The Patriot Post® · Politician

By Tom Davis ·

The very word conjures up visions of an ugly, vindictive, greedy, liar. The Greeks from whose ancient language is derived the word politician, noted a politician is a politikon zoon, “an animal intended to live in a city; a social animal."

Politicians would have you think they came from the upper classes, are of superior intellect, wisdom and abilities, when, in fact, they are directly related to the "Demos” – another Greek word meaning the people, those the politicians are elected to represent in our government conduct of business.

Our Founding Fathers, God bless them all, did their very best to provide this great nation with a governing document, the sole purpose of which was to retain with the people all the freedoms for which they had so long and valiantly fought and to devolve upon the governing bodies (only three) a small but important yet limited responsibility and very limited power.

With very, very few exceptions, the rhetoric you hear from campaigning politicians is the same old stuff repeated over and over again. Lies, lies and more lies. Politicians should be held liable under the law of perjury when they make a promise and then fail to do as promised. Lying seems to be second nature to that class of subhuman the “politikon zoon.”

That entity known as the GOP has once again attempted to remove We the People from the equation. They forgot as they always do the answer to that most fundamental of questions, “From whom do we derive our authority to act?” Hey, Priebus, Boehner et al, are you just plain stupid? You are supposed to labor on behalf of the American Conservatives. You have definitely spit directly into the faces of those stalwarts of Republican Conservatism, the Tea Parties of America. You have not yet won a thing and yet you are losing those who deserve your rapt attention.

Think small, think ahead, think America first; remember you are simply tools and dull ones at that. The RNC is all for the RNC rather than for its constituency, We the People. Just in case you have forgotten the rules – and it appears you have or simply ignoring them – you do not make them; your task is to follow them. The delegates from all the states make the rules, all the while speaking for all the people. You have no authority to disqualify Ron Paul’s delegates. You may not agree with the Congressman, but he has been right more often than wrong, has been consistent and has kept his word. Can you honestly say the same? No! You cannot. You are like the sailboat without a helmsman; you go with the wind. Drop your anchor, study your charts, plot a proper course and get on with it.

A special word for Mr. Boehner. You, sir, left Washington without completing the work laid out for you. Obama set the tenor. If there is major work to be done, go play golf, take a vacation or put your feet on the desk and say, “Tomorrow is soon enough.” That is the politician’s attitude; I am the boss, I will decide when to carry out the business of government.

You have obviously forgotten that person with the pen used for Executive Orders and his racist Attorney General, Mr. Holder. They are still entrenched in Washington while you take a much needed? Ho Hum, five-week vacation. You must realize that the 112th Congress has accomplished less than any Congress to date. Don’t cry John, dry your tears, wipe your nose and do something to earn your bloated paycheck.

America, this fabulous Republic is going to survive, not because of your efforts but those of honest-to-God Americans. We will not be forgotten as that “Democracy” about which Plato spoke. We will endure in spite of a maladministered federal government. We the People, the Demos, demanded that you impeach that interloper in the Oval Office and his attorney general and that you find numerous congressmen and women to be guilty of Dereliction of Duty and violation of their Oath of Office. You initiated nothing. Your timidity in spite of that pledge of no worth in 2008 will stand as a reminder of a “Do-Nothing” Congress and a less than honorable Speaker of the House.

I reiterate, Politicians are invariably low class liars, blowhards, and publicity seekers.