The Patriot Post® · Who's Minding the Store?

By Tom Davis ·

In the July 16th issue of American Thinker, Warren Beatty noted that Barack Obama in less than four years has issued over 900 Executive Orders. One of those orders, EO 13603 essentially gives Obama the power to declare Martial Law and suspend elections whereby he has de facto dictatorial powers.

Congress, being on their annual and unearned lengthy “vacation,” forces any good and observant American to ask, “Who is minding the store?” Has Congress simply departed and left the henhouse in charge of the fox? On what pretext might Obama choose to exercise his self-proclaimed right to declare Martial Law? Who sounds the alarm? Who steps into the breech and confronts those forces Obama might muster to enforce his phony Martial Law?

How many good Americans will oppose any such move by the Impostor in our White House? Has the SCOYUS actually decided to hear Leo Donofrio’s case challenging Obama’s right to serve? Who is going to send US Marshals to take Obama into custody? These appear to be legitimate questions worthy of answers. I cannot imagine leaving the headquarters in charge of an individual whose loyalty is at least non-existent and at best questionable. The time is at hand to decide whether or not Obama has any citizenship rights, elected or not, to issue the Executive Orders likely to be used against America’s best interests.

In a worst case scenario, I can envision a vindictive Marxist like Obama, foolish enough to attempt the exercise of a dictator in the face of so many who have absolutely no trust in Mr. “I”, “me,” “we,” “us,” “mine,” “ours,” etc. Is John Boehner going to rush back from Ohio and Eric Cantor fro Virginia and McConnell from Kentucky to put Obama in prison to await trial?

Never in our fairly long and brilliant history have we faced so many potential hazards as we do today. Obama, Holder, Napolitano, Panetta and some fifty sycophantic czars and socialists could of a certainty throw the proverbial monkey wrench into our national defense mechanism. One Russian nuclear submarine has recently spent a lengthy period of time in the Gulf of Mexico totally undetected. Who dropped the ball? Is Obama so certain that Vladimir Putin is his potential ally in any attempt to cause us harm?

I would bet my last dollar that Obama is aiming higher than the presidency of the United States of America. How do madmen think? Big and unreasonably. Of a certainty, Obama has henchmen and women in the United States Senate who will follow his lead in any effort to “take over” the United States. Harry Reid is clinically a nutcase, Schumer and Durbin are certifiably demagogues.

The United States of America has a plethora of difficult problems looking for solutions. High crimes and misdemeanors have been allowed to go unpunished and even uncommented upon. Yet, some of our military have been punished for far less than Obama and Holder.

Harry Reid has not allowed a vote on a budget in over three years and allowed many valuable and necessary pieces of House-passed legislation to lie idle.

Wake up America, time is a wasting. Start raising your voices in protest, your government has abandoned you. Are the near 70 million who voted for Obama in 2008 going to shout you down and beg for bigger handouts? It is YOUR country; fight for it!