The Patriot Post® · Moral Equivalency, Audacity and Arrogance

By Albert Maslar ·

“Everybody is doing it” is a war-cry against parental restrictions that has generated new expanded life in the political world, particularly from Liberals who are never wrong.

Liberals claim other Presidents, including Clinton and Reagan, traded for the release of prisoners of war. Israel went so far as to trade 1,000 prisoners for one Israeli soldier, so why the brouhaha and outrage about Obama trading five of the worst of the worst being held in Gitmo? Liberals argue that The Five would probably have to be released in one year anyway, and for nothing in return.

Others doing wrong does not make it right, nor does it give Obama license to break a standing law requiring him to give thirty-days’ notice to a special Congressional committee of his intent, but he intentionally broke the thirty-day notification law he conveniently sidestepped as Congress previously voiced objection to this sort of trade.

So Obama used his infamous pen, incensing Dems and Pubs alike. Conservative Charles Krauthammer, lately leaning slightly Left, had no trouble with the disputed trade, comparing it to the 1,000 to 1 Israeli deal. Mr. Charles, right is right and wrong is wrong, and the excuse, “Everybody is doing it,” is the rebellious teener or pre-teener to exasperated parents.

“Captured” U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl is no ordinary case as he voluntarily abandoned his guard post and walked into Taliban terrorist territory, providing sympathy, support, and secrets to the enemy. Using secrets given by Bergdahl, the Taliban zeroed in to inflict damage and death on U.S troops, with help from disclosure of cell-phone detonation capabilities, army procedures, tactics, and military assets.

Horrifically, it is estimated six U.S. military were killed during the active search for Bowe Bergdahl. That made Bergdahl a traitor as well as a willing accomplice in the six deaths.

Senator Harry Reid defended Obama, saying Bergdahl was a prisoner of war, and giving the devil his due, if it were war, Bergdahl pulled a Jane Fonda, A.K.A. Hanoi Jane, and got his Papa a Rose Garden reception. Obama claimed it was incumbent on him to bring back Americans in uniform, but getting a traitor to America back for five of the vilest, baddest Taliban terrorists on record is dangerous for America.

Bowe Bergdahl is no hero but was nevertheless inexplicably promoted to sergeant. The question is, who authorized this farce, and how did it come to be? Fellow platoon members claim Bergdahl sent his personal stuff home before he went missing, and a scrubbed e-mail expressed his shame at being American.

Suddenly out of the blue with great fanfare, a now clean-shaven beardless Bergdahl was helicoptered out of “captivity.” Enter Papa Bergdahl who grew his terrorist trademark beard in sympathy for his son’s evidently voluntary incarceration. Why did Papa not shave the beard since sonny-boy was free and beardless?

Enter President Obama who paraded Papa to the White House Rose Garden podium for the world to see where the first words out of Papa Bergdahl were praise and prayer to Allah.

Obama spiked the ball in victory to get Benghazi off the 24/7 news cycle, only to quickly wake up to the reality that Congress was united in opposition to Obama skirting congress just one more, but not last time, with the “I” Impeachment word floating about the “hellowed” halls of Congress, with overly-protective MSM talking heads having their fill as well, but not all diehards. The story quickly changed from the compromised health of sonny boy to his danger of death, that in fact was the bed the “sergeant” voluntarily chose.

The hometown of Bergdahl woke up to the traitor reality and abruptly cancelled victory parade honors for their returning hero turned traitor, who could possibly be subject to military court martial and related punishment, but the Supreme Commander will have none of that.

What does that say to Obama and his use of drones to kill Americans accused of cooperating with the enemy for violence against America, though as American citizens they are entitled to due process?

What does that say to the fact that collateral damage, unintentional killing of innocent men, women, and children in the process, clearly war crimes according to the Geneva Convention.

The anointed one relishes his role as being above the law, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Congress, and the Supreme Court that did not rule on constitutionality of ObamaCare, but changed it in conformance to the Constitution.

Adding insult to injury, the emperor who has no clothes arbitrarily changed the legislation to suit himself, something only Congress is authorized to do. OOPS, that is okay, as Obama did say he cannot wait for Congress, that if they do not legislate his wishes, he will do it himself as he has a pen and a phone. Not to mention that Obama was out of the country when making his shift the blame defense.