The Patriot Post® · The Great Pretender

By Tom Davis ·

“Oh yes, I’m the great pretender Just laughing and gay like a clown …” These lyrics from Buck Ram’s terrific hit song made popular by the Platters, is a rather apt depiction of the clown in America’s White House. Obama does not come close to doing justice to the beautiful lyrics in the original. Obama giggles grins and is gay like the clown. Any similarity thereafter is purely accidental. He is just a bad joke. By definition that would mean to be taken not seriously. The joke is on the American electorate who sent the clown into the White House and watched while he did possibly irreparable harm to our nation.

While the Main Stream Media touted him as a great orator, they showed their extremely bad judgment. Obama is unable to speak coherently with out his ever-present teleprompter. He is thoroughly inadequate in any efforts at unrehearsed or off-the-cuff quips result in gaffes. Remember, he had been in 57 States with just a couple more to go. He is totally unprepared to appear in public without a protocol official and even then, he flubs the words, He insults our good friends alienates our allies and in general makes a fool of himself. His obsequiousness to the leaders of Islamic states is an insult to every American. But, then he would miss a photo-op.

Obama has absolutely no notion of military preparedness, leadership, customs or courtesies. He talks the talk after someone with at least a smattering of intelligence has briefed him. He issues orders but fails intolerably to heed the advice of senior commanders; Oh Well, that is bushes fault.

Mark Alexander, Publisher of Patriot Post, in his essay, June 23, noted Obama’s malfeasance. I agree totally, wholeheartedly and believe there are more than enough bad acts by Obama to justify his immediate impeachment.

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