The Patriot Post® · A Congress of Cowards
For over three years, Obama and his cadre of Czars thugs, thieves, liars, braggarts, law breakers and assorted homosexuals and other perverts have run roughshod over our Congress and our constitution.
Congress has the power and authority to rein in an obnoxious executive but has failed to take any action. Congress has left any discipline to a man like Sherriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona.\ and to various State Courts to pick up the slack left by a do-nothing Congress. Is it any wonder the 112th Congress has the lowest rating of any on record?
Bill Clinton was and maybe still is just an animal in rut, go caught, was impeached and a cowardly Senate failed to convict him.
Barack Obama has lied to We the People, lied to Congress, Lied about his birth, lied about his actions and intentions, hid his administration’s acts behind smoke and mirrors which he chooses to call the most visible administration ever. Obama completely ignores many of the traditions Americans hold dear, yet claims he is American.
Obama claims to be a Christian, yet he ignored our tradition of observing a National Day of Prayer. He then holds a Muslim prayer day at the White House.
Obama touts the beauty of the LGBT movement as something we should all embrace when the very objects and purposes of the movement are antithetical to Christian and Jewish Americans.
Obama flat out lied when he claimed to be a Constitutional Scholar but failed to recognize or acknowledge the Constitutional right of the Governor of Arizona to take decisive action to rid her state of foreign invaders.
In his foreign travels simply to ingratiate himself to foreign rulers, Obama insulted the American People by “Bowing” to several potentates. When one of our premier allies, in the person of Benjamin Netanyahu, made a state visit, Obama abruptly left Prime Minister Netanyahu to twiddle his thumbs while Obama stuffed his face. A most disgraceful breach of diplomatic protocol.
Obama lied to our European allies when, abruptly in September 2009 he announced he was abandoning a radar missile defense system in the Czech Republic and in Poland.
Obama has repeatedly lollygagged and dithered rather than tending to the nations affairs. Obama has disparaged, insulted, lied to and unnecessarily criticized the Loyal Opposition, has refused to compromise on critical issues and made threats to a member of the House Republican Leadership, Eric Cantor.
America is a mostly civilized nation, not given to distasteful behavior such as ridding ourselves of an obnoxious chief executive by what Ben Franklin described as the usual method, ‘Assissination.“ He and we prefer a more civilized method called Impeachment. So, why has this lazy 112th Congress not impeached Obama, Holder and others for their utter disregard for law and order?
Are they going to allow him to retire on a nearly $200,000 yearly stipend after one term, or worse after two terms and more damage, more crimes, more distasteful acts and a bigger mess?
Any one member of Congress can start the ball rolling by introducing legislation on the floor of the House. Do I see one lone Congressman or Woman stepping up to the bar?
My Four petitions for impeachment have thus far gone unanswered. I have had little faith in the Speaker, but did expect maybe Eric Cantor, Lamar Smith, Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, David Nunes or Michele Bachmann to step into the breech and do what is needed and what is right.
And while you are at it, grant the four Heroic Marines who purportedly urinated on some Taliban corpses to put out the flames. It may not have been protocol but it was effective. Give them all a medal and bring them home. War is Hell and those Taliban were burning in the flames.