The Patriot Post® · Am I Homophobic?

By Albert Maslar ·

My wife and I had a long friendship with a man who became a priest, went to the Vatican to study, came back to the US, taught at a school where he met and married a student who became his wife, bore him four children, and then he and his wife split up.

He became or reverted back to his original homosexuality. He knew I objected to his active lifestyle, and I knew I could not influence him otherwise but we remained friends as I tried to help him with his drug counseling business.

He then led a double life, becoming an official in an alternate catholic-type church group. However, we remained the best of friends and to this day he is the only person in the world I could spill out my own deepest darkest secrets in confidence as a true friend.

He has since passed away due to cancer of the breast that I know nothing about. The point is that we were true friends and to this day my objection to the homosexual lifestyle is frowned upon and I am considered to be homophobic. Am I?

Too often straights are accused of being homophobic simply because they do not endorse the active gay lifestyle. Those gays might be accused of being “Straight-O-Phobes,” more common than they would like to admit.