The Patriot Post® · Boehner -- Obama's Evil Twin Brother?

By Albert Maslar ·

Three years into GOP control of the House of Representatives that constitutionally controls the power of the purse, and Speaker John Boehner, as in the beginning of his speakership, still wants to live to fight another day. The running issue for three years of Boehner has been to void ObamaCare but that cannot happen without GOP control of all three branches of government that absent something like a world conflagration, will not happen.

So why all the Boehner histrionics, crying, wringing of hands, the big useless gavel that is only used against his own, and his desire to “Live to fight another day? Either fight or get out of the ring and let in real fighters, those not beholding to ancient incumbent GOP talkers that create nothing but hot wind with their meaningless words never backed up by real action.

House Republicans for three years postponed down-an-out fights to defund ObamaCare until the next debt fiscal cliff crisis arrived. ObamaCare could have been defunded a half-dozen times, losing opportunities as ObamaCare is now deeply entrenched in the bureaucracy while defunding opportunities have come and gone a handful of times. But the GOP whistles in the dark on the way past their cemetery as Speaker Boehner undermines his party, lately saying, "He would not risk the full faith and credit of the United States to defund ObamaCare.”

Contrary to Boehner’s statement, ObamaCare cannot crumble without a government shutdown that would not risk the full faith and credit of the US, as “shutdown” is a misnomer because all it really means is that government would be forced to operate on a Pay As You Go (PAGO) basis that is already on the books.

Accordingly, government would have to prioritize its obligations to fall into the 60% range of actual monthly tax and other revenue receipts. Sequestration would no longer matter as every meaningless, duplicate, wasteful, fraud-ridden program, foreign aid to enemies, and unnecessary expenditure would be axed. The last time shutdown was threatened, nearly one million non-essential “workers” were advised they would be laid off. What part of “unnecessary” does the government not understand?

Conundrum of conundrums. Whose side is Boehner on, or is he the evil twin brother of the anointed one who on one hand pretends to fight his devious President, but on the other hand gives Obama the solace and support to undermine true conservatives misdirected by Boehner. The imminent continuing resolution battle is the last stand for either defunding ObamaCare of the death knell of the Republican Party. Smart money will not be on Boehner’s side. In his case, as opposed to the 1994 heart-warming Forrest Gump movie, every piece of chocolate in the Boehner box has the same filling; cowardice.

The bible has the story of two sons, one of whom told the father he would not do what the father asked, while the second son said that he would, but then went his own way but did not do as he promised his father. The first son regretted his denial and then went about doing what his father asked. Jesus asked his disciples which son did the father’s will, obviously the first. Does the Republican Party have a true first son, and if not, they should get out of the way and let new uncorrupted members do the job of cleaning the putrid congressional stables, before the always pending next election.