The Patriot Post® · Stuff Happens

By Albert Maslar ·

What is going on that is creating a new crisis or more every day to divert attention from serious issues at hand so as to place focus on new, often rather comparatively trivial occurrences, while major underlying issues are swept under the proverbial carpet? An example is Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 that was the topic du jour for months by esteemed CNN, blotting out important critical news that needed attention. There is always something trivial that should be marginalized, but that does not sell. Media concentrates on any news that keeps Obama scandals buried in the middle unread pages, if at all.

"Stuff" is the sanitized word for normal human excrement that also happens every medically normal day. Absent that, medications are taken to induce such expulsion, and in the country, TV is the induction media of choice. No matter what serious events and occurrences are on the national dinner plate, the real menu is placed in the cooler while hot news explodes and stuff that happens is served instead of the meat and potatoes issues that constitute real and significant life, and are at the heart of the matter.

But that is reality and America will tolerate reality only on pretentious “reality shows” that assume exaggerated importance, enabling the viewing public, always viewing and not understanding, always questioning why this stuff happens all the time, invoking the Maslar Mantra.

“There is no end of ‘new things,’

Mostly worse, and some beyond imagination,

That happen, can and will happen,

Requiring steps to be taken to insure that


The last two lines are repeated ad nauseam on TV every day, but why, and what is the significance? The answer may be put into one word – “Satan” – who protects his guilty cohorts and minions that make up his cotillion that dance to his tune against the God that evicted the devious one from His heavenly abode.

Satan pulls the strings of his harp against the God who banished him from Heaven. For that slight, Satan is in a state of never-ending war against his antagonist as he constantly recruits and builds his army in preparation for the final showdown referred in the Book of Revelation as the “Battle of Armageddon.”

Stuff happens at the behest of Satan to protect the guilty that just happen to be virtually all the world leaders. That specifically includes the President, Pope, Prince, Prime Minister, Priest, Pretenders, Putin, People’s Republic of Korea, and filtering down to Proletariat, Peon, Peasant and Pauper as well, who are at the mercy of the “P” world listed.

Starting with Pope and Priest that are represented in America by the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), these de facto hypocrites are no longer worthy of automatic support for sometimes questionable issues and associations that are contrary to the faith.

There is growing resistance to contributions for USCCB fundraisers for good causes because of doubts of the integrity of the bishops as a group. They have been responsible for enabling pedophile clergy to molest young boys, and when caught, bishops illegally and immorally transferred sexual pervert, religious and civil criminals to other unsuspecting parishes where perverts continued to molest young boys, and sometimes girls.

Cardinal (Above The) Law of Boston was caught dead to rights protecting pedophile priests, and for that he was rewarded with transfer to the Vatican and a cushy job as head of a prestigious Cathedral. Some refer to these offending cardinals and bishops “Red Hats” as that is what they seem to be impressed with. Take away the red hat, mitre, staff, and beautiful embroidered cloak, and too often the cloak cloaks someone that looks like a thuggish hoodlum.

That is not their only religious transgression as American bishops and cardinals lobbied hard for ObamaCare, and without their support, there may not have been ObamaCare in the first place. From the beginning, this pundit held that ObamaCare supported taxpayer funded abortion on demand and was held to scorn on two counts by University of Southern California President, Stephen Privett SJ. Privett issued a challenge to show where there was abortion in the ObamaCare bill, and the answer was that the very absence of abortion in the bill as an exception made it de facto included. And so it has proved to be.

This pundit insisted to Privett that USC-CA was no longer considered to be Catholic, and accused him of having said that, something he denied and challenged to show where he ever said that. He was sent a copy of his e-mail to that effect, nothing added, nothing taken away, verbatim, exactly as he sent, admitting that USC-CA was no longer considered by many to be Catholic.

Privett rebutted that his comments were taken out of context, but unfortunately for him, his words and context had NOTHING added or subtracted. Privett then requested his name to be removed from the mailing list. How is that for an esteemed Jesuit educator to handle defeat in minor debate with a nobody?

Troubling is the fact that 22 of 25 Jesuit institutions of higher learning in the U.S. are no longer considered to be Catholic. Chief offenders include Georgetown, which is the oldest Catholic University in the country, and Boston College. Georgetown INSULTED Jesus Christ when it accommodated guest speaker President Barack Obama who requested that they cover up the symbols of Jesus.

As to the bishops, they are dead wrong on illegal immigration as the church itself has rules for receiving communion, baptism and proper penance and repentance for sins committed, so that the soul is properly aligned to Jesus before receiving Him in Holy Communion. The Church has legitimate rules so how can the Church deny the U.S. the right to enforce its immigration rules?

Bishops have not yet properly addressed the clergy scandals that date back at least to the 1950s and 1960s when homosexuals came out of the woodwork and were happily accepted into the priesthood that they promptly proceeded to dismember.

That raises serious questions as to Pope Francis, the ultimate Jesuit, who has yet to clean his own Jesuit house. One of his infamous answers was, “Who am I to judge,” a completely erroneous statement. Before the ascension, Jesus commanded Peter and the apostles, “Whomsoever sins you forgive, they are forgiven, Whomsoever sins you retain, they are retained.” That cannot be done without judgment having been made, so where does Francis get, “Who am I to judge?”

That is not the end of the tirade because Jesuits were designated to protect the pope from error, and Jesuits themselves were not to seek to become bishops, cardinals, and certainly not to seek or attain the papacy, and while the previous pope is still alive but in poor health is immaterial.

