The Patriot Post® · Queering America

By Albert Maslar ·

The definition of “QUEER”: strange; odd, unusual, funny, peculiar, curious, bizarre, weird, uncanny, freakish, eerie, unnatural, unconventional, unorthodox, unexpected, unfamiliar, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, untypical, out of the ordinary, incongruous, irregular; puzzling, perplexing, baffling, unaccountable; informal, fishy, spooky, bizarro, freaky.

Queering America is Mexico that floods America with 12 to 20 million illegal aliens, many of whom bring illegal drugs, but one American gets caught up into mistakenly entering Mexico, calls 911 to report his plight, and the operator said no help is available because he is out of the country.

Mexican law is inviolate, and they virtually jail the ex-serviceman and throw away the key. One American in Mexico by mistake is held in dingy prison while 20 million illegal Mexicans feed at the generous public trough of America, break laws without consequence, pay no taxes, send their kids to public schools, sell drugs, and even vote without identification.

Queering America is going to war around the world without congressional approval.

Queering America is inciting civil war in Middle East, Egypt, Libya, and Syria.

Queering America is providing aid to Al Qaida.

Queering America is denial of medical treatment of scars of war fought by volunteers.

Queering America is deficit spending, passing debt to yet unborn future generations.

Queering America is printing money indiscriminately for benefit of the “Too Big To Fail.”

Queering America is not counting all unemployed so as to arrive at lower unemployment rates.

Queering America is denying the EPA approved Keystone XL Pipeline and 20,000 good jobs.

Queering America is adjusting the cost of living formula to arrive at favorable inflation rates.

Queering America is global warming-climate change-global climate disruption rhetoric.

Queering America is saying America is no longer a Christian nation.

Queering America is the President assuming powers that reside with Congress alone.

Queering America is acting like a monarch, emperor, or dictator who cannot wait for Congress.

Queering America is intimidating and compromising the Supreme Court.

Queering America is refusing to follow the oath of office.

Queering America is repeatedly lying to the American people.

Queering America is disallowing military chaplains from invoking the name Jesus.

Queering America is ObamaCare that, implemented or not, bankrupts America.

Queering America is intrusive in incidents against Blacks.

Queering America is Eric Holder not prosecuting voting violations.

Queering America is the Chief Executive’s lack of knowledge on any of dozens of scandals.

Queering America is so prevalent that America must have replaced Democracy with Queeracracy. Note the idiocracy of Queering America that is so prevalent that America must have become a Queeracracy.

Queering America is a function chosen by Barack and Michelle Obama who tout homosexuality as supreme goals to be honored and force-fed to the youngest of children in public schools. The accommodating teachers’ union blesses the Obama initiatives and punishes those who object.

“RACIST” is defined as a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, and supremacist. That definition fits homophobes who fear or hate homosexuals, but in actuality, they hate the sexual acts of homosexuals that are against their faith and conscience. The ACLU is at the center of the brouhaha over the variety of new genders, as it decides who is what, and that is whatever deviants choose to define their sexuality as.

As in everything and every organization, abuses and tendencies at the top, like “trickle down economics,” morph into “Trickle down imMorality” and FLOODS down to the masses, particularly younger generations. The gay agenda depends on expansion of the pool of potential victims for homosexuals to prey upon, and business is happy to accommodate them with multitudes of pornography internet sites.

Japanese company NINTENDO salivates at the profit potential and promised to push the gay agenda with video games geared toward children, specifically eight to thirteen-year-olds. The push to introduce homosexual marriage in video game content is part of an aggressive agenda to normalize and force cultural acceptance of a lifestyle many Americans oppose on religious and moral grounds. The progressive left proliferates the homosexual movement, transforming the gay lifestyle into a civil rights movement. Indoctrinating children is how the Liberal Left believes children must be freed from the burden of Judeo-Christian morality. Homosexual hold on mass media, television, cinema and video games is a major ingredient for queering America.

Queering America is like the incessant false promises to “Get to the bottom of things,” White House-doublespeak for burying details of the Alpha-Omega-In-Chief of scandals.

Continuing disclosure of scandals is vast and unrelenting, pushing previous scandals to and then off the back burners into oblivion where the happy defensive retort on older scandals is that “It’s old news,” or like Hillary spouted about the cause of Benghazi, “What difference does it make now?” The Left is attempting to knock the issue off the front page and off intense exposure by talking heads, so the scandals remain long settled issues, dead and buried.

Queering America is an central objective of the Progressive Left that wars with Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, at least since 1900 with Theodore Roosevelt succeeding the assassinated William McKinley. “Teddy” expertly used the bully pulpit that Barack Obama raised to the Pastor Jeremiah Wright pulpit level of venom for America. In the perfect world of Liberals, federally empowered social engineers in Washington tell everyone else what to do.

As published in

Woodrow Wilson served as President from 1913-1919 and founded and fulfilled the progressive reform agenda and laid the foundations of the modern activist presidency. Although he built upon the example of Theodore Roosevelt, and while his immediate successors would return to the caretaker model of the presidency, Wilson’s administration fundamentally altered the nature and character of the presidency. He changed it from an equal or lesser partner with Congress to its superior – the dominant branch of government.

This is exactly what Wilson had in mind upon his assumption of office. He intended to lead his party and the nation much as the prime minister of England leads Parliament. Before setting forth his program, Wilson consulted extensively with congressional leaders to ensure that his programs would be dealt with sympathetically when Congress considered them. In April 1913, at the opening of a special session of Congress called by the President to consider tariff reform, Wilson appeared personally before a joint session of the House and Senate to explain his program. His speech made headlines because no President had addressed Congress personally since John Adams, and it demonstrated that Wilson intended to play a dominant role in policy making.

Wilson came into the White House like a “priestly visionary,” intent on expanding economic opportunity for people at the bottom of society and eliminating special privileges enjoyed by the richest and most powerful members of society.

Queering America has a long history and the unprecedented one has certainly been precedented as indicated by the above. As usual the Bible is right, “There is nothing new under the sun,” and the only unprecedented one is the one and only Anointed One of 2,000 year old fame that as written in John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Queering America can go by any of its definitions. “QUEERING” is strange; odd, unusual, funny, peculiar, curious, bizarre, weird, uncanny, freakish, eerie, unnatural, unconventional, unorthodox, unexpected, unfamiliar, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, untypical, out of the ordinary, incongruous, irregular; puzzling, perplexing, baffling, unaccountable; informal, fishy, spooky, bizarro, and freaky.

The Founders decided against a Democracy in favor of the more balanced Republic that would stop the mass legislating of unearned benefits. Democrats served their purpose when it was most needed, but have morphed, transformed as Obama put it, resulting in what the Founders might construe as “QUEERACRACY, a strange country they would not recognize, and certainly not tolerate.

Believers believe, but Liberals believe only their unbelief and consider believers to be guilty of queering America. Queering America has been accomplished and demonstrated by the fact that the same mistakes are made over and over again, a perpetual Groundhog Day. Einstein defined it precisely: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again, but expecting different results.” “Queering” might be a suitable synonym for “Insanity.”