The Patriot Post® · Twin Towers of Babel & Babble

By Albert Maslar ·

Genesis 11:1-9 briefly summarizes mankind’s knowledge and epitomizes every age as being the most modern, most intelligent, most capable of executing its wishes into reality, a quest to complete its own Tower of Babel, Stairway To Heaven, but alas, it is a never-ending path to failure.

Like it or not, believe it or not, love it or hate it, there is a Supreme Being Architect of the earthly World and the accompanying universe. None are responsible for their own being or existence, but must concede their own creation depends upon male and female interaction preceding their own existence that continues the creation process gifted by the All Knowing possessor of all knowledge.

Record of the Creation is narrated in the Bible that is the oldest written record of mankind in recorded history, and as such, should at least be treated as the oldest literature in history, worthy of any educational curriculum. Religious separatists, the “Too smart to learn,” modern “Know it Alls,” in their History Channel type quest for all knowledge, real, imagined, or outright fabricated, and where all came from, obviously not from efforts of their own, totally reject merits of the Bible that date back to the first known humans, Adam and Eve, incidentally, not “Adam and STEVE.”

Knowledge imparted in the Bible includes mention of rivers in the oceans and skies, circular winds, and even the shape of the earth as a globe, proven by the exploration of Christopher Columbus and few others before his time, scientific truths only discovered during new modern times. Question is, “How did all this information beat discoveries of science when there was no science during those ancient periods?

In the processes of intelligent ignorance, modernists have always been subject to Murphy’s Law. an adage stating, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong,”  particularly applicable to modern politicians worldwide, bent on opposing God and his nature, the only easy and right way on the superhighway of life.

Archaeologists laboriously seek answers through digging and discovery of remains of earlier cultures, results of which often confirm earlier cultures had much knowledge new moderns are just discovering. Much of what ancients knew about arts, metals, and construction have since been lost to moderns, or like Roman Coliseums, not improved upon. Even such trivial things as certain colors cannot be reproduced by Home Depot paint color matching computers.

Painstaking excavation and digs by aspiring students of life and humanity, though noble in themselves, generally preclude the fact of an original Creator, source of all life and knowledge, attributing all to mankind or unaided nature.

The ever-elusive missing link to the first human according to Charles Darwin is based on fossil evidence for man’s evolution, claimed humans evolved from apes whose own creation is attributed to nothing, a natural evolution of life from non-life. Needless to say, Darwin admitted he had no proof for his thesis, and many after him created faked proof linking humans to lower animals, all in desperate efforts to disprove the existence of God.

Through the ages, those living in the present considered themselves to be the epitome of humanity, the most intelligent, informed, knowledgeable, and superior to ancestry, dating back to creation or evolution of the very first human, that somehow is attributed to nothing, thereby making the evolutionist day, as opposed to eternity.

Modern scientists reduced everything to its smallest component by discovery of the atom, hailed as the solution to all knowledge, but as Paul Harvey said in the introduction to his famous radio broadcasts, and now, “The rest of the story,” that usually defies imagination.

As with the Maslar axiom, “Every solution creates two new problems,” every discovery of the atom and its components leads to the ultimate final basic of the atom, which nucleus was discovered to include protons, neutrons, electrons, many types of quark including heavier antiquarks.

Scientific search for the smallest physical element of the atom led to forty-year quest resulting in discovery of “The Higgs Boson,” the subatomic particle, winning a Nobel Prize for Francois Englert and Peter Higgs, a discovery so immense for physics that it took on the nickname, “The God Particle.”

Mankind now boasted it could be like God, the same mistake made by Satan who in turn seduced Adam and Eve, the first humans in recorded history, but adamantly forbidden by a godless society immersed in its own Twitter, FaceBook, and countless new versions of social media, all bent on making participants gods in themselves.

Intelligentsia ignores the admonition of Albert Einstein, “The difference between the most intelligent and least intelligent human is infinitesimal compared to all the knowledge there is.” Another caveat is “Occam’s Razor,” a scientific and philosophic rule should not be multiplied unnecessarily, that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex. Another lesson is the admonition by a little boy angel who told St. Thomas that his little brain cannot contain all the knowledge and wisdom of God.

Cults, anchored by atheist, agnostic, homosexual, believers in only the here and now, are ecstatic as it proves that God is no longer needed or relevant, ignoring the fact that God promises believers they will have eternal never-ending happiness as a reward for doing the right thing.

Biblical Mesopotamian “Tower of Babel” collapsed because of pride that then “modern” knowledge was sufficient to build a stairway to heaven, only to result in destruction and dispersion, emulated by the 21st Century “Tower of Babble,” enabling devotees who have nothing to say, to say it in 240 characters or less, in hopes of personal viral fame or infamy. It is not what is said, but how clever is the perception.

Modern America is hooked on the need and value of college education, but that turns out to be a mirage in that those espousing higher education block job creation needed to pay for the exorbitant cost of education.

Higher education and knowledge are fruitless without jobs sufficient to pay the enormous debt enabling tenure of pretentious, ungodly, amoral professors who thrive on imparting extreme Liberal agendas that go against traditional norms, vague agendas going too far, (but not far enough), and too often not suited for productive remunerative careers, putting Mom’s basement in play, even beyond the proverbial age 26 of ObamaCare fame.

Politicians aspire re-election or higher office with babble, sound bytes, double-speak, spin, all talk and no action, as though words solve countless problems, when in fact, jobs are the solution, but forced welfare keeps inmates in check. Twitter and FaceBook are weapons of choice that measure effectiveness of babble by the number and amount of political contributions from gullible lemming followers.

It might be wiser not to know what is in political babble that might sound good; too good to be true, much like with sausage, though tasting good, it might be better to not know what is in it or how it is made. As the Pelosi famously said, “We have to pass this bill (ObamaCare) so that we can see what is in it.” Whoops! Too late. The only thing politicians propose to pass should be gas and gallstones, emphasis on gas. We can always leave the room and that too shall pass.