The Patriot Post® · Tea Party Death Knell – National Popular Vote

By Albert Maslar ·

“National Popular Vote” (NPV) is a movement designed to provide Democratic control of everything forever, or until the revolution, whichever comes first. GOP Republicans are sarcastically called the Stupid Party, which is dead meat and despite hollow protestations, generally goes along with Democrats in favor of war and spending. So who represents “Of the people, By the people, For the people?” A PRECIOUS FEW.

NPV sounds good on the surface, but in the early 1950s, some students in collegiate housing listened to a Sunday morning radio broadcast featuring Bishop Johnson who ended his program responding to letters. One letter questioned, “Bishop Johnson, you is always preaching against drinking, but it say in the Bible that a little wine is good for the stomach.” Unfazed, Bishop Johnson answered, “But what does the Bible mean? It means you rub it on your stomach.” There were a few politically incorrect laughs but the Bishop was a good and well-intentioned preacher.

And so it is with NPV. What does that mean? The answer is not as simple as let the whole country vote for President, and regardless of State Electoral Votes, it is “Winner-Take-All.” Whichever candidate receives the most votes nationwide is the winner. What could possibly be wrong with that beautifully fair concept?

The problem is that Democracy by itself would not work without checks and balances as the Founders foresaw. So they set the country up as a Republic in which the Senate would balance out the majority in the House that on purely a principle of a democracy, is too quick to vote “Free Stuff.” The Senate would need 60% to overcome the House majority rush to give benefits to those who have not earned them.

Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid appreciates the difficulty of his task of passing Obama legislation as the 40% can block, filibuster, and stall legislative procedures. Reid answers with threats of the so-called “Nuclear Option” that would enable HIS Senate to operate on a simple majority just as prevails in the House of Representatives. This is contrary to protections built into the Constitution by the Founders. If the majority is all that is necessary, what justifies the existence of the Senate?

It is understandable that the Republican House favors simple majority, but why does the Democratic Senate favor it as well? GOP House Speaker John Boehner despises his Tea Party compatriots that gave him the GOP Speakership. Boehner resents Tea Party members keeping his feet to the Conservative fire, and though he would not be Speaker without them, their Conservatism goes against his liberal leanings that always favor his master, President Barack Obama.

As is typical of stupid humans, Boehner bites the hand (and head) of those that feed him. Word is that many Republican Liberals in Congress would opt to lose the November 2014 mid-term elections, just to purge themselves of this annoying Piranha Tea Party that will not let go.

“National Popular Vote” movement is a Liberal Democratic scheme to guarantee Democrats permanent control of the soon to be totally Socialist Government. NPV is not desirable for a free America. The proposed bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate receiving the most popular votes in the entire U.S. The most populous States could vote en masse, thwarting the original concept of States Rights, but the majority has too often been proven to be wrong as they were twice wrong by electing Obama.

Liberals permanently, regardless of scandals, have more than 90% of the Black vote, substantial majority among Brown and Latino voters, and combined with the “47%,” some included with Black and Latino voters, along with dyed-(and dead) in-the-wool Democrat and Liberal voters, abortionist, free contraceptive blocs, and GOP haters, control their own destiny.

Republicans may have seen the last of their effectiveness as a political party, thanks to RINO Boehner, McConnell, McCain, a smattering of others, and lately, Senator Rand Paul who writes that Republicans will never win another Presidential election in his lifetime unless they are more inclusive, particularly on social issues that Conservatives cannot change. Where has the word “Change” been heard before?

The House already has the Majority, winner-take-all, but the Senate says whoa, let’s think this through, and needing 60 votes to win an issue makes it more difficult to ram through undesirable legislation. If both branches of Congress were winner-take-all, where are the checks and balances? Vive la différence.

Senator Reid wants the nuclear option, winner take all. In Presidential elections, by concentrating on certain States, no matter the volume of votes, the electoral votes do not multiply, making it more difficult to rig the results. With NPV, results  are limited to those of the State total electoral votes and do not infringe on the smaller States; as without NPV Presidential candidates can only gain electoral votes of that one State, no matter the excess plurality.

