The Patriot Post® · Lies & Political Correctness Abound

By Albert Maslar ·

President Obama on May 16 marked the 60th anniversary of the “Brown v. Board of Education” ruling by recommitting to “the long struggle to stamp out bigotry and racism in all their forms.” The Brown ruling was the first major step in dismantling the “separate but equal” doctrine that was the justification for segregation laws that were in place across the South.

First lady Michelle Obama, speaking at Topeka, made a statement that could have inflammatory implications. She said, “When you encounter folks who still hold the old prejudices because they’ve only been around folks like themselves; when you meet folks who think they know all the answers because they’ve never heard any other viewpoints, it is up to you to help them see things differently.” This statement can trigger black on white violence.

Ignored in the racist rhetoric that is part and parcel of the Al Sharpton class is the FACT that the 95% black vote for Obama in no way could elect a black to the presidency without overwhelming white support and votes. This validates the fact that most Americans are not racist. Many who did not vote for Obama had reasons other than race in that the candidate was unqualified and his statements about energy in particular guaranteed a rising cost of energy, a major item on the Obama hate sheet. Abortion on demand is against the religion of half the people and was also a reason to not vote for Obama – not racism.

Liberals are paranoid about white racism that happens to be part of the Obama-A.G Holder modus operandi. Barack was never part of the black struggle for equal treatment, but is a product of privilege and the luck of the draw. “Precedent” Obama wants another precedent added to his credit – gaining equality for the Black community – but he is in fact setting them back.

“Racist” is defined as a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another. This view is not held by most of white America that assigns superiority to achievement that is a byproduct of education that the “Brown v. Board of Education” ruling was designed to overcome. Sixty years later, and what does the equal education report card disclose? (Other than the fact that equal education is still unequal because a non-compliant segment chooses not to participate.) Massive public schools, the size and scope of small towns, at the behest of political correctness and teachers unions, the largest and most powerful and influential government union, form a confluence of ineptness and designed incompetency at the highest cost per student in the world, and that is somehow “not enough money.”

“Politically correct” is a lie as correct is correct, but adding the adjective “politically” diminishes the 100% correctness. Politically correct refers to enforced language, ideas, or policies that are defined at will by Liberal elements that dominate government and education in particular. Political correctness is whatever the political Left defines it as.

There is an answer to political correctness, albeit it be politically incorrect as reflected in Matthew 22:34-40:

But the Pharisees hearing that he had silenced the Sadducees, came together: And one of them, a doctor of the law, asking him, tempting him: Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus said to him: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets.

Some 2,000 years later, the duplitious Pharisees survive as Liberals that make racial slurs a most serious of crimes against humanity. These cannot be controlled by man-made rules and regulations, but only by following the now illegal word of Jesus, the Anointed One, with all undue respect to the pretender of that title. Punishments meted out, at times exceed that given to murderers, thieves, and rapists. Case in point is eighty-year old NBA Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling who is being sued to force the sale of his team for racial remarks he made. The NBA is composed of predominantly black players who themselves have not been the epitome of polite society as politically incorrect language is ignored because of their race. Obviously, it is all about politically incorrect money.

Enter the National Football League that, like the NBA, has more than the national percentage share of blacks, many of whom have made their way through college merited by their football prowess alone, education be damned. The NCAA ignores illegal exploitation of college football players because it is all about March Madness and the money. It is always about the money.

The NFL has been plagued by substance abuse and has in the past fined and temporarily suspended offending players. One way to get around this problem is to remove sanctions against street drugs and substance abuse. NFL argues, “Everybody is doing it,” meaning the country is in broad acceptance of marijuana in particular, and the NFL want to protect its cash-cow, so voila, the NFL is going to allow it as well.

Lies prevail in government, business, college sports, professional basketball, football, and obviously in all segments of humanity. Ignored by accusers of racism is the fact that reverse racism rewards minorities by granting entry into schools and jobs because the person is simply in the minority class – rulings that are going full-circle and coming under closer scrutiny for the concept of fairness that overrules traditional requirements.

Political correctness knows no bounds. Students at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota cancelled a “Hump Day” party that featured a live camel following complaints that the event could be viewed as divisive and offensive to Arab cultures. Previously, students brought a reindeer for a December celebration that was not found to be racially insensitive to Laplanders. Geico features a camel in their Hump Day ad, so where has been objection to that?

