping along. Hard to figure out what parent would ever allow their son to be put in harm’s way by having homosexual leaders.” —Montana

Re: NAACP Finally Gets Crime?

“‘Nothing will change’ until the majority-black leadership decides to enforce ALL of the laws, change the arc of their school systems, and promote strong nuclear families. The black communities they lead and represent must join ranks, demand better results, and begin to accept their own responsibilities and refuse to be victims. Continue to vote for policies and politicians that continue the victimhood and you will reap what they sow.” —Maryland

Re: Profiles of Valor: Harry Truman’s Medal of Honor?

“Thank you for this profile on ‘Give 'em Hell Harry’! Like you noted regarding your father, were it not for what President Truman did, my father would have never come home, married a hometown Kansas gal, and had me, his only daughter. Much respect, honor, and devotion I owe the military and those military men who then go on to serve in public life. ‘Thank you,’ as my dad taught me, is how we should live as Americans.” —California