The Patriot Post® · New Payroll Tax Deal Another GOP Betrayal

By H. M. Hervey ·

Republicans “acted” like they really wanted to demonstrate fiscal responsibility last year when they rightfully wanted the Payroll tax cut to expire. At least they faked a half-hearted, limp-wristed fight before disintegrating.

This time, however, they just rolled-over like a bunch of fat, lazy “Best In Show” Westminster contestants. They just threw in the towel to get votes.

Think about this: The Republican House and their Senate collaborators stole more than $100B from the Social Security Trust Fund last year by keeping the Payroll tax cut. That Payroll tax funds Social Security and Medicare. SS will be flashing RED in less than 10 years as currently configured and Medicare is already hemorrhaging more than $400M annually. And yet Congress continues to mismanage these important programs with total disregard for America’s future. 

The spineless Committees in the Republi-Dem Congress doubled down this week and took another $110B from the Trust Fund by extending the cut for the rest of 2012. It compounded that treachery by not paying for it with any cuts from any program. Those irresponsible acts will add more than $210B to the already soaring nation debt. In addition, Congress has not passed a budget in more than 1,100 days.

But even if the Republi-Dems had found cuts in other programs to off-set the loss of Payroll tax revenues, such cuts would just maintain spending at current levels. They would do nothing to reduce debt and deficits. NOTHING.

The Republicans betrayed their recurring promises to cut spending and reduce the deficit..again..because they are afraid to face entitlement-mentality voters during this election year. Voters will keep about $20/week which does not stimulate the economy by any stretch. America’s financial future is being sold down the river for the sake of election year pandering to the entitlement class. For 20 bucks a week!!

America’s producers are now officially outnumbered by the takers. The specter of national financial collapse and a Social Security crash is standing in the shadows just around the corner. Getting elected is all Republi-Dems care about this year and it will be the only thing they care about in the future.

Republicans didn’t even put up a struggle this time. They collapsed without so much as a soft whimper. And that $20/week multiplied by 200 million wage earners will snowball into a big avalanche that will bury America in mountains of new debt and creates a vulnerable Trust Fund. Republicans have totally forgotten the lesson for the 2010 election.

Shame on you, Congress! Shame on you, Obama! Double shame on you, GOP!

It’s should be clear to all Americans..again..that the two-party system is a corrupt dead fish rotting from head down. Where is the Tea Party when we need them?

H. Michael Hervey
Conservative Party USA
[email protected]
Twitter: @hmhervey