The Patriot Post® · Hispanics the New Black: Part III

By Sharon Sebastian ·

Who are you? The answer speaks volumes. One man responds: Christian, family man, American and, well – my heritage is Hispanic. God, family, and country – that is what most Americans believe in, value most, and will fight for. It defines us as a people with a common purpose. “Being American” binds us even as some seek to racially divide and segment us. As one American patriot with a Hispanic surname put it on being Latino: “The National Council of La Raza does not speak for all Latinos because all Latinos are not about anti-American, subversive radical Chicano interests.” Liberal media attempts to portray that Hispanics have a singular mind-set of racial separatism of “Chicanos first.” It is an insult, a bofetada, to all who are “Americans first.” Though Liberal media suppresses that American-Hispanics are vastly divided over illegal immigration, the fact is, there are far-reaching consequences for all U.S. citizens.

The big question Americans ask of immigrants is: Are you here to give or are you here to take? Children excepted, entering America by breaking the law makes an immigrant “illegal by choice” no matter the country of origin. Hard fact is, many do not come to work or live peacefully. According to Homeland Security, mixed among the illegal immigrant flow are terrorists, hardened criminals, drug dealers and free-loaders who are wreaking havoc after infiltrating primarily inner-city neighborhoods. A young, Black woman called talk radio frantic that her neighborhood was now distressed and dangerous having been overrun by illegal immigrants. American-Hispanics complained that their tax dollars and hard-pressed community services are being drained by people who are not Americans. Are the Black and Hispanic callers “racists” or do they wage legitimate complaints as hard-working, tax paying, child-raising Americans?

In addition to being “illegal,” it is the immigrant that free-loads that represents much of the friction in the political debate? Democrats are quick to use the “R-word” – racism – but not the “R-word” – responsibility.  Roberto Gonzalez, CEO of the 2000-strong Clear Lake, TX Tea Party, opposes the attitude that Americans are racists if they reject illegal immigration in any of its manifestations: “As legal immigrants in the late 1960s, my family and I fled communism. We came here with the mission to become Americans and we did so to become part of all that makes this country great. We cannot sit by and have our laws ignored by politicians who take an oath to uphold the rule of law and then proceed to choose the laws they want to ignore. We cannot afford the burden of paying the tax liabilities for those who cross the border, remain under the radar and use this country for their purposes without any responsibility whatsoever.”

Historically, immigrants have sought to build a strong and prosperous America. Today, many come to temporarily escape their own countries’ economic or social failures and look to use America as a swinging door without the intentions of obtaining legal status. In an ugly Machiavellian display, those who come “to take” want America to show allegiance to them without first showing allegiance to America. Intermingled with immigrant workers, blanket amnesty grants the criminals, human traffickers, drug dealers and free-loaders with residency as well. Armed with faked documents, an overloaded verification system would be no barrier. Inner-city neighborhoods would become fodder for “legalized” criminals. American-Hispanics are justifiably leery of selling-out to any amnesty-for-votes, quick-fix strategy that serves Democrat ambitions. Frederick MacHado represents the best of those who choose America first.

Frederick MacHado knows who he is: “I was born in Nicaragua, Central America, and moved to the United States in 1980, the same year that Ronald Reagan was elected President. My pursuing the American dream has taken many years of my life, beginning with learning the English language and attaining some academic degrees. Soon after my arrival, I realized that, ‘America’ and the American people are open to immigrants who work hard and want to succeed. Nevertheless, over thirty years, I have seen with sadness and surprise how the Hispanic media makes journalism full of biases and distortions to the point that, the news and perspective that they offer are often manipulative, and in many cases inaccurate … and far from being respectful to the Latinos.” Dr. MacHado epitomizes the “R-word” – responsibility. His degrees include a Master in Business Administration, Doctor of Ministry from Minnesota’s Bethel Theological Seminary and Doctor of Psychology from California Southern University in June 2007, where he graduated magna cum laude and now works in Clinical Psychology.

