The Patriot Post® · Monarchy, Compassionate Dictatorship, Perfect Government

By Albert Maslar ·

Monarchy is the perfect form of government as based on the Bible with Jesus being the “King of Kings,” proving the fact of the ultimate monarchy; Jesus, King of all; Knowledgeable of all; Wisest of all, Institutor of all Kings who get power from Him. Jesus said to Pontius Pilate, “You would have no power over me at all unless it were given to you from above. So the one who handed me over to you has the greater sin.”

President Obama may be confused as he is the selfie-proclaimed monarch dictator, as though anointed by the Supreme Being, but his Presidential Constitutional power, though abused, was permitted by the Supreme Being, and in that will he be judged.

King David and his son King Solomon are Biblical archetypes of the true value of kingship that needs no committee to impose swift law and justice. King David, because of human flaws, was not permitted to build the Temple of God in Jerusalem, the honor passing to his son King Solomon who ruled with the wisdom bestowed by God alone, not a product of his own self. Historically, Kings, Dictators, and Despots rule as a birthright, as though they derived power from themselves alone, and have no one to answer to but themselves.

Abuse of power is the trademark of most monarch types the world over, and unseating from their thrones is by necessity done with force when all else fails and Critical Mass is exceeded. Not surprisingly, revolution and dissidence prevail across the continents.

America is no longer the “United States of America,” the divisions so deeply ingrained and beyond repair that only the Dividers are keeping it together for promotion and maintenance of power. Every game has a rulebook, but when the rules are constantly broken, revised, dismissed, and abused, the game as designed is de facto over, fait accompli.

President Obama, the self-defined anointed one, has been the designated driver of this country intoxicated with its sense of freedom from religious and natural inhibitions, that an unconstitutional President is more to its liking than the Creator who had the audacity to issue Ten Commandments. Note the significance of the Ten Commandments being “Carved In Stone,” 6,000 years before current generations use the axiom to mean “Unchangeable.”

Never mind that the current self-anointed one had his own audacity to reach the presidency by hook and by crook, and issue his own commandments mandating health care insurance for all; insurance being a far cry from actual health care. Not leaving well enough alone, Obama installed mandates against the laws of God as to abortion, which is murder of a defenseless human being.

Obama advocated against nature as to misuse of sex by advocating homosexuality, clearly against natural male-female complementary functions of nature. Obama better pull a Satchel Paige, “Don’t look back. Something might be gaining on you,” to illustrate the further danger Obama may eventually face when looking back to his open contempt for his alleged “Christianity” and the Almighty God of Abraham, though Obama solemnly and reverently honors Muhammad, “The Prophet,” founder of Islam.

Which of the two, Muhammad or Yahweh is the true religious belief of Obama? Regardless of what Obama says, he complies with Shakespeare advice from Pelonius to his son; “To thine own self be true,” the last piece of advice Polonius gave to his son Laertes, who was in a hurry to get on the next boat to Paris, where he will be safe from his father’s long-winded speeches.

Obama proclaims his Christianity since his Baptism by Pastor Jeremiah Wright about 25 years ago. Prior to that time, Obama was Muslim, and a precept of Islam is that lying is permitted if it advances the cause of Islam, one of which is destruction of the U.S. by any and all means, from within and without. What better way to destroy America than from the Presidency itself?

There is hardly any denying of the fact that excessive spending and debt creation are central to the Islamic goal to destroy the U.S. and the spreading unauthorized U.S wars plus budget-busting ObamaCare go a long way toward weakening America. The fiscal weakening is either intentional or stupid, but either way; the deed is done, and all that is needed for Islam to keep winning is continuation of the rotting policies.

In America today, Obama wants to escape the wrath of American patriots as he seeks safe harbor of the U.N. in New York City where he might be Dictator-Emperor of the One-World instead of just the declining U.S. that in the face of proven Global Cooling, Obama and pseudo-science proclaims world cooling as due to Global Warming, a ruse to establish Carbon Taxes for the World.

God had the audacity to instruct mankind to respect His Name, honor Him only, but not false gods, respect parents, admonishing people not to lie, steal, murder, commit adultery; or covet the house, wife, servant, ox, donkey, or anything that belongs to another. “Covet” is another word summarily dismissed by the man who would walk on water, would that it were frozen over. Obama advocates redistribution of wealth, an idea that is first cousin to “Covet.” Are there any of the Ten Commandments, Obama would willingly comply with?

Respect the name of God Yahweh is not an outlandish request as a listen to any rant of a non-entity playing professional sports, football in particular, disrespect, diss in street jargon, any one seemingly dissing them or their performance on the field. So why is dissing God so common, so good, so inconsequential?

Government knows the Ten Commandments are not sufficient, so it writes prohibitions against murder encompassed in thousands of pages describing every kind of condition, ignoring the fact that murder is murder, no matter the who, how, why, when, or where that happens to be in the most protective place of the woman’s womb.

Compassion of a Dictator can only go so far, but not far enough to define abortion as the murder of a defenseless living child in the womb, actually paying for the 1.2 Million abortion murders each year since the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling of the not so compassionate “Supreme,” (not supreme as applicable to God) Court.

Every crime has a perpetrator face, and the 21st Century face of abortion crime includes the compassionate dictator concerned with “fairness” as though it is fair to kill defenseless children and forcing payment from non-complying taxpayers with objections due to valid religious belief and conscience.

As stated in the first paragraph, “So the one who handed me over to you has the greater sin,” those who enabled this holocaust killing of 56 Million babies through the period of Roe v. Wade have the greater sin, politically incorrect as is the word “SIN.”

The most egregious of the abortion holocaust, in order to protect the innocent, includes President Barack Obama, Past House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sister Carol Keehan, HHS Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, House Speaker John Boehner, Chief Justice John Roberts, and lemmings who voted approval and funding for public approval and funding of ObamaCare abortion that is rightly defined as murder, the unjust taking of human life; the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. God save them.