The Patriot Post® · President & NY Mayor Agree on Anti-Religious Principles

By Albert Maslar ·

Mayor Michael Bloomberg evidently does not believe in religion or the Ten Commandments as regards abortion and homosexuality. It is amazing that anti-religious zealots are so vehement in their disgust that the church through the Pope imposed fasting and abstinence during lent and advent.

In prior times abstinence from meat on Fridays, along with recommending giving up things like candy, soda, cigarettes, etc as repentance for sin, were imposed – concepts no longer recognized by the intelligentsia. That along with reducing the size of meals automatically helped control tendencies for obesity.

Curiously, the Bloomberg and Obama-Michelle types dictate against sugary drinks and obesity, when the Lenten fast and abstinence would accomplish those goals twice a year while contributing to better physical health. It is deplorable to them if beliefs suggest this type of restrictive lifestyle during religious periods, but government can IMPOSE these restrictions at will, enforced by accompanying consequences for non-compliance.

Juan Williams, regular Fox News contributor on the “O'Reilly Factor,” without blinking or shame, defended the Florida Atlantic University teacher who required his college class to “stomp on a picture of Jesus.” School administrators defended the teacher’s requirement as it involved “critical thinking.” It is not easy for extreme liberals to keep a straight face while defending the indefensible. Christians would not advise stomping on a picture of Muhammad, though they disagree with Islam on principle.

Military chaplains are restricted from saying the name, “Jesus” in prayers, and are forced to marry homosexuals as is being forcefully imposed on all US clergy. President Obama has on 200 or so occasions said or done something against traditional marriage and conversely promoted homosexuality and gay marriage.

America no longer has freedom of religion, which is the original reason that settlers came to America in the first place. Now where can Americans go to practice constitutionally protected freedom of religion that Obama, via his surrogates headed by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sibelius, mandates against religious freedom imbedded in the ObamaCare law and enforced by dictatorial penalties for not funding abortion or purchasing employee health insurance that pays for abortion, contraceptives, and abortifacients. Religious persecution is official policy of US Government.

Obama coerced Georgetown to cover up signs of Jesus while he was giving a graduation speech, so it would not be a reach for him to do the same in the military. Liberal faux-conservative Karl Rove touts that conservative stands on homosexual marriage be put aside for Republicans in the 2016 presidential elections.

Catholic Charities has been barred from assisting in adoptions in Massachusetts, DC, and Illinois, and excluded from future contracts because they declined to consider same sex couples.

If “Jesus and God” are illegal and persecuted, in the interest of fairness and equality under the law, why not impose the same sanctions on believers of astrology, witchcraft, Harry Potter, Muslims, and cults in general? What drives über wealthy like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and many giant corporations and leaders to extend humongous financial support to the gay “mirage” agenda, in unison with the likes of George Soros, and even the ubiquitous Kennedy clan, in negating religious based family principles.

The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) is in process of hearing arguments on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California’s Prop 8, which deals with benefits for same sex couples, that is politically front and center of that issue. California already provides same-sex benefits so why is the powerful 4% homosexual lobby so adamant in pursuing the issue before SCOTUS? As to DOMA, Obama Justice nominee Sonia Sotomayor may be obligated to recuse herself from deliberations since she was involved in the issue prior to her becoming a Justice.

Basically the entire homosexual and related marriage issues are simply in conflict with Genesis, the first book of the Bible that narrates how God created them male and female, blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.” That solves the issues of marriage, homosexuality, and the source of life.

Ripley’s motto is “Believe it or not,” but in the case of the Bible, believe or not, at your own risk. You lay down your all-in bet because that it what it ultimately is, and take your choice in a Winner take all gamble in which the loser walks away with nothing…or less.

Talk about risky bets, because of his indefatigable support of the entire gay lifestyle, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz advised Christians to sell their Starbucks stock and support some other company. Talk about biting the hand, more than one, that feeds you, Schultz must be already having senior moments, or not, as the older one gets, the more one might be inclined to think about the end.

Religion is like mandatory auto insurance that is not a problem until and unless caught or having an accident that is always attributed to the uninsured, but anecdotal evidence proves the fallacy of this gamble. It is wiser to have insurance and not need it, than it is to not have insurance but needing it to cover a possible humongous loss.