The Patriot Post® · I Am Sick of Establishment Republicans

By David Telles ·

I am sick of Republicans. Not the dysentery type of sick but the drunken uncle type of sick. Let me start from the beginning. Republicans cannot talk their way out of a wet paper bag and it is starting to scare the you know what out of the conservative electorate. We see our Country changing in front of us and can’t do anything about it except wait for the next election. You know, the one that is two years out while the President says, “Hey, you want some money?” A quick example is due. Sean Hannity is debating tax rates with Austin Goldesby defending the 36% rate for the top earners versus, oh, sorry, fell asleep there. So Sean is advocating on behalf of millionaires and Austin has him exactly where he wants him. If you listen, you can hear the sound of snoring viewers. They argue for fairness and we argue for the difference between 36% and 39%. Excuse me Austin, quit laughing, I am trying to write here. I think we have to do two things, 1. Go back to basics, and 2. Read “Rules for Radicals”.

First, the overarching battle in this country is between capitalism, which resides in the Republican Party, and Socialism, which lives and breathes in the Democratic Party. There is also a religious war between Christians and Radicals, but I repeat myself. Once you understand this, you can understand why people do what they do. For instance, why do the Democrats always want to raise taxes and Republicans always try to reduce them? See above. Why do the Democrats always want more people on the welfare roles? Check, again. Once you get this concept, everything becomes clear. Sean, here is what you need to say: “The government doesn’t deserve another nickel of our money until they get some sanity”.

Next, stay out of the weeds. How about saying, “We are going broke”? Or, how is this?: If we don’t stop borrowing money, our entire economy will collapse, people will starve, families will be homeless. I mean, more so than at the present. Sorry for the rant, but this is serious. And, going into debt in the form of a stimulus is similar to dad being out of work so you take out another mortgage so he can paint the house. At least he has a job.

Conservatives need one word: drama. Sorry, but this is true. We are boring and need to break through the media miasma and ask people, “Look! Where the hell are we are going, here?” And this has absolutely nothing to do with 36% versus 39%. That is just different cars in the same train wreck.