The Patriot Post® · Enough Is Enough

By Dale R. Gamble ·

When are the American people going to finally pull their heads out of the sand, or whatever other orifice they may have their heads in, and demand the resignation of Barack Hussein Obama? When is there going to be a collective cry from the American people that enough is enough? We have got to get some real leadership in the White House, and we’ve got to do it now. As a nation, we cannot afford to wait until a real leader can take over in January of 2017.

Barack Obama has done nothing “presidential” in the last six years. Absolutely nothing!! There are those useful idiots out there who will attempt to cite some accomplishment on his part, but they can come up with nothing that could be considered “presidential” in nature. Anything he has done has been done in a dictatorial fashion sanctioned by the Socialist Democrat Party.

The United States of America is on the verge of collapse. The Islamic State has declared war on the United States and Mr. Obama is playing golf. Why? It is because he does not know how to do his job. I know I’ve made this argument in previous commentaries that I have written, but it cannot be overstated. There has never been a more incompetent, unqualified person holding the Office of the President of the United States. It is particularly painful for me to associate the name Barack Obama with the title of Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces. He doesn’t even know the definition of the word command.

A barbaric British Muslim who has joined the Islamic State terrorists cuts the head off of an innocent American photojournalist, and Obama’s reaction is nothing more than to make a statement similar to a childish, “Naughty, naughty. That was not nice” whereupon, he immediately returned to the golf course. ISIS declared war on the United States and the U.S. Government remained on vacation. I wonder what Obama and Congress is going to do when the next beheading is released on the Internet. You can bet that it is going to happen. James Foley was not the only American being held captive by these barbarians.

I can fully understand and appreciate those Americans who have no desire to see American troops back on the ground in Iraq. I have no desire to see additional American lives lost in a war that we had already won until Obama came into power. However, we must look at the whole picture and be realistic in our thinking. If this terrorism is ever going to be stopped, it is inevitable that we will have to go back to war. Maybe we don’t need “boots on the ground” today, but we damn sure need to be putting “bombs on the ground” today. We should be bombing the hell out of northern Iraq and what used to be Syria. Put people back to work by increasing the production of weaponry and unleash a world of hurt on ISIS. The compassionate, progressive, methodologies that have been used since World War II have not worked. The United States military did not lose the war in Vietnam. The United States Government lost that war because they consistently gave in to political correctness.

Please don’t overlook the fact that I identified the individual responsible for murdering James Foley as a British Muslim. The Islamic State terrorists are made up of Muslims from across the globe. Do not be surprised when an American Muslim commits the next act of terror. Whether it takes place in Iraq, Syria, Indonesia, or on the streets of an American city, it is going to happen.

I hear the likes of Bob Beckel, the Liberal on Fox News Channel’s “The Five,” arguing that ISIS is not a threat to the United States and I cringe. Bob, are you really that idiotic? What is it going to take for you and those of your ilk to come to a sense of reality? I suggest that there are ISIS terrorists covertly operating within the United States right now, and their numbers are increasing on a daily basis. What is even worse is the fact that the United States Government is complicit in facilitating the expansion of the terror group in America.

The U.S. Government is complicit in the expansion of the terrorist reign simply because it is doing nothing to stop them. In fact, with the porous, open border between Mexico and the United States you can be assured that ISIS factions are coming through that border like water through a sieve. One would have to be excessively stupid and gullible to believe that ISIS is not linking up with the Mexican drug cartel(s) to expand its operation.

Once again, I make a plea to the American people to wake up and demand the resignation of Barack Obama. Take the time to educate yourselves about this man. He is not a Christian. He is Anti-American in his thinking and actions. He is destroying our Constitutional form of government. It will soon be too late to stop him and the goons he has put in place within the government. We are being destroyed from within.