The Patriot Post® · 'Self-Radicalized' Not Going Away; Obama on It

By Albert Maslar ·

President Obama held a press conference Tuesday and jumped all over the validity of “Self-Radicalized” to whitewash his favorite religion that though he proclaims Christianity, his actions in favor of Islam speak volumes and speak louder than words. As Shakespeare put it, “Me thinks thou protesteth too much.”

There is an enemy in the dark and we know the enemy consists of the 57 Islamic nations who at any given time are involved in virtually all of about 50 wars going on in the world at any given time. Not all Muslims are terrorists but virtually 99% of terrorists are Muslim.

To define terrorists as self-radicalized is to absolve Islam of responsibility for terrorists acting in accordance with Islamic verses in the Quran. Prospective terrorists are advised to act individually or as members of terrorist groups. Islam encourages and funds violence and death against heretics, so how is that suddenly self-radicalization?

There is no pass for evil Christians who have the temerity to pray in front of the White House or abortion clinics without being arrested and portrayed as being hateful and unjust. So-called Right Wing Conservatives are disparaged as “Wing Nuts” but all the rabble-rousers are Left-Wing Liberals, so what does that make them other than extremist?

The real self-radicalized are militant extremist Muslims that are naturally radicalized by tenets of their Quran and their quest for who-knows how many virgins. 36? 72? What do women get other than the hijab to cover their face? By definition they are not part of the virgin gifts to male terrorists.

Wesley Pruden, editor emeritus of The Washington Times writes, “There’s an enemy out there in the dark, and it’s important to know who he is.” Open the envelope please. And the answer is:

At least 10% of the 1.2 billion Muslims, self-radicalized or not, are the enemy.

To be a self-radicalized Islamist terrorist is to not be held responsible for vicious terrorist murderous acts against innocent men, women, children, Jews, and Christians. Other than that, they are not radical at all? Islam is still perceived by the US to be a peaceful religion, and if they are violent against us, it is our fault as they were merely self-radicalized.

America has been wrong on Iraq courtesy of Bush II; wrong on Egypt and Libya, among others, courtesy of Obama. So why should America trust the “Commandeer”-in-Chief to pick new leadership in rebellious countries like Egypt and Libya, among others, that go from bad to worse, compliments of the infamous Muslim Brotherhood that is bent on destroying the US and Israel with encouragement and funding from the US?

The other side of the coin is the fact that the US is rewarding its terrorist enemies driven by radical Islamic verses while punishing God-fearing people who believe in the Ten Commandments, moral admonitions, and in-dwelling Natural Law. As another maxim states, “The innocent will be punished,” and severely.

America is officially about $17 trillion in debt, perhaps closer to $100 trillion if proper accounting methods were employed, but continues to profusely contribute borrowed monies to its enemies, lending credence to the comic strip Pogo maxim, “We have found the enemy and they is us.”

President Obama at the WH Correspondents’ Dinner kidded about no longer being a young socialist Muslim, but no doubt he was just kidding. Question is whether Obama is self-radicalized or not, and according to his escapades while in Harvard and other “institutions” of higher learning, Pastor Jeremiah Wright, his Chicago Community organizing background, and other antics, Obama had more personal peccadilloes than his admitted use of drugs and pot, the combination of which may fit the definition of “self-radicalized.”

Obama was wrong in every aspect of his ObamaCare promises as regarded taxes and keeping your doctor and health plan. Don’t say we did not get fair warning about ObamaCare when the politicians had no idea what was in the massive 1500 page bill that no one read, and its nearly 20,000 pages and still growing list of unreadable regulations. And as good House Speaker Nancy Pelosi confidently asserted, “We must pass this bill so we can see what is in it.” Now we know. Full time workers are now part time workers, competing with younger entrants into the work force, as employers sit on their hands rather than venture into this Obama minefield.

Everyone is trying to get into the act as Mayor Bloomberg might read the Constitution first before he would opt to change it according to the fact that the Constitution already provides for procedures for making needed changes. Bloomberg may then find that there are no provisions in the Constitution for limiting the size of sugary drinks, and he is not judge, jury, and executioner determining what is and what should be. But the nanny state goes on and on in its power grabs to limit personal freedom.

When the über wealthy combine to do anything, it must be bad for common ordinary working people. Consider the joining of forces, Bill Gates and his Gates Foundation attracting a huge percentage of the Warren Buffet fortune and guess what their goal is: “ABORTION” or as they like to call it, “Population Control.” After they made their fortunes from the backs of common people, now they want to kill their potential new customers?

Enter the newest disciple kid on the block to join that duo, Mark Zuckerberg, who really stole the Facebook idea from his college buddies who brought him into their idea. And then when he saw its potential, he split and finished without them. Some buddy. When the über wealthy combine to do anything, it must be bad for common ordinary working people.

How self-radicalized can Obama be when he quickly entered the fray involving arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, criticizing the “racist” arrest and the response by the police. Now celebrating Beach Week, there is massive Black violence, not a new phenomenon at Virginia Beach as the history goes back a long way and in the early 1980s was called “Greekfest.” Over the past weekend, Beach Week drew 40,000 blacks descending on Virginia Beach to party, except it excused violence, trashing, and polluting the beach.

Some things never change except to get worse. When will the Black community get real pride in themselves and put down the young hood element? Maybe they don’t want to do that as someone is doing their dirty work for them. reports that in 2008 Barack Obama was not qualified to run for President. Self-Radicalization helped Obama as he cheated on the 2008 Indiana primary elections. Say what? Either way, America is the loser and worse than Third World countries with purple ink on the forefinger to show they voted ONCE. America is broken and all the kings’ horses and all the kings’ men can’t put not-quite self-radicalized Humpty Dumpty back together again. P I T Y. It was such a fine country.

There are many more non-combatants who are not self-radicalized – or are they? First Lady Michelle Obama tweeted:

So proud of you, Jason Collins! This is a huge step forward for our country. We’ve got your back! –mo.

Evidently one almost washed-up has-been star basketball athlete coming out of the closet makes him a patriot. Mr. Jason Collins, welcome to the storied Founders who wisely established this great USA with its Constitution and Bill of Rights, but unfortunately they died, leaving the self-radicalized to carry the torch of liberty.