The Patriot Post® · Comedian Obama Invokes God on Good & Bad Alike

By Albert Maslar ·

President Obama at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner at the Washington Hilton Hotel, Saturday, April 27, made fun of conspiracy theories about his past, joking: “I’m not the strapping young Muslim socialist that I used to be.”

“Many a truth has been spoken in jest.” The first author to express this thought in English was probably Geoffrey Chaucer. He included it in The Cook’s Tale, 1390: “But yet I pray thee be not wroth for game,” meaning, “Don’t be angry with my jesting… A man may say full sooth (the truth) in game and play.” Shakespeare later came closer to the contemporary version of the expression, in King Lear, 1605: “Jesters do oft prove prophets.”

Another attempt at humor, and who knows, also possibly close to the truth, Obama cracked a Birther joke: “I’m also hard at work on plans for the Obama library. Some have suggested that we put it in my birthplace, but I’d rather keep it in the United States.”

Laugh it off if you will as his followers certainly will, but who knows? The best way to divert attention is to make fun of one’s self. A joke by the jokester pokes fun at himself, pre-empting his opponents.

Obama concluded with his now signature “God Bless You America,” this time rightly so as opposed to his blasphemous “God Bless You” bestowed on Planned Parenthood for his thanking God for their nearly 400,000 abortions each year, at least half of which budget is paid by taxpayers against their conscience and beliefs.

A jolly good time was had by all the happy-with-themselves mostly liberal media, but obviously no mention of the forgotten Benghazi tragedy, or the slight reference to the Boston Marathon tragedy that has now officially been forgiven as it was blissfully assigned to be due to “Self-Radicalization.”

The Boston perpetrators were identified as Chechnyan immigrant Islamic radical brothers, 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev now in captivity, and 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev who was killed while being take into custody. The media debate is whether they were radicalized at home, no doubt by Christian conservatives, rather than abroad, is liberal media’s reason to jump for joy. Some talking heads openly hoped the perpetrators were not Muslim. Talk about having an axe to grind.

Unhappily, even Raymond Arroyo, the renowned host of The World Over, an EWTN news staple, with a gotcha smirk, practically gloated as he declared the terrorists to have been self-radicalized right here in the US, as though that whitewashed the entire tragedy. There are 57 Muslim countries so “What difference does that make,” (as Hillary wrongly shouted at the Benghazi Congressional hearing, about the reason for the assault) as Muslims no matter where they are, the 1.2 billion muslims are all under the same Islamic umbrella. If even 10% of them are radical, an understatement, there is big trouble in the world and the US.

Christians are taught to forgive and my pastor preached a sermon of forgiveness that fell short in that it was never mentioned that the guilty, while seeking forgiveness, must express regret and remorse with intention not to sin again – something that has not yet happened. Forgiveness is not like the line from the 1970 film “Love Story” starring Ali MacGraw and Ryan O'Neal, “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” Sorry to say, but that does not compute.

The pastor used an example of a young Jesuit who prayed for the perpetrator and put his forgiveness on Facebook, but this young man was not an injured party nor was it for him to forgive as that right and responsibility is reserved for those directly affected. This young Jesuit might do well to consider what is happening in his own religious community in which most of the 25 or so Jesuit institutions of higher learning, against precepts of their church, associate students with Planned Parenthood as interns, routinely sponsor morally filthy plays such as “Vagina Monologues,” gloss over gay marriage, and hire professors who teach against catholic carved-in- stone beliefs and principles.

Radical Muslims do not want or seek forgiveness, only violence in the name of their false god Allah, who might in fact be Lucifer who was so bright he considered himself to be God’s equal, and therein lies the rub. Muslims glory in violence and murder of gentiles and de facto persecution of God and Christianity while radical liberals grant a pass and justify and virtually condone this violence as self-radicalized.

Regardless of anything else Obama said in his address to Planned Parenthood, Obama should not have finished his address for their good work, and praise to his murdering buddies club with the damning statement, “God BLESS You.” He should shudder in his boots about his blatant blasphemy of God who in his own time and place.

President Barack Hussein Obama has come a long way from his good Pastor Jeremiah Wright who cursed, “God D** America,” that his star pupil elevated to “God Blessing Planned Parenthood,” the most prolific mass murderers in this once great country. BLASPHEMY is done by fools who dare to insult God to his face. Pastor Wright’s curse of America is less egregious than Obama’s blessing of Planned Parenthood.