Francis has given several ill-advised interviews that led many faithful astray while non-believers celebrated that the church was changing to modern open-mindedness. One of my wife’s home-helper aides asked if I was open-minded to which I answered NO, as truth is truth and error is error, and accepting even partial error is debilitating.

Many have not lost faith despite the best efforts of mice and men, because out of the original Twelve Apostles who walked, talked, lived, ate, and listened to Jesus for three years, Judas sold Jesus out for thirty pieces of silver, while Peter denied Jesus three times, and at least nine of the remaining ten ran and hid. So now, their current successor priests, bishops. cardinals, and pope, cannot as humans, be expected to be the cream rising to the top.

Since 1959, the Church, by the stroke of the pen of Pope John XXIII, recently but wrongly elevated to official sainthood, oversaw the Second Vatican Council that eliminated the traditional Latin form of Mass and liturgy in favor of the vernacular with its hundreds of languages and dialects. Latin was the one unifying glue of the Church around the world, and now it was gone, instigated by myopic bishops who did not see past their collective noses.

The Catholic Faith is traditionally expressed in the celebration of The Holy Mass, a reprise of The Last Supper when Jesus changed bread and wine into His body and blood. Apostles and missionaries spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire with the common unifying language of Latin, except for the east that spoke Greek, but the Latin Roman Rite prevailed until this infamous day in 1959 when modern-day bishops did the unthinkable, fix something that was not broken. Elimination of Latin in Mass initiated the decline of Christianity as Catholics left the Church in droves into the world of all form and no substance, and there is lingering suspicion that the then hidden homosexual lobby inside the Vatican might have been instrumental in pulling some of those wrong strings.

“No, Sam I Am, I do not like Red Hats and Spam,” as spam emanating from assorted powers that be is undefinable spam, the contents of which defy imagination and explanation. Ham is really ham only with bone-in, making it obvious as to what it is and from whence it came.

Change for the sake of change usually turns out to demonstrate the futility of attempting to achieve phantom good by extreme micro-management and mandate. Change is not always for the better but in modern times (2,000 years earlier was considered to be modern times) change, now as then, is not necessarily for the better, but too often morphs from good to bad, or from bad to worse.

The bottom line conclusion must be that if the pope and princes of the Church cannot get it right, how can there be reasonable expectation that President Obama can get it right? The Church changed from Latin to diversity of hundreds of languages, and Obama changed from the Constitution to the Constipation of diversity for the sake of diversity that in itself is fine on the surface, but underneath lies deadly divisiveness.

Obama started with lies and persists in lies, first stating declaratively that America is no longer a Christian nation, untrue then, but it grew on America like a fungus, the mold eating away at Christian values that morphed into undefined but negative “American values” rooted in acceptance of the morally abnormal abortion or killing of living babies in the womb, and reprising Sodom and Gomorrah as gospel and “the law of the land.”

What can possibly go wrong? Stuff happens and the moral stench is overwhelming. The princes of the Church led it down the primrose path and now the dominant Obama Liberals promulgate the acceptance of ease, pleasure, comfort, freedom from moral and religious inhibitions, and restrictions, for a route that seems easy, fair, and appropriate, but can and will eventually end in the calamity of losing the country as well as its soul.

Satchel Paige was the greatest pitcher in the then “Negro Leagues” and finally came into the Major League as the oldest rookie in history. Satchel never complained and one of his more memorable lines was, “Don’t look back, Something might be gaining on you,” sage advice Obama perhaps is cognizant of, as he is always running off and escaping to the “somewhere else.” Satchel was a wise man that among many other of his sayings also said, “Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.”

Dr. Benjamin Solomon Carson, a Black neurosurgeon famous for the first successful separation of conjoined twins at the brain, in a scathing piece published by the National Review Online, titled “Unfit For Office,” chastised fellow Black President Obama for two major scandals – Benghazi and the IRS. That presages trouble for Obama with his own Black community that might finally wake up to see that Obama is in fact not their friend. Blacks have double the unemployment rates as do whites, but Obama regulates their jobs out of existence with job-killing over-regulated ObamaCare, and by blocking the EPA approved job-producing Keystone XL Pipeline.

On another front in America, it is a heinous crime to entertain justified or unjustified prejudices that are just as characteristic for Blacks as for Whites. Openly homosexual Black football player Michael Sam can celebrate being drafted into the NFL by performing a scripted celebration, smearing cake on his “boyfriend” and then the gay pair kissed on national television. Sam is free to kiss another man on live TV, but traditionalists are not free to voice objection without being called racist homophobes. With Liberals, it is always their way or the highway, and as my deceased younger brother Jim would say, “You can always tell a Liberal but you can’t tell them much.”

Human failings aside, Obama is a serial liar who routinely and repeatedly makes deliberate intentional statements for the sole purpose to deceive. But lies are covered up with still more lies until the web is so tight as to ensnare the liar; the satanic one deftly throws willing underlings under the bus, while he blithely jets off around the world pretending statesmanship and leadership.

As with everything, there is eventually a day of reckoning. Two of Obama former trusted cadres, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, have come forth to accuse their man of lying. Once there is a chink in the dike, can the impending flood not follow? A crack in the armor was sufficient for David to slay Giant Goliath with an unlikely slingshot, and adding insult to injury, David cut off the head of Goliath and proudly held it high for the enemy to see.

The world is smarter than America and knows the emperor has no clothes. The self-designated anointed one is an admitted pot-smoking pretender who has taken to shouting his message to drown out his lies, ineptness, and incompetence. Mentor and pastor Jeremiah Wright must be proud of his intern who has learned well the curse the good pastor inflicted on America: “Not God Bless America, but God da– America.” Stuff happens.