The Patriot Post® · Clearing Up a Kid's Faulty Notions

By Tom Davis ·

Bill Bumpas writing in OneNewsNow on May 30, 2012 noted that a talk-show host, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes had apologized for being uncomfortable with describing America’s fallen soldiers as “heroes.” The Apology seems to be heartfelt but still confused. “As many have rightly pointed out, it’s very easy for me, a TV host, to opine about the people who fight our wars, having never dodged a bullet or guarded a post or walked a mile in their boots.”

Chris is after all still wet behind the ears, a liberal with outlandish notions of what life is really all about. As an old and I do mean old World War II vet and a Christian Constitutional Conservative, I can forgive the kid for his ignorance but not for his blatant stupidity. Far too many kids his age fought the tough fight; some lived and some died. Everyone of them is and will forever be a hero.

Just to give Chris a chance to really clear his conscience, he could for his personal edification prove his manhood by enlisting as a rear rank private, airman or seaman and serve a tour. He would learn very quickly that obeying every command, following the special rules, marching miles in tight new footwear, with a drill commander yelling at him, “Come on Hayes, keep up with the rest or drop out, drop down and give me fifty” ain’t for sissies. You will not be a hero to any in your unit but once you have offered all you have to give even if never paid. You can stand tall and your friends and family will see to it that you deserve the title hero even if all you receive in recognition is a service medal and a Good-Conduct Medal.

You see, Son; that piece of paper you sign when you volunteer foreswears you to give your life for your friends, family and the other 300 or so million Americans who depend on the uniformed forces to keep them safe from all enemies whomsoever and especially terrorists and tyrants. All who signed that little piece of paper gave some or a lot, and many thousands who signed the paper gave it all. Heroes, heroines absolutely and you must not forget it.

Chris, you opened your mouth, put your foot in it and bit yourself til’ it hurts. You deserve the pain and if you are the least bit decent, you will live with the memory of all those you disparaged by a very thoughtless remark. Too bad you have aligned yourself with so many others of the same ilk, like Keith Olbermann, Bob Bechel, Rachel Maddow, Matt Lauer, Chris Mathews, Ed Schultz and a multitude of other thoughtless left-wing mud slingers and crackpots. You have room to improve.

You may age considerably before you get your head screwed on properly and realize Obama is not the messiah; those you insulted are this country’s saviors, not the loud mouth socialists, liberals and America haters. Just think on this for a moment; those who are mucking up this country are the ones who might have seen to it that you were just another abortion statistic.

You are here, alive, educated to a degree so cogitate upon that you have done and failed to do. Improve and we will all be better off.