The Patriot Post® · Unprecedented President Creates Double-Edge Precedents

By Albert Maslar ·

At what point does an unprecedented presidential precedent become the law of the land, or in these calamitous times, take on the boomerang effect bringing to terrible reality, “What goes around, comes around”?

At what point does the boomerang turn 180 degrees to return and hit the unsuspecting unprepared thrower upon the most unprotected parts?

Precedents are set every day by parents, in particular when they ignore violent games their children play (the MSM put strapping 17-year old football player Trayvon in the children category); or knowingly continue allowances used for street drugs; or allowing sex for their children in the home; or in the case of proms, etc., paying for the hotel or motel rooms openly enabling what they know these still legally ‘children’ will do.

At what point does the unprecedented become precedent? Syria is in full-blown civil war already at the two year mark with no end in sight. Preemptive wars have become precedents since Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, and now Obama – the self-defined unprecedented one, already having joined that evidently non-exclusive presidential club with his unconstitutional interference in Egypt and Libya.

Unprecedented presidential policies and military actions are de facto precedents that become available to friend and foe alike. Does anyone think for a moment that the violent Islamist world will long sit still for one-way precedents?

September 11, 2001 was a true precedent as it marks the first successful major attack against a US city and the Pentagon, and repeated eleven years later, 9/11/2012. In effect, the Bush II “Shock and Awe” came home to roost, which now becomes an anniversary marking the major victory of Islam over their arch-enemy, the US.

Now Obama seeks to continue his own unauthorized unconstitutional wars, which began with upsetting the balance of power in Egypt and Libya whose situation went from bad to worse. And now Obama is on the verge of extending the caldron to Syria which Obama has already been doing from behind the veil of secrecy.

How many mistakes must be repeated ad nauseam without encapsulating Einstein’s insanity definition, “Insanity is repeating the same thing over, and over, and over again, but expecting different results”?

If nothing else, Obama is notable for absolute adherence to his philosophy of transforming the US and whatever suits his overarching agenda, whether it is needed or not; no matter if it is bad; no matter if it goes from bad to worse; no matter whether it is against the immutable laws of the Creator and nature.

And therein lays the rub. Defying mankind is one thing but defying God is totally another thing that, like it or not, has the usual unforeseen but expected often horrific consequences.

Should a man be trusted in decisions regarding world affairs, peace or war, death or life, when his personal political decisions are 100% pro-death, the ultimate meaning of pro-abortion to the point of justifying infanticide, the intentional killing of babies surviving abortion that Obama chooses to let die without any medical attention? The bottom line is: “Can this man be trusted in anything large or small?” The Bible states that those who can be trusted in small things will be given greater responsibility. What small trusts has Obama earned?

President Obama is even a disgrace to his black heritage because he constantly promotes abortion even though black babies are aborted at about 2 ½ times the ratio of white babies. Obama therefore loves killers of black babies, particularly Planned Parenthood that by itself kills about 330,000 babies each and every year who are disproportionately black.

Does not the Harvard Professor seek the truth and view a 4-D sonogram of an active baby in the womb? Does not the Harvard Professor know history, and that Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood to eliminate undesirables, code word for blacks?

If President Obama is that ignorant and lacking in knowledge of the developing baby’s brain activity, ability to feel pain, emotion, and ability to learn while in the womb to the point of being able to distinguish between male and female voices, how can his knowledge of the right answer to constant revolutions in the Middle East Islamic countries be trusted?

President Obama may be truly unprecedented if he is fact NOT an American citizen but elevated as their chosen and anointed one by the powers that be that elevated Obama as their pawn to bring about the destruction of the US from within, because that might be the only way that dastardly deed can be accomplished. Of course that requires the willing to go along with him and what better way than to impoverish the willing majority that still believe in free lunch. Notice that no one really knows the history and background of their self-appointed messiah. Does Satan know?

Historically there has only been one truly anointed one of God, one who came to sacrifice himself to save the world, while those who pretend to be anointed one’s sacrifice any and all to placate their mentor, the father of lies, whose interns froth at the mouth as they attempt to suppress anything approaching the definition of their chief characteristic and stock-in-trade, “LIE.”