The Patriot Post® · The Devine Right of Kings

By Paul David Keefe ·

The Devine right of Kings expresses a concept we all immediately recognize, intuit or understand. Further, for most in our first world Western culture, it is a quality thought of as part of a by gone era. We remember that the Devine right of Kings belonged to, and was the purview of, the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, and the Babylonian and Sumerian Kings of the Old Testament time frame. We think of Europe as still preserving this cultural belief, as the Kaiser Wilhelm 2, or Czar Nicholas2 so cherished, until the end of WW1, where finally absolute Monarchy and its Devine right of Kings went into permanent retirement. Most, if not all modern day Americans, think of the Devine right of Kings as dead.

Americas founding fathers chose not to partake of a government by Monarchy, so she neither benefited from nor suffered under, the rule of one person believed to have been chosen by the gods, or by God himself. Instead the founding fathers, benefiting from the European enlightenment, chose a check and balance, three branch style of government where no absolute could dominate. Here the founding fathers all agreed, things were well, but there surfaced a problem, state rights versus federal rights. Two camps emerged, they were at the time known as the Federalists and the anti Federalists.

Through the hall of time this one argument would echo back and forth, sometimes favoring one sometimes the other, but one of these times would stand out with all the greatness of something mythical, perhaps something Biblical. That would be the American Civil War, it was here that the federal governments power won out as greater than the states power, and this translated as victory for the Federalist, and defeat for the anti Federalists.

Life moved on, after the war and its subsequent reconstruction, America got back to business, and business in America was capitalism. The new era of capitalism took off with break neck speed, wild and unbridled, mega fortunes were made, and America became increasingly wealthier, things were good for all. However, greed did take hold. Battled erupted between owner and worker, which, in the long run was good for all, as between the hammer and anvil will be forged that which we can all live with, no outside interference needed. This was Americas gilded age.

However, the gilded age of unbridled capitalism did ultimately need outside guidance. It was here that the federal government stepped in to assist, ending the gilded age, and creating the short lived progressive era. Capitalism was bridled by trust buster Teddy Roosevelt and his successor Howard Taft. The wrong things were now righted, all was well. However, inadvertent to the two genuinely noble causes of freeing the slaves and bridling unbridled capitalism by Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Roosevelt, both republicans, was the unintended statement that the federal government was more powerful than states and more powerful than capitalism.

1913, under Wilson, a democrat, a new movement begins, democrat socialism. Apropos to this movement Wilson in his first year in office uses the unintended inadvertencies to take money from capitalism, income tax, and power from state, federal  senators no longer the purview of the states but popular election. Two decades later FDR furthers the democrat socialism by initiating national socialism, through tax and spend work projects that rob the free market and prolong the depression. The 1960s bring LBJ, who through staggering stupidity, decides to stop the spread of socialism with the Vietnam War, ultimately claiming near 60,000 young American lives, while spreading socialism here in America with his great society program.

The 21st century arrives and a new democrat socialist emerges and takes the Presidency. One who is socially bred from birth till adulthood to be the anti American Messiah, generations in the making, he gives Americas wealth to other nations, denies American capitalism the right to prosper, calls for ever greater tax and spend policies, and he, Barac Obama, exudes the air of King, and exercises the Devine right of Kings to destroy America.

What gives Obama his Devine right of Kings? Williams Andrew Clark once said, “I never bought a man that was not for sale,” the democrat party buys every vote that is for sale, and they buy it with money they have appropriated from someone they cannot buy.