The Patriot Post® · Nuclear N. Korea, Iran, & Other Threats to US

By Albert Maslar ·

There’s conflicting information on the readiness of North Korea’s ability to deliver a nuclear weapon aimed at the US. One view indicates not for another few years, while another view is that they are virtually there. North Korea officially claims they can hit the US with a preemptive strike – IMMEDIATELY.

So what should the US do now: a Bush II type preemptive attack, or wait and see whether the Stuxnet computer worm virus can disrupt readiness of the North Korea nuclear threat ala the disruption caused to Iran by Stuxnet?

The genie is out of the bottle; heads we lose; tails we lose; a lose-lose situation when results of one policy are as damaging as results from the opposing policy. Problems created by the Bush II preemptive war will be magnified perhaps a hundred-fold. Inconceivable, but the moral state of the country and the world might very well dictate an Armageddon type scenario in which case every missile of every country and terrorist group will be randomly shot on the theory of “use ‘em or lose 'em.”

Lest we forget America’s propensity for bad decisions like those made concerning Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan, among others; the replacement Muslim Brotherhood and dissidents have proven that the new bad boys are worse than the old bad boys. And the US keeps doing it over and over again, a never ending Groundhog Day. When will legislators ever learn to observe the warning of Thomas Jefferson to avoid foreign entanglements?

There is not much good news in other important American problem areas as Obama is the anointed one and his abortion and homosexual dogmatic words in this morally and culturally deprived USA is doctrine – the Bible, Congress, or the Supreme Court notwithstanding.

Obama targets religious freedom, AGAIN as his non-stop assault on religious freedom continues unabated. Now he targets RELIGIOUS beliefs and homeschoolers despite the fact that public schools are teaching their own version of religion, contrary to the separation of church and state, and guarantees of religious freedom in the constitution; not freedom of “worship” as the President and Attorney General are distorting. Will these outrages never end?

Not likely. Bad things manage to get worse. There is the story of a minister coming upon a drunk sitting on the curb with a crying jag. The compassionate minister got the drunk some coffee and sent him home with instruction to shower and sleep it off, as things can always get worse. The drunk followed the pastor’s advice, woke up the next morning refreshed, and sure enough, things got worse.

Adding financial plight, wrongdoers from children to adults do not like to have their misdeeds pointed out and now there is the perpetual debt clock that keeps adding up the misdeeds of Congress that only wants to hear one thing; unearned re-election and extension of their own perpetual incumbency at any price to the gullible public.

Mark Twain’s political philosophy is, “Vote the rascals out,” while the Maslar political philosophy is, “If they choose, on their own, to run for office, elect them for two terms at a time, and let them spend the first year in jail, because they must’ve done something.”

Speaker of the House John Boehner is the worst talk talk talk talker as he has a now third year history of talking the talk and then hiding in a corner instead of following up with the walk. Boehner could have blocked ObamaCare in its tracks but his extension of the no-budget spending and continuing resolutions enabled ObamaCare that would have been dead in the water, but now is projected to increase the National Debt by an additional $10 to $15 Trillion in ten years.

Contrary to some opinions, Barack Obama does not need a shrink. The adage is, “Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me.” The ME in this case is the 51% who voted Obama in for a second try at destroying the Republic, something he was close to, but did not quite accomplish in his first term. Sadly, they would do it a third time if there were the opportunity.

There is a reason America’s national motto is, IN GOD WE TRUST. That is precisely why Obama is doing everything in his power to make that motto irrelevant and illegal. Satan could not be doing a better job. Where does the country now turn in event of the next unimaginable national crisis that if not North Korea or Iran, is surely in the 57 Islamist country planning stage, aided and abetted by the enemy within that were happily elected and re-elected?

Hopefully this up and coming new kid on the political block, Black Man Dr. Benjamin Solomon Carson Jr., Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at prestigious Johns Hopkins Hospital, has an honest message that will go to the heart of Americans, never mind the manipulator-in-chief who wanted a sneak peak at the National Prayer Breakfast speech so he could pull a Barney Fife and “nip it in the bud.”

Finally someone made the big-boy feel truly uncomfortable. Whites would vote for Dr. Carson in a heartbeat, but would Blacks do the same, never mind the perpetual wannabes? Dr. Ben Carson might well live up to his middle name Solomon, perhaps a harbinger of good things to come for the US.

Obama warns about a self-inflicted wound to divert blame and attention from his intentionally inflicted wounds of his job-killing, tax-hiking, baby killing, same-sex “mirage”, anti-religious, anti-moral agenda.

The only salvation for the US before it’s too late is to REPENT, but moderns will not get on their knees to the God of all and observe the compassionate Ten Commandments designed to keep humans on an even keel. There is no APP for that. Pride precedes the fall. Damned if we do or damned if we don’t, with “Damned” hopefully not being the operative word.