America is strengthened by contributions of a blended people who choose to be American. Today, what separates America most is a President that creates and uses racial divide as a political strategy. In a racist frenzy, after a 2008 in-party spat, the Obama camp insinuated that Bill Clinton was a racist, forcing a former American President to openly declare on ABC News, “I am not a racist.” Obama and the Democrats sidelined immigration issues for two years while holding total control of both houses of Congress and the Presidency. Overlooked by most is that Democrats also controlled Congress from 2007-2010 with their majority vote and still did nothing. Democrats view Hispanics as La Raza-style radical voters, rather than a constituency suffering the financial pain of Obama’s catastrophic economic policies. They contend that race warfare works with the majority of Black voters, why not Hispanics? Elevated to the highest office in the land – President of the United States – Obama portrays himself as the perpetual victim as he self-servingly denounces everyone who opposes him as a “racist.” In doing so, he diverts criticism from his unfulfilled campaign promises. Promises that now re-surface – during his bid for re-election – as future promises to those gullible enough to once more believe him.

Liberal Democrats have for years, in the cruelest of political chicanery, downplayed that everyone coming to America must learn English. In 2010, Obama promised to improve educational opportunities for Hispanics, but failed to deliver. Instead, Obama’s doublespeak blocked freedom of school choice for Hispanic and Black parents – diverting their children off the pathway to success. Obama has steadfastly backed power-laden teachers unions that protect inept teachers. Speaking before the NAACP, Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney criticized the rampant educational inequality facing Black schoolchildren: “If equal opportunity in America were an accomplished fact, Black families could send their sons and daughters to public schools that truly offer the hope of a better life. Instead, for generations, the African-American community has been waiting and waiting for that promise to be kept.” Romney pointed to the hopes of Black parents for the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program that would allow low-income students to attend private schools instead of substandard and deficient public schools: “Yet, President Obama has attempted to eliminate the program at every turn. [Liberal] policymakers stand in the way of poor kids succeeding in better schools of their parents’ choice.”

Seeing the same fate for their children and tired of the empty promises of Democrat-backed teachers unions, American-Hispanic families in Adelanto, CA took matters into their own hands. They pulled the “Parent Trigger” that gives them, under California law, the power to take over a failing school and turn it into a high-performing Charter School. To defeat the parents, the opposition attempted voter fraud. Forced into court, the judge ruled in favor of the families. Parent Revolution released a statement: “This is a historic victory for the courageous parents of Desert Trails [School]. These parents refused to give-up, even after losing two school board votes in the wake of an illegal rescission campaign riddled with fraud and forgeries. These parents took on the most powerful special interests in the state, and they won.” Calling it a “revolution,” parents of the majority Hispanic student body took on California’s big Democrat machine and a powerful Teachers Union. In the face of parental outrage, local-area Democrats backed down, distancing themselves from the unions. The American-Hispanic parents of Desert Trails are examples for the dejected parents of Black children in D.C. who were overpowered by Obama forces. All parents who are forced to send their children to substandard schools with substandard teachers now have a glimmer of hope as they fight for their children’s futures.

Roberto Gonzalez, Frederick MacHado and the parents of Desert Trails know who they are. They are Americans. God, family and country is a slogan of both personal and national identity. It binds this great nation of immigrants. It is who we are and we protect it as if the freedoms and futures of America’s children depend on it. For all Americans, along with that of a proud son of a single mother who left Mexico, legally entered America, worked three jobs, refused welfare, paid her taxes and raised educated children – the question remains to immigrants coming from across the globe: Are you here to give or are you here to take? If it is the former, the best way to begin, under the laws of the United States, is with the Oath of Allegiance that reads in part:

“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic…; so help me God.”

Then, for God, family and your country, place your right hand over your heart and vow:

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

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Previous articles:

Hispanics the New Black: Part I - The Democrat Trap

Hispanics the New Black: Part II - Nowhere to Run

To listen to Sharon Sebastian’s insights on YouTube, click here.

Political affiliation or lack thereof is in no way implied in regard to any person or groups mentioned in the series of articles.

Sharon Sebastian ( is an author, writer, and contributor to various forms of media including cultural and political broadcasts, print, and online websites. In addition to the heated global debate on creation vs. evolution, her second book, Darwin’s Racists — Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, highlights the impact of Social Darwinism’s Marxist/Socialist underpinnings on the culture, the faith and current policy out of Washington.