The Patriot Post® · Pope Demands Legitimate Redistribution of Wealth

By Albert Maslar ·

Pope Francis is a penultimate Jesuit who knows so much about education that he does not know when not to speak or what not to say. Jesus commanded His disciples, “Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Nothing there concerns distribution of wealth, but only distribution of the faith through Baptism while invoking the Triune Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Pope Francis continues to push the wrong envelope as he treads on grounds foreign to the Gospel. Francis seems to be on the same inequality page as bottom-feeding ultimate world pseudo-leader and Liar-In-Chief, Barack Obama – someone who does not know the truth, as recorded in John 8:44: “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.”

Pope Francis called for governments to redistribute wealth to the poor in a new spirit of generosity to help curb the “economy of exclusion.” Francis made the appeal in a speech given to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and heads of major U.N. agencies who met in Rome two weeks ago. Pandora’s Box is a dangerous thing to open as critics already take aim at presumed wealth of the Church that consists largely of paintings, art, buildings, libraries, necessary investments, and museum artifacts. And though valuable, these can offer no measure of relief to the poor. Michael Savage was quick to jump on that bandwagon, labeling Francis as "Karl Marx in a papal outfit.“

Nowhere nor at any time did Jesus or the Bible speak to or demand "legitimate redistribution of wealth.” Contrarily, “Jesus taught the parable of three servants; to one he gave five talents, and to another two, and to another one, to every one according to his proper ability, and immediately he took his journey.” A talent actually equaled 6,000 denarii, and one denarii was worth a day’s work. One talent was worth 6,000 denarii, 6,000 days of work, about 16 and a half years of wages given to manage times five, times two, and times one.

Upon his return, the master called his servants to task, and rewarded the first two who doubled the money in their care, while the third was punished for burying his talents “So as not to lose them, but in the process of safety,” for which he was treated like worthless scum and banished.

Francis continues to confound, but at what point will he stop being a Jesuit professor bordering on the Pharisaical and function as caretaker of the Church of Christ? Jesus denounced scribes and Pharisees as hypocrites who advocated strict observance of external forms and ceremonies of religion or conduct, as they themselves were ostentatious in performance to the letter of the law, but missed the spirit of the law. Jesus condemned Pharisees and referred to them as “Whited Sepulchers” that were inwardly corrupt but outwardly appeared virtuous.

Francis elevated two popes, John XXIII and John Paul II, to sainthood and is now in the process of elevating yet a third pope to sainthood, Paul VI. Popes honoring their own seems to be a way of insuring similar honors for themselves when they pass. Why the rush to sainthood for popes? Are popes not expected to carry out the commands of Jesus Christ, to preach the Gospel to all the nations?

Saint Malachy (1094-1148) was a 12th century Irish monk who had a vision of all the popes who would ever reign. Malachy “saw” and wrote a series of Latin phrases describing the popes to come. He catalogued each one with an epigrammatic verse, such as “the tears of the sun.” Malachy made the prophecy in 1139. According to Bible Probe:

Pope John Paul II was the only pope who was both, born on the day of an eclipse of the sun, and entombed on the day the sun was eclipsed. One of Malachy’s strangest predictions concerned the pope who would follow ‘De Medietate Lunae’. He is designated as ‘De Labore Solis’, or ‘from the toil of the sun'… What is disturbing about Pope John Paul II is that no other Pope in history ever has called for a “New World Order,” and this pope waited until he had sat on the Throne of Peter for over 25 years! Why would Pope John Paul II wait 25 long years before announcing his affinity for the New World Order? A “New World Order” is known in the esoteric realm as “the Kingdom of the Christ” – but thought by many in the Bible as an Antichrist or Antichrist system. Was it because John Paul was senile or carried away with his own desire for ecumenicalism/friendship? Other things John Paul II did while very old were: he also kissed the pagan Qur'an and said that Islam and Christians had the same God.  Would the God of the Bible agree to tell the lies about Jesus that Islam does? Islam lies that Jesus never even died on a cross, and Islam also says that Jesus is not divine.

