The Patriot Post® · A NICU Nurse's Mercy Killings

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

“A British nurse has been found guilty of murdering seven premature babies in a neonatal unit,” reports LifeNews.

It’s hard to believe that this headline is real and not just from a movie that captures the evil spirit of humanity. What’s even harder to believe is how she took her victims’ lives.

LifeNews says: “Lucy Letby, 33, ‘forced’ air and fluid into one premature baby boy’s stomach and injected milk and insulin into others’ bloodstreams to kill them. There have been suggestions the nurse allegedly murdered the babies in ‘mercy killings,’ because many were premature and needed medical care.”

The article further states: “According to police, investigators also found a series of handwritten notes in Letby’s home in 2018 that appear to confirm the murders. ‘I am evil,’ one note reads. ‘I killed them on purpose because I am not good enough to care for them. I am a horrible, evil person.’”

As horrifying as this incident is, it should not come as a surprise. Current culture has devalued human life and has taught adults that children are an inconvenience when they are not wanted.

The pro-choice movement uses phrases such as “clump of cells,” “fetus,” and “my body, my choice” to dehumanize an unborn baby. This movement has also taught society that if an unborn baby is diagnosed with defects or incurable illnesses, it is loving to end the baby’s life in the womb.

The dehumanization of life makes it easier to dispose of it carefree. In fact, a well-known abortionist in the DC area made headlines when 115 fetal remains linked to his practice were discovered by a pro-life group in 2022. Some of the unborn babies were fully formed, meaning the abortionist may have practiced partial-live abortions on the babies.

The practice of abortion is widely accepted, but many are unaware of how the procedure is performed. Thanks to organizations like Live Action, resources are made available to the public about the truth of abortion. Among those resources are videos where former abortionists talk through how the procedure is performed during all trimesters of pregnancy.

Thanks to these videos, hearts and minds have changed. Those who watch the videos find themselves reevaluating their stance on abortion to even believing it should be abolished.

Life is precious, no matter the circumstances under which it was created. Nurses like Lucy Letby have no right to take a life simply because that life had a rough start. The hope is that justice is done and Letby receives the maximum punishment that British law allows.

Our culture’s outlook on life must change or our society will cease to exist. Birth rates worldwide are in decline while abortion is celebrated. It is easy to become numb to the topic and to use it as a political tool when convenient, but the lives of children should never be a tool to use for convenience.

The trust among medical professionals cannot afford further damage. Stories about medical professionals like Lucy Letby do not help the rebuilding of that trust.