The Patriot Post® · The Plight of the Inner City Black Family

By Fred Huebner Jr. ·

Before I get started, I’m far enough along in the age department to have had problems with titles. I’ve gone from Negro to Black to African American and am usually corrected depending upon to whom I happen to be speaking. Recently I’ve referred to people as African American only to be corrected. A few of these were Latino, Jamaican, and or South American. For the sake of expedience I’ve chosen Black.

For some strange reason an overwhelming number of Blacks continue to cast their votes for and support the Democrat Party in spite of the treatment they’ve received from this collection of hypocrites.

The Republicans were the party that was instrumental in the passing the legislation necessary for their full participation in the American Experience. Check it out.

Democrats destroyed the Black family by structuring the welfare programs so that mothers received monetary increases for each child she had as long as their was no father living in the house.This simple program led directly to the current plight of Blacks in this country today. It enabled Black men to play and didn’t have to pay and resulted in the current level of fatherless homes in Black neighborhoods. It caused the welfare rolls and costs to grow out of sight and forced Black mothers to become totally dependent upon the Government for their very existence and scared into voting for Democrats to keep it coming.

Do the math. Welfare benefits government far more than it benefits the recipients. At last count only 28 cents out of every welfare dollar gets to the recipients. The other 72 cents pays for bloated administration costs.

Have you ever stopped to question why those identified as Black Leaders by the media and recognized by our government as such, take to the streets to protest every slight, real or imagined, while they don’t utter a word of protest while black students are forced to attend sub standard inner city schools?

Look how Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson raced to use the Trayvon Martin tragedy to inflame racial passions. Inciting racial division in an election year was their primary purpose. It’s simple, these flunkies have been given a seat at the Democrat Table just as long as they deliver the Black vote and maintain the “Democrat Black Plantation.” Don’t believe me? When was the last time you heard our President or any black elected official organizing a march to protest the conditions in the schools in the inner cities?

One of Obama’s first actions after taking office was to announce the intent to close a Charter School in D. C. that was used by a number of Black students and had an excellent record. This, to pacify his buddies in the Unions.

If you’ve ever attended one of the Lotteries for acceptance into Charter Schools in the inner cities your heart goes out to the mothers of the children that didn’t make the cut. Their children have just been sentenced to another year in a Blackboard Jungle exposed to drugs and violence on a daily basis and forced to join gangs just to survive.

We hear complaints that inner city schools are staffed with less qualified teachers. A report released in November 2010 indicated that 145,100 public school teachers had been physically attacked by students in their schools in the course of a single year. It went on to state that another 276,600 public school teachers had been threatened with injury by a student during that school year.

The teachers don’t want any part of those schools either.

Is it any wonder some of these mothers lie about their place of residency to get their children into a school in a better neighborhood. Over the past few years thousands of children have been expelled from schools for using false addresses and a few have been criminally charged. One woman was charged with larceny for “stealing $15,686” from the Norwalk Connecticut schools because she registered her children using her Father’s address in another district. Where were Jackson, Sharpton and the other rabble rousers during this injustice?

When you’re ready to get serious about improving conditions in the inner cities and Black communities, this is how you go about it. It’s called EDUCATION!

You decertify Public Service Unions and eliminate their asinine rules.

If necessary, station security officers in each school. You schedule neighborhood meetings to announce that the nonsense will stop immediately. You’ll find the responsible parents will support the actions necessary to change the current situation. The others will find their kids in reform school.

Improved grades and rates of graduation can only be realized when you have discipline in the classroom and throughout the schools.

Random spot checks for drugs and weapons would begin immediately. Discipline in class rooms will be maintained. Repeat violators will be transferred to the nearest reform school after the second violation.

I haven’t heard any mention of reform schools in quite a while. If we don’t have any, create them again. These were schools for repeat discipline and delinquency problem children. This keeps these children off the street and from constantly disrupting classes in their former schools.

You bring in new teachers, abolish the “teach to the test” and passing children who didn’t make the grade culture. If a principle thinks it’s necessary I’d even have them check the teacher’s grading procedures.

You’ll keep your children in school and give them the tools to break their ties to the Democrat plantation masters.

Let’s face it, the inmates have taken over the asylum and it’s got to stop!