The Patriot Post® · Poverty Weakness Turned Into Strength

By Albert Maslar ·

Poverty is the chink in the fiscal chink in the armor of America. More people are on food stamps than ever before and the numbers have been growing, certainly since the beginning of the Obama 2009 presidency.

President Obama jumps all over this statistic, touting as proof, against his own job, economy, and fiscal policy performance. So he goes on TV, reading from his teleprompter, not as beautifully as originally touted, denouncing the situation of the masses living in poverty, impoverished no doubt by the previous president, and holding himself as the compassionate savior and only supplier of a host of freebies for the poor.

President Obama is an expert at turning his own weakness into his strength, and has been doing it since his campaign for the 2008 presidential election. Then and now, current unemployment and poverty are due to Obama’s inheritance of the worst economy and job market since the 1929 Great Depression due mainly to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars instigated by his predecessor President George W. Bush. Ignored is the fact of Obama’s continuation of the Bush war policies while expanding them to still other countries.

In other words, those increasing numbers receiving food stamps, instead of indicating gross weakness in the job market, no fault of his, are alleviated by his singular compassion and efforts on their behalf. The number of recipients has grown so substantially that Obama is rightfully referred to as the “Food-Stamp President.”

When Obama took office in 2009, recipients of SNAP (Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program) stood at 31,939,110 but by the end of his first term, the number of recipients totaled 47,525,329. The Bureau of Labor Statistics on unemployment reports, “The number of Americans 16 or older who decided not to work or even to seek a job increased by 8,332,000 to a record 88,839,000 during President Barack Obama’s first term.”

Those stats show a definite relationship between increased unemployment and the related need for food stamp assistance. Question is, why does Obama not only reject every meaningful job creation program, such as the Keystone XL Pipeline, and exacerbated by increasing excessive job-inhibiting regulations, not to mention the crushing weight of ObamaCare that stifles business for new job creation?

Necessary welfare reform is being written by the “Gang of eight” committee but magically at the last minute, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will produce a massive reform bill no one will have read, and voila, another fiasco akin to the 2,500 page ObamaCare no one has read.

Add to that the additional bureaucracy required by the probably 10,000 pages of regulations, and the problem will not be fixed but magnified. One must wonder if Congress is still relevant as their solutions create multitudes of new costs and problems.

Obama is a divider, not a uniter, putting the lie to his beautiful picture of the United States as “There are no Red States; no Blue States, just The United States,” a quote dating back to the 2004 Democratic Convention, and since repeated.

The 9/11/2001 events under the watch of President George W. Bush marked the beginning of the accelerated decline in the economy and related increase in unemployment, and are in line with the Osama bin Laden intended destruction of the US by any means, be they military, economical, social, or any random acts that would keep the US in a state of free fall. Lost in the equation is the brutal fact that 16 of 19 perpetrators were Saudi Arabians.

Americans might do well to recall an ancient Arabian proverb: “The friend of my enemy is my enemy.” Enemies of America are largely Arabian Islamic extremists, including Saddam Hussein, self-admitted author and instigator of the 9/11 events engineered by 19 terrorists who wreaked havoc on the US that resulted, among other things, more than a 50% increase of $6 trillion in the national debt that rose from nearly $11 trillion to $17 trillion.

Curiously, and perhaps not entirely by accident or coincidence, President Obama is actually performing the declared goals of the enemy by his debilitating mandates against economic recovery; and if so, Obama is acting, consciously or not, as “The friend of my enemy,” thus by definition, making Obama “my enemy."

If that assumption were to be true, should President Barack Obama be subject to impeachment if he is merely coincidentally undermining the US with his arbitrary policies, or if Obama is consciously bringing the US to the brink of destruction, should President Obama face trial for treason?