The Patriot Post® · To be Politically Correct Is to Be Wussy

By Albert Maslar ·

Americans are so conditioned to be politically correct and wussy that they do not speak up when they should, as illustrated by the Boston Marathon bomber who placed his knapsack in front of watchers, and calmly walked away while the soon to be victims did nothing. Cameras shows them standing there like unquestioning sheep. Someone should have said something as an oft-repeated admonition is, “If you see something, say something.” (Evidently easier said than done.)

Political correctness is a negative false religion that tends to blame victims while praising and extolling perpetrators, especially if the culprits are not of the Christian persuasion. Bad things done by Christians are horrible leading to the conclusion that those bad deeds are a representation of all Christianity. Bad things done by non-Christians, particularly by Muslim radicals, are excused and the question to be answered is who or what radicalized them, and their answer points the finger at the Christian conservative types instead of to a radical violent religion.

It is politically incorrect to question the morality of homosexual acts by gays, but it is politically correct for that same gay community to verbally assault adversaries and impugn their opposition to personal hatred, even though the adversaries propose biblical love of the sinner while hating the sin.

Several gay friends of mine are confrontational, demanding that their lifestyle be accepted carte blanche. One gay friend writes, “I find it very offensive, but people will think what they want, I always thought God made people what they are, being gay is not a learned behavior it is the way some people are born. Everyone is different, that’s what makes the world so interesting. If people weren’t born to be understanding and forgiving then they need to learn to be, if all were that way the world would be more peaceful.”

Evidently, friendship is dependent upon acceptance of the lifestyle as well as the person. The question as to how disagreeing or not with a different lifestyle make the world more or less peaceful, is not easily understood. Part of a communication received from another gay person asks, “But do you bare hatred towards Muslims? Cause it only sounds like hate or shame towards gays… The purpose of life is simple. Love. Just love. Just love.”

Without doubt, love is the driving force, but love is not a one-way street as it goes both ways – one for the other and returned in kind rather than one-way unrequited love. Biblical love includes chastisement and correction as part of the equation as tough love is part and parcel of the handling of addicted offspring, friends, family, and associates.

Wise King Solomon said, “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him” (Proverbs 13:24). “Spare the rod and spoil the child” has deep roots in human history.

There is a serious difference in the sins, hypocritical that they are when committed in private, or proudly ballyhooed, encouraged, and promoted wherever possible, even to the lowest level of preschool children. Suddenly the gay lifestyle becomes an all-consuming agenda that attempts to infect whomever, whenever, wherever.

Biblical admonitions aside, the active gay lifestyle is mainly responsible for the HIV virus causing debilitating AIDS that can then in various forms be transmitted to the innocent general population, sometimes maliciously in anger over gays being infected. Love defined above by some gays seems to be at odds with those intending to infect others.

There are no presently living humans who can claim to be without sin, and regardless of the type of sin, ALL have sinned, so it is not wise to point the finger at others. There is the Bible story of a woman caught in adultery and the Law of Moses allowed for death by stoning. The accusers questioned Jesus as to the validity of that law, expecting to trap him but got an answer they did not count on as Jesus responded, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone,” and Jesus stooped and wrote mysteriously in the dirt.

The accusers one-by-one beginning with the eldest slipped away and Jesus lifted himself up, and saw none but the woman. Jesus said to her, “Woman, where are your accusers? Has no man condemned thee?” She said, “No man, Lord,” and Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn thee; Go, and sin no more.” Note the forgiveness but also note the admonition for change in lifestyle is attached to the forgiveness.

The old time Mafia was notorious for its crime families that generally started with recruitment of young and promising young men and boys to be “soldiers,” awaiting promotion to the upper ranks, and in much the same way, the active gay community for its own devious pleasure, recruits and preys upon young men and boys.

TV media show their true colors as it is particularly silent about blaming Islam for violence and terror, but that it is one way or the other, always the fault of conservatives, meaning Christians. Media strongly defends and promotes the gay lifestyle while virtually denigrating conventional marriage between one man and one woman.

Perhaps that encapsulates the issues of homosexuality and Islamic violence across the globe. The media seem to be the deviants’ best friend but that is not to absolve extremely liberal higher education that fosters all that is unchristian, unconstitutional, and un-American.