The Patriot Post® · Immoral High Ground

By Charlie Lyon ·

“The citizens of this brave new world would all be made in tanks, grown to adulthood and educated by direct­to­brain data downloading…Their maker reserved all biological creation unto himself. He did not believe in families. Family relationships distracted people from the greater work of society as a whole, from achieving total triumph over nature and establishing utopia.” (Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein, Book 2, page 126)

When I drove a school bus years ago, my route consisted of thirty “stops,” i.e., the place I picked up school children. Most stops were in front of houses representing family units. Of the thirty stops, in a rural school district of Northern Michigan, only four were traditional families, i.e., mom, dad, and kids born of those parents. The other units were conglomerations of relationships. Some, quite honestly, were barbaric in their makeup. Often children from the most uncivilized would be put on my bus coughing, crying and generally unfit for social interaction. Although we had no official policy, as drivers we couldn’t refuse a ride to them notwithstanding the other forty healthy kids also impacted by contagion. The prevailing attitude among school administrators was that these unfortunates were probably better off at school than at home.

Sad but true. Sadder still it represents the fact that we have lost nearly all mechanisms, much less the moral ground, in society, outside the courts and social services, for holding anyone accountable for their actions. With the backlog of cases overwhelming society’s social safety net, the courts and social agencies have been transformed into just another tax­ collection arm of the state.

Talking to a woman who railed against our state’s governor for not spending more on education I asked her this question: “Have you been in a classroom lately?” Surprised she said, “No, why do you ask?” “I’m pretty sure you’d find we’ve reduced our teachers to daycare providers by making them responsible for raising nearly unteachable, unruly human beings. It might give you perspective and change your conviction that more money isn’t always the right answer. Although you couldn’t pay me enough to do what we demand our teachers do today.”

Thus we come to our border situation. People who no longer hold the view that the family is the most important building block of society; who encourage sperm donors and womb suppliers to have no other responsibility than producing democratic voters living off the declining industry of others are running government agencies bent on overwhelming the system.

If we refuse to demand people be responsible for their own lives in this country, how can we demand that other countries be responsible for their own citizens?

I asked my 12 year old granddaughter what she’d think if her parents agreed with others in their community that Michigan was no longer a viable place to raise kids. So they pack you on a bus and ship you to Canada, not knowing where you’ll end up and what will happen to you?

“I would think something was wrong with my parents,” she replied. Oh that the wise would have the mind of a child…

How is the influx of tens of thousands of unaccompanied children the USA’s problem? How is it moral to not hold these children’s parents and governments accountable for the welfare of their OWN children? If my kids break into my neighbor’s house, who in their right mind would accuse my neighbor of being un­compassionate for not wanting them to take up residence in their house fully expecting my neighbor to feed and clothe them while I’m slacking in my parental duties!?

There I go again, assuming people running our government have a right mind. Clearly it is a left mind. The emotional side, not the logical side. However, much more is at stake than a false argument of compassion vs discompassion. It is
a fundamental debate on the nature of society and the protection of the primary building blocks of a strong country. Namely families. Specifically families comprised of a father and mother dedicated to their own children’s welfare.

But when the two most powerful Saul Alinsky disciples ­whom many are coming to realize as the most diabolical influence in American history­ Barack & Hillary, hold sway over the administration of billions of taxpayer dollars that they can discriminately use to advance their world­without­borders­it­takes­a­village agenda, the first essential border thrown on the ash heap of history is family.

It is, after all, a “distraction from the greater work of triumphing over nature and establishing utopia!”

Reality is truly becoming stranger than fiction!