Could it be that the double eclipse at the beginning of the life of JPII and also at the end of his life might possibly signify the rising of the Pope and the Church, but likewise signal the decline and fall of the Pope and Church as well? Could it also be that the double eclipse is a hidden prophecy alluding to the double papacy of Benedict XVI and Francis?

Pope Francis has not as yet made “infallible” declarations defining articles of faith and morals for the entire Church. Seeming authoritative statements by Francis during ill-advised interviews serve no Christ-defined purpose but only stir muddy waters that do not serve to cleanse, merely encouraging social issue opponents to side with the new modern understanding church. But papal pronouncements should give pause to the rush for change that mirrors candidate Obama who sold himself to the country on the basis of undefined change that took us from bad to worse. Do Obama and Francis own and trade roles in public approval games?

Have church scholars adequately researched, studied and determined the legitimacy of the “voluntary” retirement of Pope Benedict XVI, 265th pope of the Catholic (Greek for Universal) Church that led to the possibly fiasco of two simultaneously living popes? Could deceased or murdered Jesuit priest Father Malachi Martin, who claimed to have actually read the Third Secret, have had direct knowledge of evil infiltrating parts of church hierarchy that were presumedly disclosed in the “Third Secret of Fatima,” part of three given by an apparition of Mary to three Portuguese children in 1917, with the Third Secret to be unveiled in 1960, but never disclosed to date as ordered?

With consent of Pope Pius XII, the first two “secrets” of Fatima Portugal were disclosed during World War II and the rise of International Communism in in 1942. Controversy surrounds the Third Secret that scholars presume warns that the Catholic Church will undergo a catastrophic loss of faith and discipline beginning around 1960, creating the “Great Apostasy” as predicted in Scripture as a harbinger of the end times.

As evidence for this view, some experts point to unprecedented change and upheaval in the Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council was convened in 1960 resulting in abandonment of traditional forms of worship in Latin; collapse of traditional orders of priests and nuns; exodus of Catholics from the Church; precipitous drop in Mass attendance among those remaining; drastic decline in priestly and religious vocations; innumerable sexual scandals involving priests and even bishops; and widespread refusal of nominal Catholics to adhere any longer to church teaching on contraception, divorce, abortion, or other social matters of disagreement.

Jesuits are bound by oath not to seek higher office in the Roman Catholic Church, and now one of them has been elected to its highest office: Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Christ, Pontifex Maximus. Francis, in becoming the first Jesuit to become pope, represents a paradox for the papacy but also for the Society of Jesus. Jesuit Joseph Fessio recognized the enigma as he pondered, “On the one hand, Jesuits aren’t supposed to be in positions of authority. On the other hand, they’re supposed to be obedient to the church.” Might the Jesuit papacy be the millstone that can finally bring down the Jesuits, but more importantly, bring down the Church as well?

Life is replete with similarities and cycles that prove the Bible adage, “There is nothing new under the sun,” or in the vernacular, “What goes around comes around.” Thomas Jefferson warned about the possible, more like probable, demise of the Republic, as it adapts to the vagaries and extravagance of a democracy that continues to vote itself “free stuff.”

“Change” was the magic word of candidate Barack Obama who illegally took the country by storm in 2008, based on race alone, and his lofty meaningless words promising change. Little did naive America dream that change is not necessarily for the better, but with politicians involved, change is usually from bad to worse. A godless country that bends, folds, mutilates and staples the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Ten Commandments cannot long be sustained. The power of money will not allow any Third Party to prevail. People must change themselves first, last and always, else there is no hope. But the masses want to have their cake and eat it too, and when America eats the final spoiled portion, it will be final.

And so it seems to be with the new modern “church of the legitimate redistribution of wealth” founded by prophet Barack and happily followed closely by Pope Francis. Thomas Jefferson warned the country, “The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations.” Jefferson also predicted rebellion, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” And would you believe Jefferson predicted food stamps? “Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread.”

The church and country have been warned, and as the Bible puts it, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” But alas, it is impossible to hear eternal messages and warnings above the din of the misnamed “smart phone.”