The Patriot Post® · Black Attitude: Not Enough Government

By Albert Maslar ·

I speak to many regular Black people who are involved in various services to the elderly, particularly those providing home, hospital, rehab, and retirement services, and nearly unanimously, they favor more government that by definition is maintenance and expansion of the nanny welfare state.

Lack of traditional family upbringing with a mother and a father as leaders of the family to serve as role models and educators creates a subculture of neglect for children who do not learn from the mother because perhaps she herself did not have an educated mother to show and train her, and because too often the father is missing from the picture.

That is an observation as some home aides for the elderly and disabled look to see how a caregiver spouse cooks and does things in the maintenance of the house. That goes to proving the point that many want to learn and advance but were not given the example as they grew up.

Some Blacks actually blame Reagan for many of the problems concerning them today, that Reagan broke the unions, thus getting the country to its current state of affairs, exemplified by the government partial shutdown. The sad fact is that concept of government unions is the cause of many problems persisting to this day. Government unions bargain with a government that unions vastly funded to elect so it is a stacked deck against the common good. Private sector unions are as different from government unions as day differs from night.

Blacks seem to have an underlying real hatred for Whites, demonstrated by their continued obsession with the Trayvon killing, not by a white man but by the Hispanic George Zimmerman. No matter, multiple attacks of whites by groups of blacks in the name of Trayvon go unnoticed by the Black community, and are generally not reported as such in the media, and are often neither investigated, prosecuted, nor punished.

Blacks are seemingly united against White America by their DNA, and are a tinderbox that can be sparked by the least incidental occurrence. It is almost that as a group, Blacks hate themselves, and blame whites for Blacks being black.

Many Whites are of European heritage and many save and look forward to visiting the homeland of their ancestors. Recent immigrants often send relief packages to relatives left behind. There does not seem to be a corresponding desire by Blacks to visit Africa or to contribute to causes that provide food and the basics of life to the poverty-stricken Blacks in Africa who are truly in a poverty never experienced by American Blacks.

Poverty and starvation in America are hot topics for media but the fact is that talk of American poverty is overblown for political and social purposes. Impoverished American Blacks are the envy of the impoverished of the world that are truly impoverished, hungry, homeless, uneducated and medically under-provided.

English speaking Africans speak beautifully and should put shame into the Black Ebonics slang and often-unintelligible pronunciation to distinguish themselves from white. Educated Blacks are too often held in low esteem by their brothers and ridiculed for being “Too White,” terms not directed at rabble-rouser Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. This attitude perpetuates the fantasy that Blacks were once slaves and this segment demands staying in place rather than being pushed upward.

Half Black President Barack Obama is the unseen hand behind this Black turmoil in that he singlehandedly blocks Black employment by intentionally inhibiting jobs to increase dependency and the ever-growing food stamp culture. One simple thing Obama can do but will not do is to finally unblock the Keystone XL Pipeline from Canada to Texas and other refining and exporting centers.

Direct and indirect jobs created by additional spending of the new workers in various construction and refining areas can eventually create up to two million good-paying tax-paying non-welfare demanding jobs. Secondly, Obama can rescind punitive EPA and environmental regulations that are designed to inhibit job creation.

The Bible says, “Those who WILL NOT work, will not eat,” and that is the crux of the problem. As much as one-third of the potential work force is unemployed but are no longer actively seeking non-existent jobs. The published jobless rate stands at a fictitious 7.2%, about half the actual rate with Black youth unemployment hovering around 50%. Government is the culprit inhibiting these willing workers from helping themselves. As President Ronald Reagan said, “Government is not the solution to our problem; Government is the problem.”

Eventually every attitude gets to be push coming to shove, and it is not inconceivable that sooner rather than later there will be another Civil War in America, but this one will be fostered by free Blacks who cannot stand prosperity. Posing this hypothesis to Blacks generates a “no response smile,” lending credence to possibility of Blacks rising in unison against White shackles, much like Blacks and other impoverished killing the goose that laid the golden egg.