The Patriot Post® · 'Againsters'

By William Stoecker ·

Almost everyone claims to be for something, in favor of something. Commonly people will say they are for health, freedom, human rights, or scientific and technological progress. Some people who are politically oriented will claim to be in favor of freedom or equality, or for the “rights” of certain self-styled minority groups, people who usually claim to be oppressed or persecuted or discriminated against. And yet a good many political and/or religious activists are not really for anything. They are against certain policies and certain people, and are best defined as “againsters.”

Radical feminists claim that women are a persecuted majority, victims of a tyrannical patriarchy, and they claim to be the protectors of women’s rights. They claim that oppression of women is the foundation for all other forms of oppression. They oppose standard, traditional gender roles, insisting that women can be firefighters or Navy SEALs, for example. But a close examination of the deeds and even the less guarded words of many radical feminist groups reveals the opposite. They are in most cases opposed to marriage and the traditional nuclear family. They are “for” unlimited, tax funded abortion on demand, which really means that they are against babies, against life itself. And their hypocrisy has to be seen to be believed. Feminists heavily supported Bill Clinton, who was unfaithful to his wife and used his Presidential power and prestige to make sexual servants of young female interns like Monica Lewinsky and Mary Mahoney (she was shot dead shortly after telling friends and family about her affair with Clinton). Feminists never condemn Islam, and support leftist politicians who regularly praise Islam as a “religion of peace,” conveniently ignoring the Islamic oppression of women, including stonings and “honor” killings. Take away the feminists’ hatred of men and of babies, and there isn’t much left.

Black militants like Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, and Jessie Jackson claim that virtually all Whites are racists, and that Blacks, who get welfare, housing subsidies, and free education, and who benefit from affirmative action, are “oppressed.” Militant Blacks founded the Black Panthers in 1969; the original organization had pretty much died out by 1972, but in 1989 the New Black Panthers were founded. The Nation of Islam was founded in 1930 in Detroit, and it, too, gradually faded away until Louis Farrakhan created a new organization with the same name in 1978, which he still leads today. The militants claim to be for the “rights” of “oppressed” Blacks, but support the Democrat Party, which was the pro-slavery party before and during the Civil War, and then the party of Jim Crow and the Klan, before becoming the source of the free welfare handouts (a vote-buying scheme) that have destroyed the Black family and turned many inner city Blacks into parasites and criminals who prey on one another even more than they prey on Whites. And the Democrats support Planned Parenthood, founded by racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger, an organization that has placed most of its abortion mills in Black neighborhoods and has conducted an appalling genocide of unborn Black infants. Many Black militants favor Islam, despite the fact that Muslims traded in Black slaves long before Europeans did, and continued doing so long after America and the European nations had abolished slavery. And many Black militants are anti-Semitic, despite the fact that Jews were always prominent in the Civil Rights movement. In fact, Black militants seem to adore everyone who has harmed Blacks and hate everyone who tries to tell them the truth…that their problems are largely self-inflicted. They are against Whites and Jews, and for…what?

Homosexuals and Lesbians (and many, perhaps most radical feminists are lesbians) are now claiming to be a “persecuted minority.” As early as 1924 homosexuals founded the Chicago Society for Human Rights, and in 1948 Alfred Kinsey published Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, claiming that homosexuality was widespread (the homosexuals have consistently exaggerated their numbers) and that it (along with lesbian sex, child sex, and promiscuity in general ) was perfectly healthy, normal behavior. Kinsey, himself bisexual, conducted his “scientific study” by interviewing mostly perverts and porn stars; he helped to undermine morals in our country and set the stage for today’s welfare state, with its high illegitimacy rates. In 1951 militant homosexual Harry Hay founded the Mattachine Society, and in 1969 the homosexuals staged the Stonewall Riots at the Stonewall Inn in New York City. In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association removed sexual perversion from its list of mental disorders. In 1993 the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy was adopted by the US military, and today even open homosexuals and lesbians are allowed to join. And now we have homosexual and lesbian “marriage” being forced down our throats, generally by the decrees of unelected, unaccountable judges. Yet the perverts, no matter what concessions are given to them, are never satisfied, always claiming “persecution” and always demanding more. It is becoming increasingly obvious that they are not for the rights of an oppressed minority, but against marriage, the family, and Judeo-Christian morality.

Environmentalists claim to be for the protection of nature and a healthy ecosystem, and many of them are, and these are worthy goals. But the leaders of the “green” movement are committed againsters. Like Black and homosexual militants and radical feminists, they are never satisfied, always demanding more. The Sierra Club opposes drilling for oil at sea, fracking (there is no evidence of ground water contamination caused by fracking), and drilling in protected ecosystems north of Alaska’s Brooks Range. They also oppose nuclear power, despite the fact that it produces no pollution, and despite the fact that Three Mile Island and the Ukrainian and Japanese nuclear reactor meltdowns never produced the global catastrophes that the extremists had predicted, and despite the fact that inherently safe reactor designs now exist. They also oppose more hydroelectric power. All of this forces us to rely on the one remaining viable energy source: coal. So of course they have invented the global warming lie, which, with their control of academia and the media, they shout as loudly as possible, over and over. Caught covering up or even falsifying data, the radical environmentalists simply double down and scream more loudly, even calling for the execution of all who dare oppose them. It is clear that they are not for the environment, but against energy production and against prosperity for the masses. In fact, leading environmentalists have referred to Mankind as a plague on the Earth, and called for sudden and drastic reductions of the population (we know what that means) and even the outright extermination of our species. The UN’s own official Wild Lands Project map clearly shows their plan to limit Mankind to areas too small for watershed and food production, let alone timber, metals, and fossil fuels. It’s instructive to see them come out of the closet and reveal their real agenda.

When it comes to the title of the ultimate againsters, the Muslims can give the eco-Nazis a good run for their money. Founded between 610 and 632 A.D. by the mass murderer and child rapist Muhammad, the religion’s Koran openly calls for Jihad and clearly defines it as a war against everyone else, and Islam has been waging this war against all of us for some 1,400 years. ISIS is merely the latest manifestation of this demonic death cult, whose members have committed almost every act of terrorism for the last forty years. Not a day goes by without more bombings and other mass murders of helpless, innocent victims, and more “honor killings.” Honor is to a Muslim as poetry is to a cockroach. Yet the same controlled media who support all the other againsters also tells us over and over that Islam is a “religion of peace.” And that is true, for cemeteries are very quiet.

All of these movements, ultimately, are death cults: spreading AIDS, butchering unborn babies, collapsing economies, and conducting a “holy war” that is as unholy as it is possible to be. And, tying them all together, supporting them, attempting to justify them, is the political left. The ultimate agenda is anti-morality, anti-family, anti-freedom, anti-prosperity, anti-life, and anti-human.