The Patriot Post® · Is Our Presidential Imposter Guilty of Murder?

By Tom Davis ·

Barack Obama is a Kenyan imposter posing as the President of the United States of America. He has been carrying off this charade for three years and four months while our Congress dillies and dallies, plays dumb and lets him and his executive officers wreak havoc with our economy, our customs, our religious beliefs and lies repeatedly about his acts and intentions. Like the Pied Piper of Hamlin, he blows his horn and fools follow him to their great misfortune and lifelong regret.

When the decision in Roe v Wade made murder legal under the guise of such an innocuous term as abortion, young women and even younger girls understood that act to mean they were free to engage in sex. Young men and boys use that law as a lever to induce females to engage in after-school sex, after-the prom sex and back-seat sex, even empty-room in the school sex. Young girls are no longer listening to “Mother knows best.” That cute sweet-talking boy in her class finds it easy to convince this gullible girl that, “You don’t need to worry about getting pregnant; you can always get an abortion.” Roe v Wade actually gave irresponsible youth a reason to engage in unprotected sex.

Roe v Wade had one real purpose, decriminalize abortion which by a straightforward definition is to legalize murder. Mr. Obama’s administration has proffered vast amounts of America’s money to Planned Parenthood Federation of America. PPFA touts itself to be “the nation’s leading sexual and reproductive health care provider and advocate serving women, men, teens, and families. We do more than any other organization in the United States to prevent unintended pregnancies and protect women’s health and safety.” No mention of the abortions.

PPA presided over 329,445 abortions (murders) in 2010.

Implicit was the understanding that PPA would donate to Democratic campaign coffers that they have already begun to the tune of $1.4 million. “Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s first ad – ‘Out of Touch’, will be running through June 19 in three key swing markets – West Palm Beach, Des Moines, and Northern Virginia, as well as Washington, DC – on broadcast and cable, and online. Planned Parenthood Action Fund is spending over $1.4 million dollars on this campaign. It is the first in a series of planned communications that will educate voters about the stark contrast between President Obama as a champion of women’s health and Mitt Romney as an opponent of women’s health.” In addition, Planned Parenthood Action Fund has for only the third time endorsed a presidential candidate. Of Course, the Action Fund’s President Cecile Richards endorsed Obama.

Sadly, Planned Parenthood, with Obama’s blessing, is now performing selective abortions. They are choosing female fetuses. When the abortion providers wait until the gender can be determined, at eight weeks that can only be a premeditated murder. A victim is selected and then killed because that particular victim is a female. Such action can hardly be deemed a woman’s health issue; it is a blatant case of selective genocide. Women in America have been treated as second-class citizens for over 400 years. Now a temporary president and a phony woman’s health protective organization choose to kill the females before they ever see the light of day.

The laws of this great nation afford more legal protection to a murderer of an adult or a child than to Planned Parenthood, a mass murder factory. Most states have outlawed legal execution of the most despicable of sub-humans, yet allow mass murder to continue year after year. Obama and his Attorney General along with the executives of Planned Parenthood and Cecile Richards are guilty of premeditated murder and should be brought before the bar of justice. Abortion is a crime against the defenseless and should be considered again in a court of law. Repeal Roe v Wade; allow the mother-to-be, her obstetrician and her moral counselor to determine whether an abortion is the only choice. Mother-to-be has the final word, not some lunatic in an unreal world.

Answering the title question: yes!