The Patriot Post® · Cards Stacked Against Us? Don't Play Their Game

By Murray T. Bass ·

The press and Republican establishment are playing the Romney game.

Reminiscent of the democrat passing of Obamacare, they are trying to stuff a guy down our throat who is little or no better than Obama.

Romney was quoted during the Washington, D.C. caucus as saying, “President Obama is a little bit out of touch.” If that is what he believes, it isn’t the President who is out of touch. And not just a “little.”

A headline (byline AP) in the local paper, “Dems sharpen attack as GOP backs Romney.” My immediate reaction was great anger that the Republican Party would endorse a candidate at this stage. I read the article. It implied that Santorum left Wisconsin a day early almost in tears ready to give up, AP finally revealed the facts in final paragraphs. Turns out that the GOP didn’t endorse Romney. It was only Mitch McConnell who decided that as far as he was concerned, Romney had the nomination sewed up. You remember Mitch, don’t you? He is the Republican Minority leader in the Senate. The guy that proposed to give Obama $4trillion in debt increases even before Obama publicly asked for it. If there was ever a reason not to support Romney, McConnell’s endorsement is a good one.

It does, however, point us to a course of action that in time will pay off for the American people and their Essential Liberties.

Put our money where our hearts are. Support candidates who support the Constitution. Support candidates for the Senate and House who believe in limited government, fiscal responsibility and free trade.

Here’s how to confirm our beliefs and actively support them. We can find out what really is at stake by taking Hillsdale college’s Constitution 101 course (free). Take the quiz on the Constitution first to discover what you think you know, but don’t. Then register for the course at Constitution,

The topics in the 10 part course are: The American Mind; The Declaration of Independence; The Problem of Majority Tyranny; Separation of Powers: Preventing Tyranny; Separation of Powers: Ensuring Good Government; Religion, Morality and Property; Crisis of Constitutional Government; Abraham Lincoln and the Constitution; The Progressive Rejection of the Founding: The Recovery of the Constitution.

For those who aren’t familiar with Hillsdale, they are the number one conservative college in America. They have never taken a penny of government money since their founding in 1844.

Next, find out what the GOP candidates really stand for. Someone has finally sorted it out in a form that you can see how their beliefs relate to yours. To make the comparison go to

You’ll be surprised at what you discover. I was.

Next, become informed about who the good guys who are running for seats in the Senate and the House. Support them wherever they are. For the Senate, I suggest you go to Senator Jim DeMint’s PAC. Google Senator DeMint Senate Conservative Fund. DeMint has identified candidates who oppose vulnerable Democrats and candidates who oppose establishment Republicans.

I don’t have specific recommendations for House candidates. If you don’t know for sure, vote Republican. Not all of them are good, but there aren’t any good Democrats in today’s partisan environment. Do your own research. I have. Among others, I am sending money to John Dennis who is opposing Nancy Pelosi.

Become active. No one else is going to do it for you. If you believe that they will , you are wasting everyone’s time and money. How do you get active? No genius required.

Recruit others and motivate them. It is a fact that there are enough folks who stay away from the polls that if we could motivate them to vote, we could win elections in landslides. You can motivate them through personal contact. We have what is right on our side. All we have to do is convince them to do the right thing.

Volunteer for the phone banks. If you are able, walk precincts for your candidates.

Patriot Post has a readership of hundreds of thousands. If each of us sent motivational messages to 20 of the folks on our contact list, that would be millions of potential supporters. and if they did 20 each? You know the story. Most of us are afraid we’ll offend a friend. What we have at stake is worth taking that chance. My contact list includes several hundred people. How about yours?

My perception has been that readers of Patriot Post are literate people who have little difficulty in expressing their opinions. That makes us capable of expressing our opinions in Letters to the Editor or in Op Ed pieces in local newspapers or in on line publications. We can do that and get some personal relief and satisfaction at the same time.

Join local debates or forums. Be creative.

In short, confirm what we believe and actively support it.

The Establishment and Dems aren’t playing this game according to rules. Fight fire with fire. Can’t be nice.

Phil Harris song. We aint playing this game according to Mr. Hoy-le, We’re playing this game according to me. (us) Playing it to win.

The point I have been trying to make is this. We can’t win if we don’t get involved. We should become informed so that we can speak to others with the real authority of facts and the truth. If we do that we can motivate others with the momentum of our own informed enthusiasm.

It is really up to us. We can win. But we have to want to win enough to work for a victory. Play the game according to our rules.