The Patriot Post® · The Last Vote

By Henry Bowman ·

In a little more than a year, if the late night radio talk show hosts and their guests are to be believed, we will go to the polls to elect a president for the last time. Many ancient prophets and documents seem to converge on December of 2012 as the date when the current Age will end. This does not mean the literal end of the world i.e., the planet, as in an impact from a mountain-sized asteroid, but rather the end of modern civilization. The source of this apocalypse will be variously famine, plague, nuclear war, social unrest on a global scale, or perhaps all of the above.

Of course, all these talkers could be wrong. But let’s don’t take a chance. When we go to the polls in 2012, let’s try not electing a Democrat or Republican, or even an independent or a greenie. Or at least let’s try not voting for them simply because they are wearing one of these labels.

A Modest Proposal: Let’s try electing an American.

You’ll be able to tell who he is in the same way that you can tell if a duck is a duck; listen to the quack, but watch more closely the wiggle in the walk.

The “American” candidate will care more about this country than about baby-sitting and policing the rest of the world. He (note: I’m old-fashioned, and was taught that the masculine includes the feminine) will not promote short-term projects which benefit the few at the long-term expense of the many. He will not send one American dollar overseas so long as there is one American going to bed hungry, but neither will he support a welfare state that feels it must pick up the tab for every freeloader that thinks his government owes him a living. Under his leadership, the government will not give a man a fish. Rather, it will teach the man to fish, make fishing tackle available to him at cost, and point him toward the water. Whether or not he eats that day will be up to him alone. (Obviously, I would hope, this would not apply to those who physically can’t fish.)

He will believe, and he will act on this belief, that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. He will use his bully pulpit to twist the arms of the Congress and the Courts to repeal or reverse any and all laws which conflict with the Bill of Rights. The words of these first ten amendments will be construed as they were construed by the Founders, and as made more than clear by the writings of the Founders themselves.

He will build a fire under the butts of Congress by using Executive Orders to accomplish in a day what Congress would otherwise have argued about for years. If they really don’t like the EO, you can bet it won’t take years to override it. Some of these EO’s would have the effect of getting the Federal Government out of any area of American life which the Constitution does not authorize. If this seems overly drastic, since it would have the effect of reducing the Federal Government by about 90%, remember that most of the dispensed-with but truly necessary functions would be returned to the states, where they belonged to begin with, or directly to the people (as indicated in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments). The Department of Education would be a great place to start.

He and his fellow politicos will learn to fear the electorate, for in this fear lies liberty. For too long the people have feared their government, and therein has always been the roots of tyranny. Examine recorded history for as far back as you care to go, with as fine a burning glass as you wish, and you will find no exceptions to this rule.

He will move immediately upon being elected to get the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US. For far too long the people of this nation have propped up this corrupt organization with our wealth and the blood of our young, only to have it overwhelmingly vote against our interests on just about every issue that comes before it.

He will move immediately to protect the borders of the nation. With the savings realized by not being the worlds sugar daddy, there will be little problem is getting this done. And this doesn’t mean simply arresting the same perps over and over, giving them a bus ride back across the border, and repeating the whole process again tomorrow. This means tattooing first offenders so that they can be easily identified the second time. When they are arrested again, they go to a prison patterned after the county jail operated by Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona, where the cost of incarceration is 11¢ a day, not 25-30K per year. After six months in such a jail, the third-world countries these illegals came from will look like paradise on Earth by contrast.

In this same connection, employers hiring illegals will be required to pay large fines for first offenses, and serve actual jail time for further offenses. Who will pick the lettuce? How about the millions of inmates in the state prisons of our land. Where is it written that big-screen TV’s, weight rooms, basketball courts, etc. go along with jail sentences? Maybe, just maybe, if jail was a less pleasant place to hang out, the recidivism rate of 60-80% would start to drop.

Is such a candidate likely to present himself to us come the next election cycle? I suppose it’s unlikely, and equally as unlikely that the sheeple who make up much of the present electorate would actually have the guts to vote for such a candidate. I am a total pessimist in this regard, and believe that History teaches that matters will have to get much worse before they get better. And if it turns out that Jefferson’s Tree of Liberty truly must be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants, we must just hope that when that day comes our oppressors haven’t confiscated all the watering cans. If so, then the next presidential election may very well be the last one. And if it is, it will be because we deserve it; along with Jefferson, I too tremble when I reflect that God is just.