The Patriot Post® · Line in Sand Changes With Tide

By Albert Maslar ·

Come back after high tide comes in and then recedes, and the line drawn in the sand is either gone, distorted, or squiggly, and squiggly may well define the leadership Americans have chosen – twice. A current example are the red lines Obama defined for North Korea, Iran, and Syria, that though reached and exceeded in Syria, have simply been reclassified as under study and review.

All bluster and no muster is the modus operandi as the bark is worse than the bite, ignoring the maxim not to make threats one does not intend to carry out. There is no right or wrong for this administration as nothing is its fault and there is but room for only the agenda of state-driven liberal progressive principles and government that is in fact regressive.

Republicans are no more perceptive than Democrats in that Eric Cantor ought to have enough smarts to realize that ObamaCare, though repeal passes in the House, is DOA in the Senate, and expecting the big boy Obama to sign the demise of his own landmark Bill is absurd. It might, however, be the demise of the GOP, Gone Old Party; R.I.P.

Based on the state of the country and its domination by the 47%, nothing is shocking, and truth be told, even if the GOP wins nothing much will change as we are in a “One-Party Two-Party” system. Republicans have not done their job in the House, which is to approve spending or not as the House controls the purse; if the House does not approve the spending, it does not get spent.

But House Speaker John Boehner is an ardent Obama fan and eventually approves every not-so-trifling expenditure and then some, adding to national debt big time while he patiently (or not) awaits the day of reckoning when the GOP will control all three branches of government. The biggest mistake of this concept is thinking that suddenly everything will be right with the world, and a magic eraser will clear the board and the awakening will be a cure-all for all that ails the country and the culture. Not gonna happen that way. The more things change, the more they stay the same; or get worse.

The country and its people are not worried as they carry on their love dance with hand-held device technology much like those on the Titanic who simply played the music louder to literally drown out the threat of drowning, and now America dances and parties until the bitter end that may be closer than suspected. Not a pretty outlook. There are few who can fix this mess, except maybe Ron Paul who mistakenly and foolishly passed the baton to the not quite measuring-up son Senator Rand Paul. Never send a boy to do a man’s work.

Or it may take a Black Man, a real bona fide Black Man, Dr. Benjamin SOLOMON Carson, to clean up the mess of the pseudo black man that made the mess he “inherited” worse. Ben Carson has the exact characteristics needed by the US now, as he is a neurosurgeon, someone who does surgery on the nervous system and especially the brain. Ben Carson served as director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital and his credits include surgical innovations, the most famous being successful separation of conjoined twins joined at the head.

This is exactly what the US needs – separation of the GOP liberal head from the Democrat liberal head, or cut off both heads and grow a new more enlightened head, a bona fide American Constitutional head. An alcoholic might claim that what made him sick can cure him, as to cure his pounding  headache and general depressed feeling, he downs a snifter the morning after a drinking binge. And so it is with political big spenders who actually make that claim, saying the country is bankrupt but more spending will effect the cure.

Of course, Obama plays doctor as every month the unemployment figures are doctored that show a constant downward percentage of unemployed, in April declining from 7.6% to 7.5 %. Lost in the translation is that, though population increased, the number of potential workers inexplicably declined. But the number of unemployed stands at 11.7 million, while part-time workers increased by over 400,000, thus distorting unemployment numbers.

Part-time workers may become the new normal as more companies opt to reduce weekly hours below 30 so as not to be required to provide dreaded ObamaCare. It is close to the point at which time Dr. Obama will claim the fiscal surgery fixing the Bush depression was successful but the patient died anyway.This lower weekly hours worked will require more part-time workers that contribute to the decline in percentage unemployed.

Who do you trust: quack doctor Barack Obama or world renowned Dr. Ben Carson? Who else is out there that is honest, willing, knowledgeable, skilled, low-key, and knows how to do brain surgery without causing irreparable damage? Considering the state of America today, Americans will once again make the wrong decision under the illusion that free lunch is really free.

The fact is that in addition to the near $17 trillion of National Debt, there are unfunded obligations approaching $100 trillion. Overlooked is the near zero interest rate that can only go up, eventually to at least 6%, and suddenly when least expected, the current $16.7 trillion debt translates into $1 trillion in interest per year.

Who is going to pay this debt that is likely underestimated, as are all government promises and obligations? Do any politicians of any major party have the right answer? Minimum wage of $25 per hour for an unattainable 40-hour workweek would not suffice after taxes and medical insurance. Considering $12-$15 per gallon gas, ordinary autos costing upwards of $50,000, housing rent or mortgage in the $5,000 per month range, and $20 Starbucks, it leaves precious little if anything for food.

Every worker at this $25 level or below will have to be on food stamps to survive, thereby adding still more national debt. And forget the 401k as the here and now would be the only important thing, but even that would not matter as world turbulence, unrest, terror, violence, rampant crime, never-ending wars, and instability might make life not worth living at all. Medical attention will be limited as fewer are willing and able to go through the eduction process to accumulate a mountain of unrepayable debt with skimpy if any insurance to pay for medical services.

Self-reliance may be the secret to survival in a financially troubled environment. “Do it yourself” may become a watch-word and the better one does it, the more free they will become. The cost of “free” is prohibitively expensive. The 47% will learn the harsh reality of “free” when the larder is empty, but those who prepared will be plundered in the process of survival of the unfittest.