The Patriot Post® · We the Stupid

By Dale R. Gamble ·

By way of introduction, let me say that I am just an old country boy from Montana with a high school education and a couple of years of college credits. Because of that unimpressive background, I have found that the elite among the American populace tend not to lend me their ears and listen to my concerns about America. After all, how could a common man with no advanced formal education possibly know anything?

I proudly served 20 years in the U.S. Air Force because I love this country. I find that I have become a very discouraged American because the nation that I served and defended for those twenty years was very different than that which I live in today. In fact, if I were a young person today, I sincerely doubt that I would consider a military career. Not because I am no longer allegiant to this country, but because our current government does not support the Constitution that I would be required to take an oath to support and defend. I would gladly and sincerely take that oath again except that the current Commander in Chief, as well as a large number of members of the Congress, does not allow a serviceperson today to truly fulfill the oath he/she is uttering. We are no longer living under the Constitution of the United States of America as it is written.

Man is the most intelligent of all the species because God made him that way. But if it were not for the fact that God said man was made in His image and that he (man) would have dominion over all things, I would have some real doubts about man being the most intelligent of the species.

Apparently, when Satan successfully tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, he planted a “stupid” seed in the human being that even God knew man would not overcome. So He gave us a second chance. He wiped the slate clean with the great flood, saving only Noah and his family. Unfortunately, the sinful nature was still a part of mankind. Therefore, even with the fresh start that God had provided, mankind continued down the slippery slope to destruction. God knew He had to clean the slate again.

For many, many years, God spoke through His prophets and told His chosen people that He was going to send a Savior so that they might have everlasting life. Long story short, He did exactly that. The Savior’s name was Jesus Christ. But God’s people, as a whole, were so “full-of-themselves” by that time that they didn’t have sense enough to even recognize the fact that Jesus Christ was the Savior even though He clearly demonstrated that He was. Up went the stupidity level.

As time passed, God went even further in his effort to save mankind. He gave us a series of books and incorporated them into one book, The Holy Bible, in which He told us exactly what He had done and what He was going to do. All we had to do was read it and accept it as the Truth.

As a citizen of the United States, I have seen that even though we were founded as a Christian-based nation and became a world leader because of it, it is no longer that way. Political correctness has taken charge. The stupid meter has peaked. Our nation’s populace, particularly those in the electorate, would be better defined nowadays as “We the Stupid,” rather than “We the People.” Worse yet, the super-stupid within that realm are running the show and governing our lives.

Never before, in my lifetime, has the stupidity of man been so blatantly exposed and exploited as in recent years. Even people who claim to be in the Church are turning a blind eye to the stupidity of political correctness and, in fact, are contributing to the stupidity factor. Many people who attend church on a regular basis are allowing the world’s filth to penetrate the body of the Church.

In my opinion, there is no greater evidence of the stupidity of the majority of the people in the United States than that shown by the election of an unqualified person to be President of the United States. Not only did “We the Stupid” do it once in 2008, they did it a second time in 2012, even though Barack Obama had clearly demonstrated during his first term that he was not cut from presidential cloth. What were his qualifications? He had none. The President of the United is supposed to be the leader of the free world. Any person with just a little bit of wisdom should know that the person who holds that office should have some high-level management experience. Obama had none. He had never run a business of any kind.

Barack Obama was elected only because he is a black man (even though he is just as white as he is a black) and because he had the devilish ability to say things that “We the Stupid” wanted to hear. Of course, any one of you who might be reading this and are a part of the “We the Stupid” crowd will simply call me a racist bigot and probably read no further. Although I am an American to the core, I do not consider myself to be a part of “We the Stupid.” I did not vote for Obama in the first place and tried my best to dissuade others from doing so.

In reality, Barack Obama is just another human being. Disregard the color of his skin. I consider him to be a communist con man that, if properly vetted, would have been unqualified to obtain a security clearance of any kind for any other government job. But “We the Stupid” elected him and then re-elected him. Think about it, folks. We are the most intelligent species on earth, yet we do not know how to select a national leader. The lesser intelligent animal kingdom has a life-sustaining vetting process that it uses to select its leaders. Those who select the best leader survive. We as a nation are going to die because of our stupidity and repetitive failure to use the vetting system that is available to us. The nation is going to die because “We the Stupid” do not know how to choose a leader.

Another example of our political stupidity is that Barack Obama has violated his oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. That is a statement of fact. It has been proven very simply by recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions. But there is no outcry for impeachment from “We the Stupid.” Of course, there are some voices, such as that of Sarah Palin, that are yelling out all across the nation, but those voices are being stifled and mocked by the news media and the super-stupid within the Congress. The rest of us are allowing her voice to be silenced. I will admit, however, that Obama has a pretty good impeachment insurance policy in Joe Biden.

If we are ever going to right this great ship called America, it will take an organized effort such as that undertaken by our founding fathers. It need not be a bloody war. There can a peaceful revolution at the ballot box.

As a final statement, let me stress the fact that I certainly do not mean to say that the increase in America’s stupidity is reflected only in and during the time of the Obama administration. It has been happening for many, many years. I am 70 years old and the increase in political stupidity started even long before I was born.

Would it not be great if God would bless America again? He would if “We the Stupid” would allow Him back into our homes, workplaces, and schools. However, I know that is never going to happen. I know because I have read the Bible and history shows that God keeps His promises.