The House gives full Representation to winner take all as far as voting for legislation is concerned, and if that applies to the Presidency, there is nothing to stop a runaway train, pure democracy, the Founders FEARED. A handful of States can be flooded with legal and illegal votes, to swamp the country, and voila, the making of dictatorship, not that America is not in a de facto dictatorship right now. Voting machines are known to be rigged.

Republicans themselves sounded the Tea Party Death Knell when 28 of 232 House Republicans, including Speaker John Boehner, who reprised previous Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi, passed a “Clean Debt Limit Bill” that gave Obama unlimited unconditional borrowing authority until March 15, 2015. All House Democrats voted for the bill, and Pelosi could not have done a better job of getting Republican support, as in JOB AMERICA, not jobs FOR America.

Duplicity abounds as Senator Minority Leader Mitch McConnell could have blocked the bill, at least temporarily, by allowing Tea Party favorite Senator Ted Cruz to filibuster, calling for a cloture vote, and exposing Republicans with recorded votes. McConnell could not find enough Republicans to join Democrats for the 60 votes needed to overcome the Cruz filibuster, the count reaching 59, but then McConnell cast the 60th vote himself, ending cloture and clearing the way for the Senate to pass the House bill 55-43. Seven other Republicans joined him, securing the end of cloture, 67-31 allowing them freedom to later vote “against” the House bill, and appear to voters as if they had voted against raising the debt ceiling. Liars and hypocites all.

NPV “Winner Take All” presidential campaigns can do as they do now, redirect campaign monies, focus on the small number of States with the largest number of Electoral votes and IGNORE the rest. If government is to operate with the consent of the governed, what is wrong with giving ALL OF THE “governed” a voice?

Like everything, the devil is in the details. The Founders knew the majority could vote themselves anything they wished so they set up the Senate, a deliberative body designed to slow the rush to judgment. When politicians want to arbitrarily and unconstitutionally change the Constitution, citizens should cringe in fear. Politicians want to usurp what is not theirs, the United States of America.

The Founders hated the Two Party system for a reason. If the Powers That Be want the popular vote only, not the electoral vote, to determine the Presidency, it is insurance for them that a Third Party could never upset the balance of power by capturing the relatively few electoral votes necessary to stalemate the election, something Ross Perot could accomplish.

That is, until Perot unexpectedly pulled out of the race when he was near 25% in the polls. When Perot re-entered the race, it was too late. He lost the confidence of his followers. There is no other way to eliminate the stranglehold of the Two-Party, One-Party system, except to create a Constitutional crisis with a Third Party carrying the ball.

But there is a still more compelling reason to reject National Popular Vote; the four time zones comprising the U.S. Media and the two dominant political parties conduct constant Exit Polls to help predetermine the winning Presidential candidate at the earliest possible moment. Voters in time zones that are still open to voting can pack waiting lines with voters favorable to their candidate.

Now the door- to-door vote promoters and telephone bank armies go to work, knowing who did not yet vote, and know their declared Party affiliation. West Coast poll watchers will early on know the spreads and pull all stops in heavily populated areas to overcome deficiencies or increase margins as needed to win. NPV cannot and will not work to the advantage of the voting public. Either way, the wrong Party will steal the election, even legally.

Absent government cleaning up its act, which it cannot or will not do, comes the revolution that takes many forms, and one dare not venture a guess as to the form of the coming revolution that is quietly budding and waiting to burst out of its pod.

If a guess were to be entertained, the revolution might not be started by rebelling Conservatives, but by the inmates running the asylum, who like Oliver in the play, “Sir, we want more, We want more food.” The orphans were doing slave labor and being underfed, while the new “Orphans” are overfed while doing no labor.

But these overfed are as greedy as the rich they claim to be too greedy. These new upstarts will kick off the revolution demanding everything the rich, defined as regular employed tax-paying citizens have to pay for the intentionally poor living high off the hog with sloth and disregard for education and country.