On September 5, 2010, the U.S. Postal Service issued a 44-cent stamp commemorating Mother Teresa, a well deserved honor. Curiously, Mother Teresa, who worked ceaselessly taking care of the poorest of the poor in a life that reflected real sainthood, languishes without having being officially declared to be a saint.

Mother Teresa fully earned honors granted by Pope Francis who prematurely approved two predecessor popes for sainthood – John Paul II and fast-tracking John XXIII – in spite of his having only one attributed miracle due to his intercession rather than the usual two. Mother Teresa died in 1997 but has not been given the same exemption as she also has – just one attributed miracle – and remains only beatified. One of John Paul’s miracles was the cure of a nun with Parkinson’s, but miracles of a religious by a religious should not be considered. Likewise, a nun was beneficiary of the one miracle attributed to intercession by Pope John XXIII. Is sainthood only a pope-man thing?

From the sublime to the ridiculous is the May 22 White House dedication of the stamp honoring Harvey Milk, a Jewish politician who in 1977 made history as the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in the U.S.. Thirty-three year-old Milk and San Francisco Mayor George Moscone were shot and killed by a former colleague on a dispute unrelated to predator sexual crimes.

Age of consent then and now in California is 18, and thirty-year old Harvey Milk started having sex with Jack Galen McKinley, a 16-year-old runaway from Maryland. Harvey Milk was open and unapologetic about his sexual exploits with underage boys. Milk was guilty of “Statutory Rape,” and should have been prosecuted and listed on the sex-offender registry. Milk raped teenage boys, and for that he is honored on a U.S. postage stamp with accompanying honors at the White House?

Obama and Michelle trumpet and extol the glory of homosexuality and same-sex marriage, while totally ignoring the AIDS epidemic caused mainly by homosexual behavior in addition to needles used to inject illegal drugs. Sexually active homosexual men have average life spans of less than fifty years, some twenty-years less than that of straight monogamous men. What part of science did Harvard and Princeton not teach? Curiously, this privileged duo wants to help Blacks out of poverty, not with jobs, but with food stamps and an array of welfare programs.

Best friend of the Liberal Left is the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that never found an abnormal social issue to jam down the throat of America. The ACLU defends every possible transgender form at the expense particularly of women and girls whose rest-rooms are now fair game for every sort of pervert male who claims to be misgendered, thus allowing entry to girls bath and locker rooms.

Nature decrees which gender is which and has the absolute last word and definition of the sex of any given person. But the ACLU knows better and decrees that a person is whatever sex said person declares themselves to be – any of the proverbial “57” varieties.

Lies and politically correctness begin and end with President Barack Obama whose lies are legion, as epitomized in ObamaCare and his arbitrary assumption of legislative power of Congress alone. He signed ObamaCare and promptly changed it to suit whatever way political winds dictate. Egotistically, the man has the gall to commit the ultimate lie, sign into law a bill that is approved unanimously by all 535 members of Congress, and then issue a disclaimer that he is not obligated to enforce this law, presidential oath of office not withstanding.

If Obama did not intend to enforce the law as constitutionally prescribed, Obama could have vetoed the bill or let it languish on his desk without returning it to Congress with his signature. To be politically incorrect, Obama is racist, un-American, hates America, refuses to protect its borders, and aids, abets, and takes actions favorable to Al Qaeda. Pastor Jeremiah Wright cursed America, “Not God Bless America, but God Damn America,” and star pupil Barack Hussein Obama is, with relish, personally implementing and executing this curse.

Every conspirator needs a co-conspirator and in the case of Obama, the opposition is the de facto co-conspirator in the form of Republican House Speaker John Boehner, who gained his supreme majority position in the House as a result of the Tea Party 2010 victories that gave the GOP control of the purse. Actions by Boehner prove that he hates the very Tea Party that catapulted him into the speakership.

Speaker Boehner is joined by Eric Cantor, John McCain, Susan Collins, and even Lindsey Graham, in an attempt for the GOP to expel any vintage of the Tea Party, even willing to lose control of the House rather than cooperate with its only benefactor.

Only the House can authorize expenditures and Speaker Boehner refused to block ObamaCare funding on day one. Therefore it is more the fault of Boehner than that of Obama who would have been hogtied but for the Boehner coward who said, “I want to live to fight another day.” Some Patriot! That must count for something. Maybe  HYPOCRISY. But wait… Boehner called for some fifty useless votes to repeal ObamaCare… like Obama cared.