The Patriot Post® · Is Impeachment the Final Card?

By Mike Chambers ·

I now know at least a hint of the twisted stomach pains the Founders must have felt when they sought, fought, and many died for, the Revolution against England. They realized, through their words and actions, they would indeed risk their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.”

As some NSA/IRS/FBI critter reads this, I appeal to my fellow American Congressmen and women, both Republican and Democrat:

Impeach President Obama.

Impeachment has created a firestorm in American history twice, with Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, and threatened Richard Nixon. Johnson and Clinton avoided the political guillotine, Nixon retreated.

According to a CNN/ORC International poll last fall, 33 percent of Americans believed it was time to try again – I would wager the number now is even higher.

The case to impeach Barack Obama is long, (some have written books on the subject) including: Unauthorized bombing of Libya, IRS targeting of political opponents (the mere thought of such an abuse of power by Nixon was enough to threaten the action in ‘74), the cover up of four American deaths in Benghazi, changing laws at a whim without Congressional input (Obamacare, dozens of times), and the changing of numerous immigration laws (deportations, for example, have all but ended) which has now lead to an invasion of our nation. We now face massive new spending, gang bangers, disease, and the threat of more terrorist infiltration – at a time the “junior varsity” ISIS team is decapitating hundreds and publishing hit lists of our American servicemen and women.

ISIS was created by the avoidable vacuum left in Iraq and Afghanistan, leading to the current chaos – and now the Muslim Brotherhood has been invited to the White House, becoming the knife twisted inside the body politic.

And we “negotiate” with Iran, potentially throwing nuclear bombs on the fire of the Middle East.

Consider - a deserter was traded for five Taliban “generals.” Thankfully, the military justice system is trying to right the wrong, but I doubt if we will get the generals back.

Fidel is o.k. – more cigars, tourism, sugar…but no freedom, no stand for liberty or truth.

Our enemies no longer fear us – our allies (Israel in particular) do not trust us – and who can blame them when the State Department spends 350 thousand taxpayer dollars trying to oust Bibi Netanyahu through political operatives?

Add the abuses of EPA regulations, along with spending and borrowing that, unabated, will surely lead up to an economic Armageddon.

But most importantly - our foundation – the U.S. Constitution – has been broken.

Even leading liberal Georgetown university law professor Jonathan Turley has admitted “The danger is quite severe. (President Obama) is becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid…the concentration of power.”

Who cares? Is not the 2016 Presidential election about to get underway?

Because, at this rate, a new President will not matter.

5 million new democratic “voters” will be on board (perhaps with mandatory voting, although this administration resists any security protecting the sanctity of the vote), our medical system will be beyond life support, the internet will no longer be free, businesses will continue to flee our nation, and we will be fully “transformed” into a leveling with the rest of the third-rate nations of the globe.

Perhaps Impeachment will not rid us of this President. Clinton survived, did he not?

But note Bill Clinton did not pass one more major initiative during his remaining time in office after his sordid story was told. Clinton left DNA – Obama has left a trail of verifiable un-American acts. And he still has more than a year to wreak havoc.

I am willing to bet my life, fortune, and scared honor that, should the full story of Barack Hussein Obama’s last six years in office come to full light during an Impeachment trial, new abuses could be stopped, or at least slowed, as well.

Expect no help from the media, - no surprise – but Impeachment would force coverage and the light of truth. The American people may be slow, but we are not stupid.

Republicans have refused to use the power of the purse in this poker game, betting all the chips the nation could ride this President out. Their avoidance has left no option but this final play.

And Democrats should note - the abuses this President has fostered can be used against you in the future as well. What “goes around, comes around.” Maybe a future republican President would ignore or change, say, capital gains laws, or abortion rights, ignoring the rule of law and the wish of Americans. Should that happen, I promise to stand with you (assuming we still can) in opposing such usurpations of power by the “pen and telephone.”

Nixon, reading the other players at the table, had the honor to leave the game before his final cards were drawn.

Would President Obama do likewise?

Make this final raise, Congress – if you truly take your oath of office to heart - and pray for the Republic.