The Patriot Post® · A Coward's Lies And Inaction

By Tom Davis ·

Obama’s bald-faced lies and hi inaction continue to jeopardize all the borders of the United States. Not once during his lackluster presidency has he set foot on our southern border, let alone on those border areas where illegal aliens cross on a daily basis. The area due south of Tucson, as an example, provides at least three routes of ingress used by aliens to enter the United States illegally, they can gather, resupply and cross just east of Nogales or farther east at Naco or yet farther east at Agua Prieta. A casual glance at a map of the area and it is patently clear there is an enormous amount of unpopulated area where foot travelers can go virtually unnoticed. Trails of castoff garbage is the only telltale sign of their passing.

Obama is sitting in our White House or on Air Force One, which makes him the President of some but not this American. American Presidents are usually bolder and braver men. Obama is a brazen coward. He fails to face up to the real problems. First it is not the economy, it is the fact that Obama, the Socialist wants to take care of the poor have-nots, most of whom have been too damned lazy to work. Even beggars know a coward when they see one. His cowardice and lying have made voters unlikely to put their faith in any man of color as a Presidential candidate for years to come. Even a certified hero like Allen West or a decent man like Herman Cain will find it tough to shed Obama’s yellow streak. They might be able to do it if West drew up articles of impeachment against Obama and the House voted to forward them to the Senate for trial.