The Patriot Post® · Who Are the Real Racists?

By Alan Dodd ·

Well, it’s the season to be racist. Coming up on national elections is the perfect time for the liberals to begin the racist accusations in order to try and influence voters not to vote for opposing candidates. During this season, according to the liberals, many Christians, republicans, conservatives, constitutionalists, Caucasians, military or anyone remotely connected to any of these are racist. To the informed, all of this bluster is comedic, but amazingly it must work somewhat on the uninformed, or at least they’re hoping it will. Actually the term racist is losing its meaning and shock impact. It is thrown around so much that not to be considered racist soon will be the exception.

The truth is that all of those making accusations apparently believe their rants, or else they have no conscience check about bald-faced lies. However, believing it or lying about it places them in the same category. And that is, the accusers are the real racists. Usually when someone accuses others of wrong doing without a specific verifiable incident, the first thing that comes to mind is “projection.” That is, the unconscious psychological “projecting” of my failings on to others. Projecting my failings in this way gives a dishonest measure of relief. It is a very common human weakness, but dysfunctional.

The main and crucial difference between conservatives and liberals having to do with racism is the view of humanity. Most of the above groups that liberals accuse of racism are made up of Christians. The Christian worldview, derived from the Bible, is that human life is sacred and has inestimable value. God created man and that gives life a sanctity setting it apart as sacred, consequently no one person can possibly be of greater intrinsic value than another. Christians, real Christians that is, who experience the transforming love of God cannot be racist. Liberals, including liberal “Christians,” not only do not understand this, but lack the Spiritual revelation for it to be a real personal reality, or simply stated, “having the mind of Christ.”

It needs to be acknowledged that the strict definition of racism cannot be ascribed to people in all circumstances, although it is. Various terms are used to describe those who are despised: prejudiced, bigots, discriminatory or supremacist. We even have a designation for those of our own race with whom we disagree called “internalized racism.” So, regardless of race, class, socio-economic status or whatever, if the liberals don’t like what you say, you are racist.

Christians can disagree vehemently with someone, yet still believe in that person’s value as a child of God regardless of their beliefs. Since most liberals have no such frame of reference, their disagreements with others result in a fundamental superiority in their elitist minds that can be worse than racism. Liberals ridicule those living in “fly-over” states as being backward, uneducated, simple-minded, uncultured and ignorant creationists who don’t deserve a place at the table. In fact, we are so inept and incapable that we need the “progressives” to look after us and protect us from ourselves. Internalized racism. As societal order continues to deteriorate, the contempt that liberals feel for Christians will escalate and without a change of government, from the one that currently provides cover, there is no reason for the trend to abate. The liberals, progressives, pagans or whatever name you give them have no reason to temper their constant efforts to sway judicial rulings to stamp out opposition, especially Christians.

When France went through a similar “revolution” the difference was that mob rule took over and begin to slaughter anything or anyone associated with the church or Christianity. To think that the same cannot happen here is to deny history, or the degree to which those held to the dictates of Satan will go. The American Revolution, or more accurately, America’s War of Independence, was based on the sanctity of life and liberty, led largely by Christian men. In contrast, the French Revolution was based on hatred of the ruling class and the church. The former, to gain freedom, the latter, to destroy and kill.

There is a relatively new designation that is now making an appearance. As the movement toward a one-world religion gains momentum, it has been pronounced that the protestations of Luther are over. According to Tony Palmer at an April 2, 2014 conference, everyone now should dispense with the old reformation, join hands and march to Rome. Clearly an end times prophesy in Revelation. Anyone who resists, according to the source is guilty of “Spiritual Racism.” No doubt the list of racists is not complete. To think of America as exceptional surely is “Nationalist Racism.” To proclaim, as does the Bible, that Jesus is the only way to God could be “Salvation Racism.” The ridiculous labels will continue until they are finally accepted to identify those who will then be charged with hate crimes.

As the compulsive race commissars continue relentlessly with louder voices, perhaps they speak their own indictment designation of, with paraphrase apologies to Shakespeare, “Methinks thou dost blamest (protest) too much.”

Alan Dodd is a retired school/clinical Counselor who blogs on