The Patriot Post® · Liberals Hate Religious Social Values

By Albert Maslar ·

Eulogies are not always a true assessment of the value of the life’s work of the deceased, and very often err on the side of exaggerating the good points for accomplishments of the deceased. But in the case of “Iron Lady” Margaret Thatcher, first and only woman Prime Minister of Great Britain, eulogies cannot measure up high enough.

Liberals prove their lack of compassion when by their abusive ridicule and condemnation of this deceased Great Lady, they show their true colors and are proven guilty of gross insensitivity – the very same charge they claim portrays conservatives.

Ms. Thatcher is mercilessly denigrated and ridiculed by the British press, media, and cold-hearted, uncompassionate, unsympathetic fanatic liberals who cannot stand any social or moral stand of the hated conservative religious right.

Princeton Professor Robert P. George is right in saying the family is the foundation of just about everything good in the country including the economy, culture, and health, and welfare. Gays do have the human right to make choices, be they right or wrong, but their same-sex unions cannot arbitrarily be raised to the same level as traditional marriage of one man and one woman.

Gays have the right of free choice for their lifestyles in the same way that Adam and Eve were given the free choice to eat of the forbidden tree or not. Our early ancestors chose to countermand the only command given them by the Creator. Mankind was given the right to free choice, but not necessarily without price, especially when that choice goes against nature itself. Humans are free to disobey God-given precepts but at their own peril.

Gays choose to live lifestyles contrary to God’s basic command to increase and multiply, and that is the ultimate test. Gay unions can no more increase and multiply and therefore be called marriage anymore than soda and other beverages can be called water, because once flavors have been added to water, the resulting beverage, though liquid like water, is no longer water.

Social issues are not only important, but also critical to survival of the human species. Senator Feinstein is and has always been wrong on social issues. Congress and job-killing policies are the problems, and the weekly and sometimes daily killings with guns, incendiary explosives etc, and now knives, are over 90% due to mental problems that are ignored but are fed more and more drugs that do not work.

Warning labels on depression-type drugs warn that their usage may cause the very thing they are designed to cure. Mental health is most often ignored as contributory to random violence and killing sprees because it is easier to blame the weapon. A major deterrent to mental health problems is JOBS, and if jobs were available to 98% of the population, law breaking would proportionately decline.

Shame on President Obama for intentionally killing jobs, the lack of which are depressing and killing people. Are not people important enough to finally go ahead with the environmentally safe Keystone XL Pipeline and the millions of new jobs that would flow from that simple no-cost to government option?

Obama is never satisfied in his dubious quest for the country and now recommends cures to problems that include the non-problem of “Saving too much?” The trouble with the government is that not only does it not save enough, but it wastes too much, ignoring the age-old adage, “Waste not, Want not.”

Obama is either too much or not enough; it’s hard to tell which. It is better to be on the RIGHT side of religious and moral issues than on the LEFT side of abortion, contraception, or any other Obama issue, guns or otherwise.

Seen it before but always interesting article “History Repeats” proves democracy eventually does not survive. Those preaching this message are pessimists and are told to  write about good news more often. It is hard to dwell on good news that ignores the reality that the US is now the “Divided States,” contrary to ramblings of the great one who proudly but not meaningfully assets, “We are not the Red States; We are not the Blue States; We are the United States.”

Beautiful sound byte but an empty barrel makes the most noise, and speaking high-sounding but empty words is truly characteristic of the one anointed by the 47% and counting. Jesus put it this way, “And if I have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. We all hope to avoid being that sounding brass and tinkling cymbal.

Meanwhile media and politicians are uptight over "Intelligence” about threats from North Korea and its young leader about the ability to deliver nuclear warheads aimed at US proper. Intelligence shintelligence. Been there, done that, and still paying for the Bush II failure sold by alarmist front and center salesman for the Iraq preemptive war, Sec of State Colin Powell, who now says he was duped.

The duper was duped? Forget all the histrionics and stop government knee-jerk response to every pronouncement from a young upstart who is extending his 15 minutes every time US officials respond. Like Teddy said, “Speak softly but carry a big stick.”

Been there done that with the rush to war engineered by the Bush II regime. Calm down everybody. No incitement needed as there is enough already. Sec of State Colin Powell talked the public into being rah-rah for the preemptive “Shock and Awe” attack on Iraq, and now ten years later,the US is still in shock and awe as the US is now at undeclared war with every 57 Muslim nation around the Globe while unemployment, annual deficit, and national debt weigh the US down. Time to give it a rest.

On the immigration front, there is some controversy about ONE German family, the Romeikes, that in 2008 was granted asylum in the US, but now is being returned to Germany where they claimed to have suffered persecution for home schooling their children.

Opponents of their visa to the US say they coulda shoulda woulda moved to another European country but that is irrelevant. According to what they say, possibly any other country this persecuted family moved to might have also said they should have moved somewhere else.

The point here in the US is that for our right to protection of our basic Christian beliefs, that under the Constitution, the same rights of “freedom of religion” must be granted to other religions as well as our own. If other religious rights are not protected, neither will our religious rights be protected.

The time for discussion of religious liberty was 1492 when settlers came to America to gain religious freedom that was denied them in the Old Country. That was reemphasized with the Declaration of Independence and the subsequent Bill of Rights. Recent generations have literally and figuratively trampled and stomped upon Jesus and constitutionally guaranteed religious freedom and rights to the point that if Hitler did it, which he did, our liberal do-gooders nanny-state activists are actually doing it, and are bent on community, which is government, ownership of our children.

How did patriotic Constitution honoring America get to this point without a public outcry so loud and persistent that politicians would quake in their boots? The problem facing America now is that the cat is out of the bag, the genie is out of the bottle, and America has unofficially become a de facto police-state. The guilty, even murderers get virtual slaps on the wrist, while the religious based are punished more severely and held up to contempt as being hateful when all they hate is the evil while they truly have love, compassion, and sympathy for the evildoer.

What is killing ObamaCare aside from its impossible nearly 15,000 pages of law, its expanding regulations and bureaucracies, is its built-in indiscriminate killing of babies at taxpayer expense in opposition to religious and conscience beliefs, along with enabling deviate behavior by forcing insurance plans, religiously-based or otherwise, to pay for contraceptives and abortafacients like RU 486 etc, that now radical liberal Courts and judges have approved for over-the-counter sales even to girls as low as age 11. ObamaCare will fall from its own weight but may bring the rest of the country down along with it.

Hopeful unproven Republican presidential candidates are lining up to determine who will oppose the Obama-less 2016 Democratic candidate. It is much too soon to care if Rand, Rubio, or others are early presidential favorites. America should not care because it is almost four years until the next presidential election, and better if these wannabes stay in their elected seats and do the right day-to-day job like every other American does.

Promotions come but politicians must do something first to justify the promotion. Mark Twain’s political philosophy was. “Vote the rascals out,” but the Maslar political philosophy is more severe and may have more impact. “If politicians, on their own, choose to run for office, elect them for two terms at a time, and let them serve the first term in jail, because they must have done something.”